his file of the formation of the DUNGANNON, COUNTY TYRONE, BRUNSWICK CONSTITUTIONAL CLUB IN 1828 forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy (cotyroneireland.com) A complete list of records pertaining to COUNTY TYRONE SOCIETIES, GROUPS & ORGANISATIONS on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
***Brunswick Clubs were formed by Protestants concerned at the implications of Catholic Emancipation which was granted in 1828***
Extracted from the Dublin Evening Post October 24 1828
At a numerous and respectable Meeting of the Protestant Inhabitants of the Town and Neighbourhood of Dungannon, held on Friday, the 17th October, in the Court-house of said Town for the purpose of forming a Brunswick Constitutional Club, Auxiliary to the County Club –
The Hon. Andrew Godfrey Stuart, in the Chair, the following resolutions were unanimously agreed to:
Moved by the Rev. R. Horner, seconded by Robert Evans, Esq. –
1 st Resolution “That while we disclaim all hostility to our Roman Catholic Countrymen, we are determined to support inviolate our Protestant Constitution, and for this purpose we propose to form a Club to be denominated the Dungannon Branch of the Brunswick Constitutional Club, Auxiliary to the County Club.”
Moved by Edward Evans, Esq., seconded by John Stuart Murray, Jun., Esq. –
2nd Resolution – “That such persons as are now present, and agree to the foregoing resolution, be Members of the Club, together with such others as we have already signified their desire to have their names enrolled; and that any persons hereafter desirous of becoming a member, be admissible upon the recommendation of three of the Committee.”
Moved by George E. Stuart, Esq., seconded by John S. Murray, Esq. –
3rd Resolution – “That it is the bounded duty of every Protestant to stand forward in support of the Protestant Ascendancy, and to make every sacrifice, however great, which the emergency may demand for preservation of the Constitution as established at the glorious Revolution of 1688.”
Moved by Andrew Newton, Esq., seconded by William Davidson, Esq. –
4th Resolution – ‘That this Club be governed by a president, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Committee of Management: - That the Hon. A.G. Stuart be requested to accept the office of President, and that Edward Evans, Esq., Rev. R.N. Horner, Rev. Edmund H. Knox, Rev. Robert Evans, George E. Stewart, John Shuter, Esq., and James Scott, Esq., be Vice-Presidents with power to add to their number – That the Rev. Henry Greene be Secretary and William Dawson, Esq., Treasurer; and that the following gentlemen be the Committee, with power to add to their number, viz. –
Name Name Robert EVANS, Esq. John SINCLAIR, Esq. John S. MURRAY, Jun., Esq. W. K. HOLMES, Esq. John IRWIN, Esq. Charles S. MONCK, Esq. Rev. Andrew WILSON Surgeon McCLEAN John DICKSON, Esq. Mr. John McILROY Andrew NEWTON, Esq. Mr. James IRWIN Samuel DAVIDSON, Esq. Mr. Robert SMYTH, Esq. Joshua WILCOCKS, Esq. Mr. Thomas IRWIN Captain S. SPEARE
Moved by Joshua Wilcocks, Esq., seconded by Rev. Andrew Wilson –
5th Resolution – “That in order to give every Protestant an opportunity of defending the Constitution at this momentous crisis, the subscriptions of each member on admission be from 2s. to £1 annually, to be paid in advance on or before the 1st of November in each year: and that the Officers of the Club shall meet on the first Monday in each month to transcript business”
Moved by Rev. Henry Green, seconded by Mr. Pattyson –
6th Resolution – “ That it is the duty of the members of the Club to impress on the lower classes of Protestants the necessity of abstaining from offence or insult in their language and behaviour.”
Moved by John Irwin, Esq., seconded by Lieutenant Monck-
“That the chairman do leave the Chair, and that the same be taken by Edward Evans, Esq.”
7th – Resolved – “That the thanks of this meeting are due, and are hereby given to the Hon. A.G. Stuart, for his very proper and dignified conduct in the Chair”
Moved by Mr. John McIlroy, seconded by Mr. Thomas Irwin –
8th Resolution – “That the proceedings of the meeting be published in the Dublin Evening Mail and Guardian Newspapers.
Edward Evans, Chairman
Further records for DUNGANNON & DRUMGLASS PARISH, COUNTY TYRONE can be found at:
Drumglass Parish (Dungannon) Records, County Tyrone
Further records for County Tyrone Groups and Organisations are located here:
Groups and Organisations, County Tyrone
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