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Cholera in Strabane, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland Reports & Subscription Lists 1832

Extracted from the Strabane Morning Post (Strabane & West Ulster in the 1800s – Faye L. Logue)
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

This file of the effects of CHOLERA IN STRABANE IN 1832 AND A SUBSCRIPTION LIST forms part of the vast archive of 3,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to the CHOLERA EPIDEMIC & THE GREAT FAMINE on this website can be found at the foot of this file.

Strabane, County Tyrone, Fever Hospital The Workhouse in Strabane, Co. Tyrone

Extracted from the Strabane Morning Post (Strabane & West Ulster in the 1800s – Faye L. Logue)

Tuesday, August 14, 1832


At a Meeting of the Board of Health held at the Town-Hall of Strabane yesterday, it was proposed by Mr. Stevenson, and seconded by Mr. Orr, that Mr. Isaac Graham be appointed Secretary, which was carried unanimously. It appearing that Cholera had broken out at Bundoran and Ballyshannon, a distance from Strabane of about 32 miles, and at Monaghan, a distance of 40 miles; and from frequent intercourse with those places, it is apprehended it may break out at Strabane. It was resolved, that an application be made to Government for a Grant of 200 Pounds, to be lodged at the Branch of the Bank of Ireland in Londonderry, for the purpose of cleansing the houses, removing nuisances, preventing travelling beggars, providing fuel, straw, and nourishment, for the poor of the District, and for the purchase of Blankets and Bedding for the Fever Hospital. The town of Strabane containing nearly 5000 inhabitants, and the District extending to a distance of about five miles in each direction, thickly inhabited, and containing three considerable villages. Ordered, That the town be divided into the following Districts:-

1. Market House to Dispensary, Barrack-street, up to the cross lane above, Mrs. Walker’s in Clabermore, with the cross lanes between Meeting House street and Barrack street.

2. Market-House street, Bowling Green, Butchers’ street, Shaw’s lane, Back street, Church street, Patrick street, New Town, New street, and Castle street.

3. Market-House to foot of town, Bridgend, Bridge street, Ballycolman Lane, so far as Dr. Leney’s Garden, Mail Coach Road, so far as Toll-Gate, Urney Road, so far as Castletown burn.

Commissioners appointed to inspect:

No. 1. Rev. Stewart Hamilton, Mr. Smyth, and Mr. Stevenson, assisted by R. Holmes, and J. Wilson.

No. 2. Mr. Orr, Capt. Wade, and Dr. Leney, assisted by John Baird and John Maguire.

No. 3. Sir J. J. Burgoyne, Dr. Stewart, and Mr. Morton, assisted by D. Cook, and C. Maxwell. Ordered, That the Board shall meet each Monday at eleven o’clock, and that each Member who shall absent himself without sufficient cause, shall be fined five shillings. Ordered, That Dr. Stewart, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Morton, Mr. Smyth, and Mr. Graham, do prepare an Address to the inhabitants, and have same published immediately

Tuesday, August 28, 1832

CHOLERA. It is with deep regret we have to state, that, since our last publication, this alarming disease has made its appearance in this town. On Tuesday last, Mrs. McCormick, wife of Mr. Joseph McCormick, was taken suddenly ill, and visited by Drs. Stewart, Leney, and Surgeon Sproull, who, at the meeting of the Board of Health that day, pronounced the case to be one of decided Cholera. We have to lament, however, that the same ignorant and foolish prejudices which existed in other places, had also taken root among the people here, and to those may be mainly attributed the spread of the disease which has since occurred. A universal cry was raised against the existence of Cholera, and numbers of persons crowded into the house of the patient, and their advice prevailing over that of the Doctors, their prescriptions and advise were neglected, and Mrs. M’Cormick having lingered till Friday morning, fell a victim to the disease. On Thursday, a boy, named Mullan, took ill; but the house was shut against the Doctors and the Members of the Board of Health; and it was not till twelve o’clock that night, when the father of the boy who had been from home returned, that the medical aid was administered; the disease, however, was then so far advanced, that notwithstanding every exertion of the medical men, he has since fallen a victim to the disease. The mother in law, and a daughter of Mrs. McCormick, have since died; the child’s illness was concealed till past medical aid. A sister of Mrs. M’Cormick has since been ill with the same disease, but medical aid having been promptly administered, she is now, we are happy to say, in a fair way of recovery. A person named Oliver Boyd, a very infirm old man., was discovered on Saturday last, in the last stage of the disease, his friends having totally concealed his illness, and when the medical gentlemen obtained admittance, he was sitting at the fire side, to which he had been dragged, lest they should imagine anything was the matter with him. The most prompt and active measures have been taken by the Board of Health to put a stop to contagion, and to dispel such ignorant and unfounded prejudices. 450 Drs. Patterson and Mitchell Jun. have been especially appointed to attend all persons who may call upon them. Report of the Strabane Board of Health

Monday, August 27 (Ten o’clock A. M.): Total cases, 9; deaths 4; remaining, 5


Tuesday, September 4, 1832

CHOLERA. We have much pleasure in stating that the progress of Cholera in this town since our last publication has been very slight, only one death having occurred during that period; indeed towards the end of last week, strong hopes were entertained of its total disappearance. Two cases however, were reported on Sunday, both of whom are now in a fair way of recovery; and one yesterday, of which we understand, an unfavourable opinion is entertained. too much credit cannot be given to the gentlemen who compose the Board of Health, who have, by their unwearied exertions, placed the inhabitants of this town under a lasting debt of gratitude. The exertions of the medical gentlemen have been also most unceasing, and their treatment always attended with success when applied to in the earlier stages of the disease. The prejudices of the people appear to be considerably removed, and patients are freely allowed to be sent to the Cholera Hospital. On the whole the inhabitants of this town have reason of the deepest gratitude to that Providence which has hitherto so mercifully spared them, whilst other towns have been so severely and dreadfully visited. The following are the daily reports of the Board since our last, taken at ten o’clock each day: Tuesday, August 28. –

Remaining at last Report 3; New Cases 2; Dead 0; Recovered 0; Remaining 5; Total Cases 11; Deaths 4.

WEDNESDAY, August 29. - Remaining at last Report 5; New Cases 2; Died 0; Recovered 1; Remaining 6. Cases 13; Deaths 4.

THURSDAY, August 30. - Remaining at last Report 6; New Cases 2; Dead 1; Recovered 2; Remaining 5. Cases 15; Deaths 5.

FRIDAY, August 31 - Remaining at last Report 5; New Cases 0; Dead 0; Recovered 2; Remaining 3. Cases 15; Deaths 5.

SATURDAY, September 1. - Remaining at last Report 3; New Cases 0; Died 0; Recovered 1; Remaining 2; Cases 15; Deaths 5.

SUNDAY, September 2. - Remaining at last Report 2; New Cases 2; Died 0; Recovered 1; Remaining 3; Cases 17; Died 5.

MONDAY, September 3 --- Remaining at last Report 3; New Cases 1; died 0; recovered 1; remaining 3. Total cases from commencement 18; Deaths 5.

Since the above was in type, Philip McSorley, whose case was reported yesterday morning, has expired. This was the most violent case which has yet occurred here; the deceased, a young man about 20 years of age was apparently in his usual health on Sunday evening; about half past eight o’clock he was suddenly attacked with vomiting and other symptoms, and expired yesterday (Monday) about two o’clock. He was buried at half past four o’clock the same evening. The greatest possible attention was paid to him in his own house, but his friends would not consent to his removal to hospital.

October 9 1832


Donor Amount
John James Burgoyne £10 0 0
Corporation £20 0 0
William Orr £5 0 0
Stewart Hamilton £5 0 0
William Stewart £5 0 0
William Stevenson £2 10 0
Mrs. Skipton £5 0 0
Mrs. Scott £2 0 0
Samuel Colhoun £5 0 0
Lady Burgoyne £5 0 0
Captain Wade £2 0 0
James Sinclair £5 0 0
Samuel Morton £2 0 0
David Smyth £2 10 0
Robert Hume £5 0 0
Mrs. Fyffe £2 0 0
James Jones £5 0 0
Theophilus Jones £2 10 0
Miss Jones £2 10 0
Theobald Jones £2 10 0
Lady Galbraith £5 0 0
Mrs. Stanhope £2 0 0
Miss Galbraith £1 0 0
Miss J. Galbraith £1 0 0
Mrs. Thomas Black £2 0 0
J. Smith, Gallony £3 0 0
Robert Brown £1 0 0
Thomas Brown £1 0 0
Wm. Ramsay £1 0 0
Wm. Gamble £1 0 0
John Anderson £1 0 0
Joseph Henderson £1 0 0
Hugh Hamilton £1 0 0
Carroll and Gray £1 0 0
Wm. Gwynn £1 0 0
Edward Edie £1 0 0
Isaac Graham £1 0 0
William Doherty £1 0 0
Joseph McKee £1 0 0
Dr. Leney £1 0 0
Alexander White £1 0 0
George McCarter £1 0 0
Samuel Hughes £1 0 0
T. and J. Graham £1 0 0
Daniel Wauchob £1 0 0
Andrew Blair £1 0 0
William and P. Boyle £1 0 0
Dr. Mitchell £1 0 0
William Thompson £1 0 0
Leslie Gault £1 0 0
R. and J. Hamilton £1 0 0
William Elliott £1 0 0
Lighton Warnock £1 0 0
Samuel Mathewson £0 10 0
James Wilson £0 10 0
Cowper Walker £0 5 0
Francis Larmour £0 10 0
Nicholas Sims £0 10 0
John Smith £0 10 0
James McIntosh £0 5 0
William Turner £0 10 0
Edward McKinny £0 5 0
Mrs. Boyd £ 0 10 0
Barton Whyte £0 10 0
Robert Scott £1 0 0
Edward Atkinson £1 0 0
John McCrea £1 0 0
Arthur McHugh £1 0 0
Robert Gordon £0 10 0
Daniel Cooke £1 0 0
Major Semple £1 0 0
Mrs. Gill £0 5 0
Robert Holmes £1 0 0
Wm. Glasse £1 0 0
John George Smyly £3 3 0
Rev. William Knox £3 3 0
Rev. C. Douglas £2 0 0
Robert Hannah £0 10 0
Rev. Charles Allen £0 10 0
Rev. Mr. Conroy £1 0 0
Edward Joyce, Esq. £1 0 0
B. G. Humphrey, Esq. £2 0 0
J. Stewart, Esq. £1 1 0
Rev. William Mulligan £2 0 0
Mrs. Mulligan £1 0 0
Sir Hugh Stewart, Bart., M.P. £5 0 0
Colonel Barnard £10 0 0
John Fenton £5 0 0
Miss Blair £2 2 0
Hugh McCrossan £0 10 0



Strabane Morning Post, Tuesday, October 16 1832

The cholera still continues on the decline, and in consequence business has greatly improved during the past week – indeed we hope, in a few days the panic caused will have completely subsided

Date New Cases Died Recovered Remaining
Oct 23 4 1 5 20
Oct 24 7 2 5 20
Oct 25 5 1 0 24
Oct 26 4 0 8 20
Oct 27 5 0 3 22
Oct 28 3 1 0 24
Oct 29 3 0 5 22

Total Cases from commencement, 441; Deaths, 97

Subscriptions for the Relief of Families of those who have died of Cholera in the Strabane District:

Subscriptions already acknowledged £189.6.0


Donor Amount
J. W. Johnston, Esq., Provincial Bank £5.0.0
Lord Bishop of Derry £20.0.0


There have been only one or two cases since our last publication

Strabane Morning Post, Tuesday, November 6, 1832

To the Editor of the Strabane Morning Post.

Philip Loughry, a lighterman, was attacked by Cholera, at Castlefin (between three and four o’clock, as I am informed) on the morning of the 27th ult. in the house of James Harkin, and, as stated truly “the poor man was sent off in a small open boat to Lifford” a distance by water of nearly six miles. He reached Lifford at 3 o’clock, p.m. so 12 hours therefore had elapsed from the time he was attacked. What portion of that time he was in the boat I know not; but I suppose he must have been on the water many hours. I need scarcely observe that exposure to cold for any length of time is in any such cases of fatal consequence. When he was brought to Lifford, the tide of life was ebbing fast - all hope of recovery extinct. - The subjoined testimony of Dr. Hendrick, who visited him, immediately upon his arrival, (as did also Dr. Greer) and gave him medicine, will shew, that he was not “getting into the collapsed stage during the time he remained at Lifford” (as asserted); but had far advanced in it before he reached the town. This is important, in as much as it proves, that the charge of inhumanity attaches not so much to Lifford as to Castlefin; and that if the blood of the unfortunate man ought to rest anywhere, it ought to be upon the heads of the inhabitants of the latter place. At the same time, I by no means seek to exonerate the inhabitants of the former from their share of “inhumanity” in the transaction. With regret, I am constrained to acknowledge, that I never witnessed a more wretched exhibition of cold, calculating, heartless selfishness, than I did upon that occasion. The moment I heard of the case, I directed immediate steps to be taken for Loughry’s admission into our hospital, had blankets, &c. sent from the store, and ordered the cot to be brought down. On my way from my own house to the bridge, I met a man, named Donald Scanlon, who informed me, that “the people of Lifford would not suffer him to be removed through the town.” My reply was, “I will take him to the hospital with the police; and, if necessary, will apply to a magistrate for military aid.” When I reached the bridge, I found a number of the inhabitants of the working-class assembled, and by their looks, gestures, and language, at once saw, that my object could not be effected without a serious struggle, which would be witnessed and felt by the dying man, and probably hasten his dissolution. Knowing also from previous conversation with Dr. Hendrick, that his case was a hopeless one, I felt satisfied, that the difference of distance between the Hospitals was of no moment. I therefore dispatched a messenger with a note, by which I requested his admission into the Hospital at Strabane; to which an answer was IMMEDIATELY returned ~~ “Send him over, and we will receive him. ”Some delay occurred in getting the cot ready, in consequence of one of the bearers having refused to act; it was, however, brought down, he was removed DIRECTLY from the boat to it, and so to Strabane, where he arrived about six o’clock.

The statement, that “the unfortunate lighterman was laid on the strand on some straw,” is altogether incorrect. It is true that “he was brought in the boat to the Tyrone side of the river,” but simply for this reason, that the banks of the river on the Donegal side are steep, and consequently there would have been a difficulty in removing him from the boat to the cot, whilst the Tyrone side has a beach perfectly level and smooth, but he was never on the beach

A charge is made that “some members of the Board of Health refused to let him be taken to the Hospital “the word” is vague and indefinite, applicable to many or to a few. Now, eleven of the thirteen members of the Board knew no more of the transaction than of what was going on in Constantinople at that time, and might be as justly charged with what was then passing in that city. The twelfth heard of it previous to Loughry’s removal, but not until after my arrangements had been made for his being taken to Strabane. My conduct in the affair was in no respect guided or influenced by him. For the course I pursued, forced by necessity, I alone am responsible ~~ the necessity was a melancholy one, but one for which no member of the Board is accountable


P.S. You are at perfect liberty to give my name to anyone who may seek to know it. I subjoin a resolution of the Board, and Dr. Hendrick’s statement:

Board-Room, Lifford.

Resolved, That having taken into consideration the case of Philip Loughry, sent from Castlefin to Lifford, in the collapsed stage of Cholera, and from thence removed to the Hospital at Strabane, it appears to us, that in consequence of the opposition made by the inhabitants of Lifford to his removal to the Hospital of our District, the Rev. Mr. Clarke, the only Member of the Board who was on the spot at the time of his arrival, was perfectly justified by necessity, in requesting his admission into the Hospital at Strabane; and therefore, his proceedings on that occasion have our full approbation.

JAMES SINCLAIR, Chairman. I visited Philip Loughry immediately after his arrival at the bridge of Lifford, and administered medicine to him - he was then in the collapsed stage of Cholera. From the moment I saw him I considered his case hopeless, and that he had not many hours to live. I communicated the circumstance to the Rev. Mr. Clarke, the only member of the Board then in town, who, at once determined to have him removed to the Hospital of the district, but was prevented doing so by the determined opposition made by the people. I was also present and assisted him in the cot, to which he was removed directly from the boat – HE WAS NEVER ON THE STRAND

(Signed) JOHN HENDRICK M.D. Nov 3 1832


Subscriptions for the relief of the Families of those who have died of cholera in the Strabane District : Subscriptions already acknowledged £214 6 0

Donor Amount
Mr. James Adams, Strabane £1 0 0
Mr. Robert Campbell, ditto. £0 10 0
Robt. J. Walker, Esq. Market Drayton, Shropshire £1 0 0


December 4, 1832

THE CHOLERA. We feel happy in stating, that the Cholera has nearly disappeared from this town and neighbourhood. There have been only one or two cases since our last publication.

Further records for THE EFFECTS OF THE CHOLERA EPIDEMIC & THE GREAT FAMINE can be found at:

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