Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Abercorn Estate: Rental & Freeholds for the Manor of Strabane, Camus Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland 1794-1810

PRONI Ref: D623/C/4/7
Microfilm #1752224, Item 1 (DGS #007909368, starting at the beginning)
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Andrew Oler


Strabane Manor includes townlands within Ardstraw parish as well as lands leased in the town of Strabane. The Abercorn Rental book for Strabane Manor consists of 1) an index of tentants of Strabane town, 2) a summary section at the beginning of the Rental book, listing all leased plots, grouped by town/townland, with the initial tenant (in column "Tenants Names" below, and some penciled updates over time, represented in parentheses), and the yearly rent and 3) a detailed rental section which has one spread or folio (2 pages) per plot or tenant. The first page of the detailed rental spread lists details about the tenancy over time (e.g., if taken over by someone else, if the tenant acquires other leases, or if there are subtenants/cottiers on the property) and the second page lists when each biannual payment was made (usually due May and November each year). Note that some entries in the summary section have no tenant when the record was first created, and this is marked by "(z)". Names listed alongside this notation were presumably added over time. The names of additional tenants in the detailed rental pages are helpful for understanding who held the lease for the plot over time. Note that new tenant rental maps were created for the Manor of Strabane in 1806, so this can serve as a second source for comparison.

The detailed rental pages often refer to a number in an "old survey," which is referring to the 1777 maps. You can consult those maps for the location, size, and shape of the tract referred to (see LDS Microfilm #1885920, item 4). The three numbers following the "old survey" tract number (e.g., 8..0..20) refer to the size of the tract in acres, roods and perches. Sometimes I have included monetary values if it seems helpful for the context and those are sometimes listed as three numbers as well (e.g., £113:15:0 or £63..13), which correspond to pounds, shillings and pence. If there are 4 dots between two numbers that means there is no middle number, e.g., 12....39 mean 12 acres, 39 perches. In most cases, leases began in May or November 1794, though sometimes they began in 1793 or earlier. I've usually indicated the lease start date if not in 1794. Around May 1808 or sometimes 1807 or 1809, apparently new leases were set for most tracts; names listed at the end of the top section of each detail folio are usually the tenants present at that time. New maps were also drawn up in 1806 (see and name spellings were cross-referenced for overlapping names though original spelling from this document was retained. The bottom section of each left side detail folio lists cottiers present if any. Often people who are listed as cottiers are apparently later listed as tenants of the land. Many names on the detail page and especially the cottiers are usually abbreviated and often difficult to read or illegible so they were transcribed as much as possible, with question marks (?) in illegible sections of words or following names where I've given my best guess. Other names listed in the detail page e.g., names following or written above names that are crossed out) show evidence of changes in tenancy but the date of the change is not always given or apparent. Sometimes a reason for the change in tenancy is given (e.g., a tenant died) or implied (e.g., if the new tenant is a "Widow" with the same last name, it's implied her husband died at some point between 1794 and 1808). The detail pages also refer to various folio ("Fo" or "fol") numbers, which was for book-keeping purposes so the Irish agents only needed to keep track of rent for each tenant on one folio. If a tenant acquired land from other tenants, the folio for the previous tenant on that piece of land refers to the folio where the remainder of the rent payments were recorded for the new tenant. When a tract was split, a new folio was usually mentioned for the new tenant as well, though not always (sometimes payments were made jointly, and this is indicated on the right side of the folio, though not usually noted here unless additional names or important details are given).


Index for Rental of Strabane Town (DGS #007909368, images 5-21)

"1794 December 19th. This book made out from former arrear Books and shews an acurate state of the Rent and arears at the 29th September last. L.M.F."

Surname Given Name Folio
Allison James 412
Armstrong Gabth 442
Arbuckle Joseph 401
Brown Hugh 380
Beard Robt 381 [381 crossed out:] 404
Barnard Dean 409
Barclay John 380 .. 379
Bonner Chas 381 450
Burgoyne John 366
Beard Saml 385
Bonner David 400
Cuthbertson Robt 366
Conner Con 367
Casson Robt 371
Crawford Hugh 377 439
Crawford Revd Hugh 385
Cook Danl 386
Cowan Richd 387 373 432
Cuningham John 389
Corporation of Strabane   411
Carroll Arthur 413
Crawford Wm 430
Cooper John 431
Call Bryan 444
Cook John 451
Chambers Jno 407
Denning Monro 401
Dougherty Jas 453
Dougherty Danl 454
Erne Lord 390
Ector John 393
Elliott H 456
Fleming John 360 398 369
Fleming Robt 369
Fenton Robt 396
Fleming James 398
Fleming Patk 399 434
Fenton Benj. 418
Graham Thomas 378 395
Gregg Mrs 384
Gordon Wm & Aaron 423
Graham John 453
Hair Elizth 379
Hamilton James 394
Hamilton Claud 402
Holiday John 404
Herald Mr 405
Howard Michl 419
Hughes Michl 422 359
Hill Sir Hugh 429
Hunter James 457
Johnston John 406
Inch Mrs 441
Jamison Robt 443
Irvin G 365 410
Keys George 365
Knox Jas 403 424
Lyon John 356 397 443
Lyon George 357
Lindsy Saml 361 [361 crossed out:] 459
Lewis Joshua 391
Lyon James 397 445
Law Dr. [crossed out] 400 [crossed out]
Leater Pat 449
Lassley Moses 450
Lyon John 397
Leater Andw 456
McNeelance John 363
McCay Patrick 368
Mitchell Robt 376
Mease Wm 388
McSwine Miles 407 [407 crossed out:] 440
McAlpine Congm [Cunningham] 408
Mease Dr 410
McHugh Bryan 414
Marten Saml & Jno 415
McMackin Pat. 416
Maxwell Wm 417
McConenamy Bryan 448
McGillian James 451
McFarland Jas 452
Martin Hugh 455
McGonegal Jas 365
McDowal Saml 381
Moody John 404
Maccaddim [McAdam] Danl 449 446
McClenaghan Geo 384
McAuly Neal & pr 361
McClenaghan Chas 436
McCay James 458
Mulheron Wm 460
Neilson Wm 426
Orr James 364 437
Orr John 426
Pollock Edwd 374
Parkison Miss 421
Patton Thos 435
Perry Walter  
Ross William 362
Reed James 377
Ross Mrs 382
Rousse Mrs 443
Robinson Jno 414
Stewart John 370
Somervill Jno 373
Smyly Wm 375 436
Somervill James 383
Smyly Saml 392
Strabane Corporation   411
Scott Thos 420
Sinclair Alexr 425
Somervill Andw 427
Sproul Jas 428
Stevenson Jas 432
Smyly Edwd 437
Smyly Robt 438 437 392
Smyth Chas 446
Stevenson James 365
Spence John 372
Tagart Saml 399
Troan Jno 433
Tyrell Patk 454 361
Vance John 358
Vance Moses 359
White Wm 372
Wallace Jas 447
Wilson Wm 374
Young Thos 424 382


Rental Summary and Detailed Folios

Rental Summary book, pages numbered 1-19 (DGS #007909368, images 23-32) -- corresponding to first three columns below (i.e., Denominations, Tenants Names, Yearly Rent). Yearly rent rounded down to nearest £ for the tenant. Detailed Folios start after book page 19, with the folio numbering starting at 38 (two pages per folio) (DGS #007909368, images 35-486) -- corresponding to remaining columns below (i.e., Detail Folio Number, Additional names and notes from detail folio pages, Cottiers).  Detail folio pages in columns 4-6 were matched based on Denomination and Tenant Name from Rental Summary. (Note that the Denomination/townland is listed in the Detail Folio but not repeated here.)

"Rental of the Manor of Strabane as set from Novem 1787 for the term of Twenty one years"

Those marked thus (z) signed (or got) no Leases."

Denominations Tenants Names Yearly Rent Folio No. Additional names and notes from detail folio pages Cottiers from bottom of detail rental page
Ballaught [Ballought] Lower Ezekiel Evans 7 39 Ezekiel Evans, N[ovember 17]93; No 2 old survey Jas King 66....6; Now Ezl Evans 20..1..16; fol 40 Jas McSorley 15..3..11, fol 42 Jas Wason 29..3..19 Andw Canerck (?) [Carmichael?], Jno Patterson
... David Bracham (Jas McSorly) 7 40 David Bracham [crossed out]; Now Jas McSorley. No2 fol 39 15..3..11 Wm Cuningham
... William Knox (Jas Wason) 14 42 William Knox for Kings; Now Jas Wason; No 2 fol 39 29..3..19; now Wm Hamilton & Patk Brown of Glarrom (?) Andw McGhee, Alexr McGhee, Thomas White, Jno O'Hara
Ballaught [Ballought] Upper with part of Drumeagle & Concess David Hunter 37 41 David Hunter; with part of Drumeagle & Concess; No 1 old survey, D. Hunter 77..39 Jas Pollock, Michl Quin, Jas Brean, Fran[ci]s Kilpatrick, Wm Aark (?)
Ballaught [Ballought] South William Huston 6 43 William Huston; No 3 old survey Wm & E. Huston 27....22; E. Huston 1/2, fol 44 W. Huston 1/2  
... Ezekiel Huston 6 44 Ezekiel Huston; pt No 3, fol 43  
Ballyfolliott Cristopher Craig 10 46 David [Craig] for Cristr Craig. Shr? her (?) Be?nd; No 4 old survey Jas Richie 34....20; Now David Craig Dolty Bryce, Corick Gabriel, Jane Harper
... William Graham 10 47 William Graham ["William" crossed out; written above:] Jno [Graham] & Robt Graham. No 3 old survey Wm Graham 25..2..3. Jno & Robt Danl McHugh, a waste Horn (?)
... James Graham 5 48 James Graham. No 2 old survey Jas Graham 14..1..5 Dennis McTaughlin, Jno Brison
... James Love 13 49 James Love ["James" crossed out; written above:] Robt [Love] & Samuel Love. sons Robt & Samuel [Love]. No 1 old survey Jas Love 34..3..23. Now Robt & Saml. James Grant (?) [Ganita?], Andw Watson
... John Graham 18 50 John Graham. No 5 old survey John Graham 28....17 John Cairns
... Hugh Rush 10 51 Hugh Rush. J McLd Advanced (?) 4 ?, 21st June 99 for Daughter [previous part is exed out]. 11 Decr [17]98. Hu McCarter (Gortlogher). Patk McKaney. No 6 old survey Hu Rush 24..3..34. Now Patk McKinny, Bernard Bradly. "Has not taken out his Lease £2..5..6" Thomas McCormick
... William Evans 10 52 William Evans. No 7 Wm Evans old survey 24..3..25. Now Wm Evans, Robt Evans Saml Evans, Thomas Evans, Robt Evans
... Neal Kelly 5 53 Neal Kelly. Now Patk & Manasses Kelly. No 8 Walter Craig 25..2..24 Now Patk [Kelly] & Manasses Kelly 13..1..36. pt 54, pt No 8 & 9:10:11 Jas [Craig] & Robt Craig 12....28 Danil McLaughlin, John Brison
... Jas Craig 5 54 James Craig. 5..6..3 new lake, 8..10..0 old lease, 13..16..3 [total]. Now James & Robt Craig. fol 53 pt No 8 12....28, No 9 5..1..32, No 10 3....19, No 11 21....27. Edwd McGain, Sarah Turner, Chas Shoralagher (?)
... Jas Craig for a part of which 11 years of his Lease is unexpired from Novem 1787 8      
Ballymolarty [Ballymullarty] John Hill 4 55 John Hill [written above:] & Saml Hill. Alexr Long. No 1 old survey John & R. Hill 117..3..1. Now John Hill for Brian (?) G? & Saml. fol 56 Robt Hill. fol 57 Saml Hill ["fol 57 Saml Hill" crossed out] Hu Quin, Jas Daugherty
... Robert Hill 6 56 Robert Hill [written above:] & Thos Hill. pt No 1 fol 55 Thomas Hill, Edwd Irwin
... Samuel Hill 2 57 Samuel Hill. pt No 1 fol 55. carried to fol 55  
Ballymolarty [Ballymullarty] East middle Frances Moorhead (Wm Moorhead) 13 58 Thomas Moorhead for Frances Moorhead. Taken Fo 60. [On the right side, payments recorded for May 1794 to November 1796, then below is written "Taken to Folio 60"]  
... James Moorhead 13 59 James Moorhead. No 2 Jno Moorhead old survey 81..2..34. Now Jas Hood. Pd by Jas Hood & Alex Hood. No 2 old survey Wm Moorhead & Jas Hood 40....3 see fol 63. fol 60 Thos Moorhead 41..2..31. James Hood 41..10..4, Wm Moorhead 10..16..1 Andw Rippy, Jas McKinny, Edwd Devlin
... Thomas Moorhead 13 60 Thomas Moorhead. see Fo 58 ["see Fo 58" crossed out]. Frances Moorhead brought from Fo 58. pt No 2 fol 59 41..2..31. pd by him in ? in fol 63 29..15..6 Patk McNamee, Rodger McSorley, John Francis, Jno Hu, Toal Devilin
Ballymolarty [Ballymullarty] West middle James Jack (John Hood) 8 61 John Hood. 8..15 Jas Jacks, 11..17 Andw McQuead, 20..12 [total]. Jas Irwin from fo 64. No 4 old survey 26..1..2, No 3 old survey 32....2. John Hood 38..2..27. No 4: Now John Hood 13..3..15, fol62 Alexr Long 12..1..27. No 3: Now John Hood 24..3..12, fol 65 Jno Miles 7....30 Saml McCrossan, Phily [Philemy] McSorly, Jas Fulton, Jno Fulton, Jas Higans, Thomas French, Nelly McSorley
... Alexander Long 8 62 Alexander Long. fol 61, pt No 4 12..1..27 Bryn [Bryan] McAnelly
Ballymolarty [Ballymullarty] Lower James Moorhead 35 63 James Moorhead Junr. [The following part is exed out:] 1794. Novem To Mr Rousse's acct (?) of Costs on Ejectment £10.15. 1795 Jany 25 To Do [Mr. Rousse's acct] for renewing Do 18s 2p. [1795 Jany] 31 To the Sheriff for possession £2..10. [1795] March 10. To men holding possession 38 days £2..1..2. [1795] April 30 paid J McFarland & Charged him £16..5..0. in Leger Fo. [The above part except the name at the top is exed out. Apparently this was supposed to be recorded in folio 65 instead.] James Hood. No 5 28....25 6....3 Jas Hamilton, 22....22 Jas Hood. 2..5..6 Thos Moorhead. Jas Hamilton has No 5 in Shannony fol 298.  
Ballymolarty [Ballymullarty] Lower Andw McQuead (now John Hood) 12   [see folio 61]  
... John Speer (John Hood) 8 64 James Irwin for Jno Speers. [Right side shows payments for May 1794 to November 1799; below that is written "Taken to Fo 61"  
... Gerad Roach (Jno Mills) 4 65 Gerad Roach. 1794. Novem To Mr Rousse's cost of Ejectment £10..9..2. 1795 Jany 25 To Do [Mr. Rousse] for renewing Do 18s 2p. [1795 Jany] 30 To the Sheriff for possession £2..10. [1795] March 10. To a man holding possession 38 days £2..1..2. 1796 May cost of a ? £1..15..9. [1796 May] 25 Cost to Bailiff executing Do 3s 9p. 1796 June 21 Now John Mills for. fol 61 pt No 3 7....30 Wm McAnl?ny [McAnelly?], Jas Mills
Breen West & South James North 27 67 James North. Dead. son Wm [North]. No 7 old survey Jas North 32..3..3. Now Wm North for No 7 32..3..3 & pt of No 6 fol 68 9..3..15 Patk McMakin, Edwd McCaffery, Edwd Burns, Chas Quigley
... Robert Selfridge 16 68 Robert Selfridge & Wm Neilson. No 6 old survey Robt Selfridge 72..1..2. Now Wm North 9..3..15, Wm Neilson & Arch[ibal]d Anderson 50..1..18, James Maden (?) 12....9. Jas [Anderson] & Archd Anderson ["Archd" crossed out] & Wm Neilson  
... William Selfridge (Arcd [Archibald] Anderson) 16 69 Archibald Anderson for William Selfridge's. & Wm Neilson [crossed out]. pt of No 6 fol 68 50..1..18. Wm Neilson ["Wm Neilson" crossed out] Archd Anderson M[ay] 1808. Wm Neilson, Mary McCrory, Robt Neely, Saml Quigley, Jas McGanan
... James Wason 5 70 James Wason. pt No 6, fol 68 12....9. Now Saml Huston. Geo & Margt Wason. 1800 June 17th To Cash... [note illegible and exed out...] Paid. Lent July 1st to go to Omagh fair £11..7..6. A Mule & Cash £6..16..6. [Note on a loose piece of paper:] "17 July 1794 Ours for a Tree out of Strabane Glen £11." [Note in corner, difficult to read, but apparently purchasing chickens:] "A Grey Cock Chick, Dullin (?) & Victor & 9 red five Chicks, Vilor & Dab (?)" Robt Neely, Ralph Ralsen [Ralston?], Hu McLaughlin, Elp:n [Elphinston?] Pollock
Breen East William Anderson 26 71 William Anderson. No 5 old survey, 49....16. Now Wm & James [Anderson] Robt Selfridge, Geo McGowin, Evans Quigley, Danl Barbar
Breen North James & John White 10 72 James & John White. No 1 old survey 12..2..35 James [White], No 2 old survey 8..1..12 John Neal Kearney
... (z) Cornelius Dougherty [crossed out] 5 73 Cornelius Dougherty, now Saml Huston. See Fo 74. Taken to next Fo. [Right side shows one payment 21 Oct 1795 for November 1794 and then "Taken to next Fo"]  
Breen North & H? Samuel Huston 13 74 Samuel Huston. see Fo 73. Cornelius Dougherty brought from last Fo & Charged here. No 3 old survey Denis Dougherty 16..1..21, No 4 old survey James Waren 11..1..12. Now Saml Huston Danl Barbar [or Barton?], Cornelius Dougherty
Bundberg East upper James Dick (now Geo Eakin) 16 75 Willm Arthur for Jas Dick, N[ovember 17]93. 1797 Novem 14 Now Geo Eakin by purchase, pd £8:8:9 fine. No 1 old survey 27..2..34. Now John Eakins M[ay 18]08. Jas Donaghy, Wm Fody, Jane Alexander
Bundberg West upper James Lytle 11 76 James Lytle Senr. No 2 old survey 27....22. Jas Little Senr. fol 77 Jas Lytle Junr Andw McFarland
... John Lytle 5 77 John Lytle ["John" crossed out; written above:] Jas Lytle Junr. [Next part exed out:] 23 Apr [17]98 Writt marked for son Mr Jas 11..13..4. [17]98 June 8 see his son. 99 March 26 pd Renr. [Previous part exed out]. fol 76 James Little Junr  
Bundberg North Lower John McCausland [crossed out] 8 78 Samuel Mathews. 8..2..6 McCausland, 8..2..6 pd Do [McCausland], 8..15 his own. Robt Mathews brought from fo 79, M[ay] 1800. See the other side. No 3 old survey 27..1..19, No 4 old survey 25..2..15 Jno Devlin, Els [Elizabeth?] Boyle, Margt Boyle
... Saml Mathews 8 79 Robert Mathews M[ay 17]93. [Right side has payments from May 1793 to May 1799 and then "Taken to Folio 78"]  
Bundberg South Lower Saml Mathews 8      
... Robert Mathews (Saml Mathews) 8      
Carrickgolan [Carrigullin] Lower Samuel Knox Jr 11 80 Robert Martin for Knox N[ovember 17]93. No 1 Sam Knox 20..1..16. Now Robt Martin. fol 81 James Martin.  
... James Martin 11 81 James Martin. M[ay 17]94. No 1 fol 80.  
... William Johnston 11 82 William Johnston ["William" crossed out; written above:] Alexr Johnston. No 2 Wm Johnston old survey 16..2..2. Now Alexr Johnston. fol 158, Hu McIlmurry (?)  
... Hugh McElmurry 11 83 Hugh McElmurry. see Fo 158. [Right side yas payments from May 1794 to May 1799, then "Taken to Fo 158", then payments from May 1808 to November 1809.  
Carrickgolan [Carrigullin] south middle John Stinceon 11 84 John Stinceon (Long). N[ovember 17]93. Robert Stevenson brought from Folio 85. No 4 old survey 13..3..22. Fol 85 No 5 old survey 13....28. [Note in bottom left corner:] High (?) Comb & Letterkenny Wm Paton, James McCrossan
... Robert Stinceon 11 85 Robert Stinceon M[ay 17]93. 1797 Jany 16 John Stinceon paid £5:22:6 the fine he assured (?) in his hand on purchasing this holding. Taken to folio 84. [Right side has payments from May 1793 to November 1796 and then "Taken to folio 84"]  
Carrickgolan [Carrigullin] North middle James Ramsy 9 86 James Ramsy. No3 old survey 19..2..24. pt in fol 87. John Knox (87) & Jas Ramsey (86). [Note in bottom left corner:] Letterkenny & Blossi? both oats (?).  
... John Stinceon 9 87 John Stinceon (short) M[ay 17]94. John Knox. pt No 3 fol 86.  
Carrickgolan [Carrigullin] upper Robert Hood 42 88 Robert Hood. No 6 old survey 64..3..23. Now Wm Smyly ["Wm Smyly" crossed out; written below:] Robt Hood Andw Graham, Jno Dougherty, Thomas Harper, Wm McGlinchy, widow Lassley, James Dullerton
... Mathew McGuire 8 89 Mathew McGuire. No 7 old survey 62..2..24. Now widw Eleanor McGuire. fol 90, Peter McCaskill. [Loose note:] 1801 August, Alexr McGuire owes for Timber sold by Auction at Strabane Glen £3..9..6 Alexr McGuire, Archd McGuire
... Bryan McCahal 8 90 Peter son to Bryan McCahil M[ay 17]93. pt No 7 fol 89 Bryan McCahil, Wm Ferguson, Peter Cawle (?)
... James Smyly 5 91 Robert Smyly. 5..18..9 Jas Smyly, 17..16..3 his own. No 8 old survey 68..3..18. Now Robt Smyly. James Anderson, James Smyley
... Robert Smyly 17      
... Martha Barnhill 5 92 Martha Barnhill. Wm Barnhill. No 9 old survey 18..3..0 [Note bottom left corner refers to 3 hen chicks, Victor & Dullar(?), illegible]  
Cavanalee No 1 Mill & Land (z) Thos Lowther (David Smyly) 62 95 David Smyly for Thos Lowther, the Mill & Land. fine on [illegible] Tenant. No 1 old survey 16..2..1. Thos Lowther Chas McCafferty
... No 2 Thomas Graham Jr 37 96 Thomas Graham Jun. No 2 old survey 25..1..15 Widow McCrea, Jno Porter, Harry Loan, Jno Graham, Dunkan McBride
... No 3 John Barnhill 15 97 John Barnhill N[ovember 17]93. Dead now son James [Barnhill]. No 3 old survey 8..1..22, No 4 old survey 8..3..16, No 5 old survey 9..1..5. Now James Barnhill 13..3..9, & Jas Huston fol 98 12..3..4 Ahash (?) Hean [Heare?]
... James Weir (Jas Hunter) 15 98 James Wier ["James Wier" crossed out; written above:] Jas Hunter. £180 James Hunter. Now Jas Hunter. pt No 3, 4, 5 fol 97 12..3..4 Jno Gallagher, Patk McGurck
... No 4 William [Huston] son to Thos Huston 16 99 Alexander Kerr for W. Huston. No 6 old survey 20..3..37 Patk McKinny
... No 5 Mary Huston 18 100 Mary Huston. dead. Now sons Andw [Huston] & Thomas [Huston]. No 14 old survey 68..2..27 Jno McGlenchy, Jas McElken, David Hamilton, Robt Tenny (?)
... No 6 William [Huston] son to Wm Huston 18 101 William Huston. No 13 old survey 44..3..18 Denis Dougherty, Jno O'Neal
... No 7 Thomas Graham Sen 10 102 Thomas Graham senr. No 9 old survey 31..3..19, No 2 old survey 26....28. Thos Graham 12..1..2, Lowther Graham 14..1..19 fol 103, Fra[nci]s Graham 22..1..26 fol 107 Mary Kyle, Jas Hamilton
... Lowther Graham 7 103 Lowther Graham. [Next part exed out:] Cost of a writt in Jany 1795 £1..15..9. pd to J. McF 18 May [17]95 as ? [Previous part exed out] fol 102 Wm McKinny
... (z) William McCrea 51 104 William McCrea. [Next part exed out:] 23 Apr [17]98 Writt marked for 102:10 £1..15:9, 98 June 19 see Wat? McCrea bond for £78. Paid. [Previous part exed out]. Sons Jonas & Wm are indartn? No 8 old survey 31..2..7. [Fol] 107 No 7 old survey 21....11. Wm [McCrea] & James McCrea have 52..2..18 M[ay 18]08. James Gormley, Thomas Parker, Michl McAnley
... James Dougherty 3 105 James Dougherty. son Patk [Dougherty]. No 10 old survey 5..2..22 Hu Brown (?), Michl Con, Hu Boyle
... John McCrossan 4 106 John McCrossan ["John McCrossan" crossed out]. Dead. Jas McGillian & John McNamee. No 10 10..3 Wm McGillian
... No 8 Francis Graham 8 107 Francis Graham. Andw McAshee. No 12 22..1..26 fol 102. M[ay] 1808 Fra[nci]s Graham, Andw McAshee. Andw McAshee to pay £1 in addn for 10 yrs fm Nov 1808. Jno Cassiday, Jno Graham, Jno Dougherty, Fran[ci]s McCalla
... No 9 John McNamee 4 108 John McNamee. very improving...? John McNamee Senr & Jr., fol 109 Denis McNamee. 78..1.. M[ay] 1808 Hu (?) Cassidy
... (z) Dennis McNamee 4 109 Dennis McNamee. N[ovember 17]89. fol 108. see fol 108. [Loose note:] "County of Tyrone. George O'Neil came this day before me and voluntarily made oath upon the Holy Evangelists that about Twelve years ago he was Present and Assested in Making a Bargain between Jas Lyon R?sd and Dennis McNamee about a mountain farm and at the same time there was a separate bargain soundly made between the said parties which was Respecting one Acre of Bog opasite to Cassday's Dooe (?) under the Great Road at the side of the Brook House Mathew Doughan's House which was to be in the possession of James Lyon as long as there was Turf there and no longer and then that where the Turf was cut out that it then should belong to the said McNamee which was to be Delivered to him peaceably and quietly and that the said Lyon was to give a Cow for the priviledge of the Turf only. Sworn before me this 6th Day of April 1806, [signed a name Nathl Edw?] Geo O'Neil his mark (x)" Chas Murphy
      110 Cavanalee. James Lyon. see Folio 397. 18..2..13 Patk Hegarty M[ay 18]08  
... Edward Dougher [Doohar] 5 111 Edward Dougher. Dead. Now sons Patk [Dougher], Edwd [Dougher], Wm [Dougher]. fol 112 Mathw Dooher. 299..1..3.  
... Mathew Dougher [Doohar] 2 112 Mathew Dougher. [Next part exed out:] 1795 May 12 To Cash on arr of Ca? Turf £4:11. August 4, selled the above as by House acc. [Previous part exed out]. son Patk [Dougher] fol 111. Wm Monghan [Monaghan], [blank] Carland, Wm McGillian
Crew Mill & Land Christopher Love (Galbth Love) 2 116 Galbraith Love. 22..10 Mill & Land, 14..7..6 G[eorge] McKelvey, 36..17..6 [Total]. No 7 old survey 30..1..17, No 8 old survey 37..1..8, No 9 old survey 3..1..0 Christ. & G Love. No 7 & 8 Christr & G[ilbert] Love 32..0..23, No 9 Christr & G[ilbert] Love 3..1..0, [Total] 35..1..23. Fol 122 Alexr Anderson 17..3..6, Robt Anderson 17..2..36, total 35..2..2 . See fol 122 Gilbt Love for Anderson Land. Gilbt Love Land, M[ay 18]08, Mill M[ay 18]08. Land £45..10, Mill £56..17..6, [Subtotal] £102..7..6, Anderson's Land £39..26..3, [Total] £142..3..9 M[ay] 1810. Jno McGlin, Miller; Andw McCarter, Geo McCarter, Jas Mullan, Jas McAlien [McAllen], Elizth Love
Crew West upper John Love "has a lease of which 11 years are unexpired from Nov 1787) 13 117 Charles [Love] for John Love, an old Lease. 13....Do [John Love] old lease, 10..16..3 part of Listymore, [Total] 23..16..3. No 1 old survey 34..3..19. 28..8..0 Increase, [New total] 47..4..3 Listymore fol 274. Crew M[ay 18]08 Jno Lafferty
Crew North upper Hugh Love 12 118 Hugh Love. No 2 old survey 28..2..2  
Crew South upper Mathew Patton 12 119 Samuel Allen. 12..10..0 Matt Patton, 15..0..0 Robt Love senr, [Total] 27..10..0. No 5 old survey 18....23 John Allen M[ay 18]08, No 4 old survey 46..1..18 Samuel Allen [written below] & Robt Allen M[ay 18]08 Wm McCutchin, Geo Maxwell, Margt Maxwell
Crew East upper Robert Love 15   [see folio 119]  
... Samuel Love 15 120 Samuel Love [written above:] Jas [Love] &. No 6 old survey 21..1..20. Now Jas [Love] & Saml [Love] M[ay 18]08  
... Robert Love Jun 15 121 Robert Love. No 3 old survey 44....5 Manasses McMullaghn (?), Thomas Lawry, Jno Davis, Jas Ewen (?), Edwd Flanagan
Crew middle George McKelvey (Galbrth Love) [Geo McKelvey written above and crossed out] 14   [see folio 116]  
... Andrew Love (Adam Anderson) 16 122 Adam Anderson for Andw Love. Robt Anderson. pt No 7 & 8. Alexr Anderson 17..3..6, Robt Anderson 17..2..36. Now Gilbert Love from Nov 1807, who paid a fee of £8:8:9. land to fol 116, M[ay 18]08. [Right side, payments start May 1794 and end November 1807] Hu Boyle, Danl Magee
... William Alexander 27 123 William Alexander [written above:] & Samuel Alexander. See Fo 338. Saml & Josp. 6 years at N[ovember] 1800. 2 places from folio 337 & 238 M[ay 18]01. No 11 old survey 47....38. Now Wm & Saml M[ay 18]08. part of Tullynadortan fol 326, 328. John Stuart, Wm Flood
Crew West Lower Charles Allen 18 124 Charles Allen. No 10 old survey 59..3..37. Chas Allen 1/2, fol 125 Widw Alexander 1/2 M[ay 18]08 Robt Love, Wm Vaughan, Thomas Porter
... Samuel Allen 18 125 Andrew Alexander for Saml Allen. Widw Isabella Alexander, Chas, Wm, Robt, Ex[ecuto]rs, fol 124  
Concess James O'Brien 7 113 James O'Brien. Dead. son Patrick [O'Brien]. No 1 old survey 18..3..7 Robt McCaule, Wm Conaghan
... Thomas Lasseley (Jno McFarland) 20 114 John McFarland for T. Lassley. No 2 old survey 59....22 Chas Kane
... Jane White 20 115 Jane White. Dead. her sons Wm [White] & John [White]. No 3 old survey 63....38. J McFarland his ? to purchase. Wm White his Brother-in-law in Gortaclare Ld Belmore's (?). [Loose note:] Jno Callerter (?) [Calvert?] £20, McFarland £27, Jas Wallace £40, David Huston £15, Mattw ? £25, Hemphill £22, John Graham £11, Carlands £16 Saml North, Patk Burns [Barns?]
Douglas Mill & Land John Quin 30 127 John Quin. Mill & Land see Fo 261. 1..1..37. Skinboy No 2 old survey 27..3..12. John Quin, Jo. & Jas [Quin] James Shields, Denis Kane, Patk Bradley, Margt Byrne, Darby Murray, Laughlin McAnaney, Fndy [Findley] McCormick, Anash Geare (?) [Heare?]
Drumeagle Danl Henderson 10 128 Daniel Henderson M[ay 17]93. 1795 June, Cast of a writt £1:15:9 charged in May [17]97. No 1 old survey 36..2..7, No 3 old survery 11..2..24. Danl & Jas Henderson pt No 1 16..2..38. fol 130, Do [Danl & Jas Henderson] No 3 11..2..24. fol 129 Wm Knox & Brown, pt No 1 19..3..9. Danl Henderson, James Henderson M[ay 18]08 Richd Conan, Mary Henderson
... Adam Henderson 5 129 David Chism ["David Chism" crossed out; written above:] Wm Knox. 5.... Adam Henderson, 10.... his own, 15.... [Total] Wm Knox, Alexr Brown. No 2 old survey 20..1..26, fol 128 pt of No 1 old survey 19..3..9. Wm Knox 14..3..33, Edwd [Brown] & Alexr Brown 25..1..2 fol 130 Bryan Miller, [dittto, Bryan Miller], Gilbert Logan, Saml Brown, Jas Irwin, Wm Kinkead
... James Henderson 5 130 James Henderson ["James Henderson" crossed out]. Now Edwd Brown. pt No 1 & 3 fol 129 M[ay 18]08 Andw McElhenny, Bell Porter
... David Chism (Alexr Brown) 10   [See Folio 129]  
Drumnaboy Walter Johnston (Thomas Lowther) 56 131 Walter Johnston ["Walter Johnston" crossed out]. Now Thomas Lowther. No 1 old survey 61..3..33 M[ay 18]08 Andw Lyttle, Wm Graham, Dennis Brogan, James Brogan, Jno Jackson, Alexr Martin
... James Jordan (Wm Ballantine) 26 132 James Jordan now Wm Ballantine. N[ovember 17]90. No 2 old survey 49..1..27. Now Wm Ballantine 24..2..7, fol 133 Hu Hunter senr 25..1..8 M[ay 18]08. James Campbell, Saml Patterson
... John Huston 27 133 John Huston. 27..13..0 part of Geo Parkers pt No 2, 27.... old lease No 4, 7..3..9 another place No 5, 61..16..9 [Total]. Hu Huston, Senr M[ay 18]08. fol 132 pt No 2 Hugh Huston Senr 25..1..8, No 4 Wm Huston 24..2..12, No 5 Do [Wm Huston] 5..2..0  
... John Huston for a part of which he has a Lease of 11 years unexpired from Nov 1787 27   [See folio 133]  
... Hu Huston, Lease Do [for a part of which he has a Lease of 11 years unexpired from Nov 1787] 28 134 Hugh Huston old lease M[ay 17]94. No 3 old survey 25..1..34 Thomas Dougherty, Jno Nelson
... John Huston 7   [See Folio 133]  
... Thomas Brown 8 135 Thomas Brown. M[ay 17]94. [Right side has payments from May 1794 to November 1799, then "Taken to fo. 137"]  
... (z) James Grier 7 136 James Grier. & Matthew McGuire. ["Matthew McGuire" crossed out]. No 9 ols survey 5..3..12 M[ay 18]08  
... Joseph Brown 15 137 Joseph Brown ["Joseph" crossed out; written above:] Andw Brown. Thos Brown's from fo. 135. No 6 old survey 6....33, No 7 old survey 11..3..14. Now Andw Brown M[ay] 1808. Thomas Grier, Alexr Johnston
... Mathew McGuire 7 138 Mathew McGuire. No 8 old survey 5..1..5  
Drumnahoe Lower William Park 14 139 William Park N[ovember 17]92. [written above:] Robt McLenigan. from Jas Herd who lives in Ld McJoy's land. No 4 old survey 67....32. Abated 3 Gui[nea]s yearly. Now Robt McLenigan 16..1..6, fol 140 33....23, fol 143 17..1..9, fol 146: Robt Hill 1..3..30, Tenant 0..1..10. Alexr Gardner, Danl McLaughlin, Bryen Boris, Jas Frith
... Robert Hill 11 140 Robert Hill. No 4 fol 139 38....23. Robt Hill's widow & Jas Hill ["Jas" crossed out; written above:] Robt Hill M[ay 18]08. fol 141 Jno Hill, fol 142 John Miles  
... James Hill 11 141 James Hill Senr ["James" crossed out; written above:] John Hill. 1797 March 23 John Hill Lodged here 15 Gu[inea]s pd. No 4 fol 140.  
... John Mills 7 142 John Mills ["John" crossed out; written above:] Saml Mills. pt No 4, fol 140  
... George Irwin 7 143 George Irwin. ["George Irwin" crossed out; written above:] Widw Marshall & Chas Hunter ["Chas Hunter" crossed out]. pt No 4 fol 139. 17..1..9. Between Widow Marshall & Chas Hunter fol 144. M[ay 18]08.  
... Robert Hunter 7 144 Robert Hunter. son Chas [Hunter]. pt No 4 fol 143 Derby McLaughlin
... Samuel Hill 3 145 Samuel Hill. 3..8..9 Land, 0..5..9 Ten. No 6, 3..13..9 [Total]. 1808 May 19 sold to Robt Hill who pd a fine of £1.16.10. [Right side has payments from November 1793 to November 1801, then "Taken to next folio"]  
      146 Robert Hill. No 7. 7 Years as Saml Hill's Granges (?) from fo 145. No 3 old survey 3..3..19, pt No 4 1..3..30, Tenant 0.1..10. Robt Hill M[ay 18]08.  
... John Park 2 147 John Park N[ovember 17]91. now [written above:] John Hood. John McCausland. [17]98 July 19, Cost of a Deence (?) for £5. No 2 old survey 3..33 [17]98 Sep 11th Paid. John Hood 2..38 House & Ten[emen]t. Robt Hill ..14. Fo 137: Patk Quigly & Jos McGrinder ..21 M[ay 18]08.  
Drumnahoe East Upper John Arthur 18 148 John Arthur. No 5 old survey 27..3..38. John [Arthur] & Saml Arthur & James [Arthur] each 3rd. John Arthur, Saml Arthur, James Arthur M[ay 18]08.  
Drumnahoe Middle Upper Arthur Park 9 149 Arthur Park. Killed by a fall f[ro]m his horse. Widw Jane Park. No 6 old survey 34..1..24. Now Jane Park, [Fol] 150 James Marshall Wm Park
... Edward Marshall 9 150 Edward Marshall. Dead. [written above:] James [Marshall]. son James [Marshall] pt No 6, fol 149 Wm Gallagher, Wm Hood, Jno Smyth
Drumnahoe East Upper James Hunter 15 151 James Hunter M[ay 17]93. John McGlaughlin his son-in-law, Ruth Fulton his daughter. No 7 old survey 55....18. Victor Fulton, Jas Hunter, Jno McLaughlin, Ruth Fulton M[ay 18]08. Wm Hill, Cath[eri]ne McCausland
... The following 9 Tenements at Douglas Bridge has Leases of 3 Lives from Novem 1787   152 John McCay for Robert McCrossan. No Ten[ement]. 1794 Dec 3 paid a fine for selling 2:6.  
... 1, 2 Robert Hill 10 153 Margaret McPeak son R. Hill. Ten[ement] No 2.  
... (z) 3 Joseph Moore 5 154 Frances [Moore] for Joseph Moore. Ten. No 3. Now Hugh McAleer, who pd 2/6 fine  
... 4 John Hood 5 155 John Hood. No 4, see Fo 249.  
Drumnahoe Ten[ement]s No 5 waste        
... 6 & 7 Samuel Hill 10      
... 8 John Park 5 156 John Park. M[ay 17]91. Ten No 8. see Fo 147. Now Pat Quigley, see next Fo. [Right side has payments for Novemer 1794 "Four years" and November 1795 for one year, then "Taken to next Fo."]  
... 9 Samuel Hood 5 157 Samuel Hood. Ten 9, now Pat Quigley. see Fo 156 brought here.  
Dunnileab [Dernalebe] Hugh McElmurry 7 158 Hugh McElmurry, see Fo. 83. fol 82 part of Caruhgalan [Carrigullin] brought from fo 83, £11:5. Married to Biddy Conway whence he is Tealens (?). No 2 old survey 17..1..4. Now Hu[gh] McElmurry who has a part in fol 83, fol 159 Owen Muleyrow, fol 160 John Owens M[ay 18]08. A home (?) & Garden, a cow & grass, one rood of flax, 1/2 acre of corn £6..19..0 John Dunbar John Dunbar
... Owen Mulyerrow 3 159 Owen McElyerrow [written above:] & Patrick McElyerrow. No 4 old survey 12..3..3  
... John Owens 3 160 John Owens. No 3 old survey 4..3..22 Bryan Falls M[ay 18]08.  
... Cathrine McAneny 3 161 Cathrine McAneny. now Jas McCrossan, Taken to Fo 162. [Right side has payments from November 1794 to November 1796, then "Taken to Fo 162"]  
... (z) James McCrossan 3 162 James McCrossan. Catherine McAneny from Fo 161 M[ay 17]97. No 1 old survey 12..1..17. Now Jas [McCrossan] & Widow Ann McCrossan M[ay 18]08. Anne McCrossan sold to Jas Coyle at £144:9:3 31 Oct [18]09.  
... John McCrossan 3 163 John McCrossan. pt No 5 fol 164. and now Gilb[er]t [McCrossan] M[ay 18]08.  
... Gilbert McCrossan 3 164 Gilbert McCrossan. See Fol 199. No 5 old survey 0..27..2. John & Gilbt McCrossan, fol 163 M[ay 18]08.  
... Philip Dougherty 6 165 Philip Dougherty. No 6 old survey 88..3..28. Now Philip Dougherty 32..3..19, fol 166 Widow Margaret Brown & fol 167 Jas McQuiad 56....9 M[ay 18]08.  
... Hugh Brown 3 166 Hugh Brown. ["Hugh" crossed out; written below:] dead. Margt Brown. pt No 4 fol 160.  
... James McQuead 3 167 James McQuead. pt No 6 fol 165  
... Art McAnulla 3 168 Arthur McAnnulla M[ay 17]93. No 7 old survey 96..1..29. Now Art McAnnlly, fol 169 Neill McCrossan, fol 170 Thos McCrossan, fol 171 Denis McCrossan M[ay 18]08  
... Neal McCrossan 3 169 Neal McCrossan N[ovember 17]93. pt No 7 fol 168  
... Thomas McCrossan 3 170 Thomas McCrossan ["Thomas" crossed out; written above:] Patk McCrossan pt No 7 fol 168  
... Dennis McCrossan 3 171 Dennis McCrossan M[ay 17]93. pt No 7 fol 168  
Dunrevan West Mary Fife 9 172 Mary Fife. Jas [Fife] & Jno Fife. No 1 old survey 45..1..14 M[ay 18]08. Jno Campill [Campbell], Jno Kelly
... Mark Graham (Mathw Walls) 6 173 Mathew Walls & Thos Walls. 6..5 Mark Graham's, 3..15 his son, 10.... [total]. No 2 old survey 25..3..21, No 9 old survey 30....4. Now Thos Walls 8....3, Mathw Walls 47..3..22 M[ay 18]08. Jno Kelly
... James Henderson 4 174 James Henderson. No 3 old survey 13..2..35. Now Jas Henderson, fol 175 Wm Henderson M[ay 18]08. Thomas Quin
... David McPheters 4 175 David McPheters. now Robt [McPheters]. now Wm Henderson. pt No 3 fol 174.  
Dunrevan East Cormick Dorlan 6 176 Cormick Dorlan ["Cormick" crossed out; written above:] Richd Dorlan. son Richd [Dorlan]. fol 177 No 4 old survey 2....11, above Richd No 5 old survey 7..3..21, fol 177 No 6 old survey 1..3..6, fol 177 Chas [Dorlan] No 7 old survey 6..3..25, fol 178 No 8 3..3..1. Now Richd Dorlan 7..3..21, [fol] 177 Chas Dorlan senr 6..3..25, [fol] 177 Christr Dorlan 3..3..17, [fol] 178 Chas Dorlan Jr 3..3..1 M[ay 18]08  
... Charles Dorlan 6 177 Charles Dorlan Senr. No 7 fol 176 6..3..25 Wm Dorlan, Christr [Dorlan] No 4 & 6 3..3..17 Chas & Wm Dorlan  
... Charles Dorlan Jun 2 178 Charles Dorlan Junr ["Charles Dorlan Junr" crossed out]. M[ay 17]93. No 4 & 18 (?) ["No 4 & ?8" crossed out] fol 176 3..3..1, Now John Rice by purchase from May 1808.  
... Mathew Walls 3      
... Sarah Rice 3 179 Sarah Rice ["Sarah Rice" crossed out] N[ovember 17]92, son John [Rice]. Solomon Phernan. No 10 old survey 19....32. John Rice ["John Rice" crossed out] 12..3..35 now James Huey by purchase M[ay 18]08. Sol[omo]n Phernan 6....37 Jno Maxwell
Edymore No. 1 Victor Gordon 22 180 Victor Gordon. dead. Son Robert [Gordon]. No 1 old survey 31..3..31 Neal Brown, Patk Patten
... James Porter 9 181 James Porter. dead. Son Thomas Porter. No 6 old survey 13..2. [Note in bottom left corner:] High Comb & ? Kinny Philip McCauley
Edymore No. 2 Thomas Sawyers 7 182 Thomas Sawyers. son Wm [Sawyers]. No 7 Old survey 11....23 Wm Rogan
Edymore No. 3 John Simison   183 John Simison. No 2 old survey 9..2..5, No 3 old survey 10..1..19, No 4 old survey 9..2..27. John Simison Jr. 14..3..5, fol 184 Jos[eph] Davis 14..3..6 M[ay 18]08 Michl Donaghy
... Joseph Davis 25 184 Joseph Davis. fol 183 14..3..6 Margt Simison
Edymore No. 4 William Lowther 15 185 William Lowther ["William" crossed out; written above:] James Lowther N[ovember 17]92. Now for 1/2 Jas Porter. No 5 old survey 0..21..22. James Lowther, James Porter M[ay 18]08. Joshua Harper, Thomas Parker
Edymore No. 5 John Patterson 24 186 John Patterson. Dead. No 8 old survey 32..2..19. Widow Anne Patterson & Aaron [Patterson] M[ay 18]08. Patk Rodgers, Hen[r]y McGeal, Patk McCauley, Margt Fife
... John Rabb 20 187 John Rabb. N[ovember 17]93. Wm Stilly. No 9 old survey 23..6..0 Hugh Deery, Thomas McCarill
Edymore No. 6 William Brown 10 188 William Brown. N[ovember 17]93. No 10 old survey 28....26. Now Wm Brown, fol 189 Robt Wilson M[ay 18]08. Jas McCauley, Wm McCarril (?)
... Robert Wilson 10 189 Robert Wilson. pt No 10 & No 11 old survey 25..14. pt of Wm Brown, his own M[ay 18]08. John McGark, Wm Rabb, Edwd Sharkey, Cathn Sharkey
Edymore No. 7 Robert Wilson 20      
Edymore No. 8 Galbrth Thompson 20 190 Galbth Thompson. M[ay 17]93. Dead. Sons Jos[e]p[h Thompson] & Nathaniel [Thompson]. No 12 old survey 26..1..29. No 13 old survey 33..3..6. Now Jos Thompson 22..1..3, Nathl Thompson 20..3..25, fol 191 Jas Hamilton 17..1..36 Michl McGail, Jas Carlan, Patk Dollarton, Martha Shaw. } "3 1/2 Gui[nea]s"
Edymore No. 9 Galbrth Thompson 8      
... George Orr 8 191 George Orr. M[ay 17]93. Now James Hamilton. pt No 12 & 13 fol 190 17..1..36 Eze[kie]l Martin, Dom[inic]k Bradley, Chas Dougherty
Edymore No. 10 William Knox 22 192 William Knox. Dead. 22..10 his own, 7..10 half of A. Knox. Now Ezekiel Knox, Geo[rge] Knox. No 14 old survey 52....14. Now Ez[ekie]l Knox, Geo Knox, fol 193 Alexr Knox M[ay 18]08. Thomas Gardner, Jas Hunter, Jno McGail, Patk Hart
... Alexander Knox 15 193 Alexander Knox N[ovember 17]91. pt No 14 fol 192. See fol 192 M[ay 18]08.  
Edymore Mountain Patrick Hagarty 7 194 Patrick Hagarty. N[ovember 17]93. No 15 old survey 54....13. a common in new survey among all the Tenants. Sheila Bower
Elagh North Robert Stewart 8 195 George Irwin for Robt Stewart. No 2 old survey 105..6..9. Now Geo Irwin 27..2..4, fol 196 D. Quigley 26..2..23, fol 197 [blank] Nickle 50..2..1 M[ay 18]08.  
... Sarah Hood (Denis Quigley) 5 196 Dennis Quigley for Sarah Hood. ["Dennis" crossed out; written above:] Bernd Quigley. son Bernd [Quigley]. fol 195.  
... (z) William Hood & Wm McNickle 11 197 William Hood. Robt [Nickle] & Wm Nickle. [fol] 195. M[ay 18]08.  
Elagh South Andrew Smyly & Jno Hood 16 198 Andrew Smyly ["Andrew Smyly" crossed out; written above:] John Hood. N[ovember 17]93. From Novr 1794 £3..15..~ worth of this charged in Fo 199. 1801 Decem 1, Now John Hood who pd 6..5 fine. No 3 old survey 103..1..6. John Hood, fol 200 Widow Laird, fol 199 Hu McCrossan M[ay 18]08. John Hood, Hugh McCrossan M[ay 18]10. James Richardson, Bernard Dixon, Hugh McAnulty, Mathew Johnston, James Finlay
... Gilbert McCrossan 8 199 Gilbert McCrossan. See Fo 164. From Novm 1794 £3..15 worth brought from Fo 198 and charged here. his pt No 5 Dunileab Gilbert McCrossan, Hu McCrossan. pt No 3 fol 198. see fol 198 M[ay 18]08.  
... Andrew Laird 8 200 Andrew Laird. Dead. pt No 3 fol 198. Andw Ewing
Elagh & Skinboy Mountain Hugh Quin   201 Hugh Quin N[ovember 17]93. 77..1..0. Hugh Quin 77..1.., fol 318 Jas Irwine & fol 319 Robt Crawford 60..2.., fol 202 Hugh Irwin 73....25, fol 203 Widow McGuire 86..1..4. [Total] 297....27 David Forsythe
... (z) Arthur Quin 8 202 Hugh Irwin for A. Quin N[ovember 17]93 ["Hugh" crossed out; written above:] Jas Irwin. See Fo. 319. fol 201 73....23  
... Mathew & Wm McGuire 4 203 Mathew & Willm McGuire N[ovember 17]93 fol 201 86..1..4  
Erginaugh [Erganagh] Lower Thomas Stewart 13 204 Thomas Stewart. dead. son Joseph [Stewart]. No 13 old survey 7..3..10 McGuire Clau? No 14 old survey 20..2..12 Jos Stewart. Manus [McHugh] & Andw McHugh, Joseph Stewart M[ay 18]08. Neal Coyle, Ak?t; Connel McCormick, Wm Campell [Campbell], Manassas McHugh, Jno [illegible] [Jno (illegible) crossed out]
... Robert Hooey [Hughey] 26 205 Robert Hooey. Has a farm in the Churchland known as Craighmanagh [Craigmonaghan] and another under Sir Thomas Leighton. No 15 old survey 24..1..11, No 16 old survey 24..3..5, No 17 old survey 1..2..6, 50..2..22 Jno Flannagan, John Campbell, Jno McCollum, Jno Monteeth, Danl Quigley, Jno Quin, Edwd Gormly, Darby Kenaghan
Erginaugh [Erganagh] Upper Middle William Barr (Wm Cooey) 10 206 William Barr. Now Wm Cooey. No 11 old survey 11..3..24. [Loose paper; will of William Barr:] "In the name of God Amen. The 16th day of December One Thousand Eight Hundred. I William Barr of Erginagh, Parish of Ardstraw and County of Tyrone, being sick of body but of good and perfect memory thanks be to God, and calling to Remembrance the uncertain state of this Transitory life which all people must yield unto when it shall please God to call. I do make constitute and ordain this my last will & testament in the manner following, unto William Cooey I bequeath all the Holding and Effects that he now posesses and the above named Wm Cooey is to pay unto William McGlaughlin the sum of Ten pounds Sterling. Two years after my Decease and unto my elder daughter Elizabeth McGlaughlin I allow all my body cloaths and Bed and Bed cloaths after my decease -- given under my hand in the presence of Robt Porter, Jas Fife, John Robison. [signed] William Bar his mark. A copy" Litty Harper, Wm Mahon, David Maxwell
... James Robinson 10 207 James Robinson. Wm [Robinson] his son. No 12 old survey 17..1..17 Owen McAny [McAneny or McAnelly?], Jno McGlinchy
... James Fyfe (Jno Hooey) 7 208 James Fife. No 10 old survey 20..3..14. Now Robt [Fife] 6..3..30. fol 209 Robt Porter 13..3..24. Robt Fife M[ay 18]08. Claud Taylor, Richd [Aranak?], Robt Canning
... Robert Fyfe 7 209 Robert Fife. now James Hooey. Robt Porter fol 208. see fol 208 & 211.  
Erginaugh [Erganagh] Lower Middle Robert Craig 14 210 Robert Craig & Thos [Craig]. No 18 old survey 36..3..14. Robt Craig, Thos Craig M[ay 18]08.  
Erginaugh [Erganagh] Middle Upper James Hamilton (Robt Porter) 7 211 Robert Porter & Jas Fife. 7..10.. Jas Hamilton, 10..12..6 his own, [Total] 18..2..6. Having got Aaron Hunter's from Fo. 213. No 9 R Porter 13..1..29 Now R. Porter. No 6 old survey J Hamilton 25..1..31 Now R Porter. No 4 A. Hunter 14....37 now R Porter 10..2..18. No 5 A Hunter 3..1..36 now Jas Fife 7....15. No 1 old survey A Hunter 26..2..20 now Jas Fife. No 2 A Hunter 2....20 now Jas Fife. Robt Porter has pt No 4 & 5 10..2..18, No 6 25..1..31, No 9 13..1..29 fol 208. Jas Fife has pt No 4 & 5 7....15, No 1 26..1..24, No 2 2....24 M[ay 18]08. John Gallagher, Jno Porter, Jas Bruce, Wm Laughlin, Andw Fox
... John McCormick 4 212 John McCormick. see Fol 214. Now Wm Boggs. Having got Anthy Cassey's from Fo 214 in N[ovember 17]95. No 8 old survey 14..3..16, No 3 old survey 9..2..6. See 285. Jas Fox, Jas Jones - Tenants £13..13.0 for 1/3. Edwd Dougherty, Rodger McCanny, Patk Boyle, Chas McLaughlin - Cottiers.
... Aaron Hunter (Robt Porter) 5 213 Aaron Hunter. Taken to Fo. 211. [Right side has payments from May 1794 to November 1796, then "Taken to Folio 211"]  
... Anthony Casey 3 214 Anthony Casey. 1796 October 28 paid fine on selling 1:11:3. [Right side has payments from May 1794 to May 1795, then "Taken to Folio 212"]  
... Joseph Hooey 5 215 Joseph Hooey ["Joseph Hooey" crossed out]. John Dorlan Sr. & Jr. No 7 old survey 20..3..34 M[ay 18]08. Jas Thompson, Wm Bruce
Erginaugh [Erganagh] South Upper Robert Porter 6   [see Fo 211]  
Erginaugh [Erganagh] North Upper Robert Porter 4   [see Fo 211]  
Fyfinn John Love (Lowdk [Lodowick] Pollock)   216 Lodowick Pollock for Jno Love. Having got Jas Kilpatrick from Fo 218. No 4 old survey 35..2..9. No 5 old survey 21....31. No 5 old survey 10..3..38. Now Lod. Pollock 49..3..9, fol 217 John [Rankin] & Andw Rankin 17..3..29. Wm McClanaghan, Jas Carland, Jas Campbell, Jas McFadden, Sarah Quigley, Richd Baker, David Munteeth, Jas Simpson, Jno Flannaghan, Patk Henderson
... James Love (John Rankin) 21 217 John Rankin for Jas Love. ["John" crossed out; written above:] Andw Rankin. son Andw [Rankin]. pt No 4, 5..6 fol 216 James Gallagher, Jno McKellin
... William Rush 20 218 James Kilpatrick for W. Rush. Taken to fo. 216. [Right side has payments from May 1794 to May 1798, then "Taken to fo 216"]  
... (z) James Russell (Chas Stewart) 6 219 James Russell. Now Chas Stewart. 1797 Nov 8 paid fine on selling 3..8:9. No 7 old survey 10..3..38 James Campbell
... Alexander Henderson 13 220 Alexander Todd for A. Henderson No 1 old survey 38..3..22 James Smyly
... William Todd 13 221 William Todd. No 2 old survey 31..2..25. Now Wm Todd 15..3..5, & Robt Todd 15..3..20 M[ay 18]08.  
... Robert Henderson 13 222 Robert Henderson. No 3 old survey 23..3..37 Robt Allen, Jas Allen, Patk Dun
Glenglush John Park (Robt Semple) 17 223 John Park. No 8 old survey 39..2..30. Now John Park 20..1..22, fol 224 Robt Semple 19..1..8 M[ay 18]08 Chas Gallagher, Saml Black
      224 James Love. 7 Novem 1797 now Robert Semple. paid fine for selling 4:7.6. pt No 8 fol 223 19..1..8 Wm Johnston, Wm White, Saml Semple
... William Colhoun 9 225 William Colhoun ["William Colhoun" crossed out; written below:] Wm Semple. No 9 old survey 28..2..11 David Johnston
... James Faran 10 226 James Faran. [different writing: ] & Hu Knox. No 6 old survey 28....10 Hugh Knox, Wm Bogan
... John Achison 3 227 John Achison ["John" crossed out; written above:] Saml Achison. No 7 old survey 6..2..0 Jas Long, Mary Forbes, Ruth Park
... (z) Andrew Black (Robt Acheson) 3 228 Charles Stewart for A. Black. 1797 Nov 8 paid fine on selling 1:14:12. Now Robert Achison. Taken to Folio 231. No 5 old survey. [Right side has payments from May 1794 to May 1798, then "Taken to folio 231"]  
... Robert Jack "has a lease of which 11 years are unexpired from Nov 1787" 9 229 Saml Craig for Robert Jack. old lease. No 1 old survey 31....21. Chas Quin, Mary Hamilton
... Gerad Achison 11 230 Gerad Achison. son Wm [Achison] & Robt [Achison]. No 2 old survey 22..1..28 Jane Achison
... Robert Achison 10 231 Robert Achison. Having got Chas Stewart from fo 228. No 3 old survey 30..3..15, fol 228 No 5 old survey E. Black 9..3..38 Alexr McDonald, Wm Watson, John Johnston, Thomas McLaughlin
... Samuel Park 7 232 Samuel Park. ["Samuel" crossed out; written above:] David Park. No 10 old survey 27..1..6. Now David [Park] M[ay 18]08. Robt Love, Wm Donaghy, Jas Brown
... William Stewart 3 233 William Stewart. ["William" crossed out; written above:] Matw Stewart. No 4 old survey 5....29. Now Matw Stewart M[ay 18]08. John Graham ["John Graham" crossed out] Wm Achison
Glentiman [Glentimon] Lower Hugh Knox 45 234 Hugh Knox. [Written above:] James & John Knox. Insane. No 2 old survey 59....2. Patk Gallangher, Danl Gallangher, Robt Patterson
... Manasses Nickle 23 235 Manass Nickle. Dead. Wm Nickle, Widow Anne Nickle. No 1 old survey 34..2..0 M[ay 18]08. Jno Sheran, Hu Morris (?), Jno Leech, Andw Irwin, Patk Gallaugher ["Patk Gallaugher" crossed out]
Glentiman [Glentimon] Upper James Knox 35 236 William [Knox] son to James Knox ["William son to" crossed out; written above James:] & David Knox. Jas Knox 2/3, David Knox 1/3. No 3 old survey 47..2.. James Knox, David Knox M[ay 18]08. Jas Reed, Chas McFaddin
... Robert Knox 32 237 Robert Knox. Dead. Now sons Walter [Knox] & John Knox. No 4 old survey 49..3..38. Now Walter Knox 15..2..0, John Knox 34..1..38 M[ay 18]08 John Lamerick, Wm Wallace, Danl Toner, Wm Carter
Gortlocher [Gortlogher] Upper No 1 Thomas Porterfield 9 238 Thomas Porterfield. No 2 old survey 15..2..29 A. McGuire
Gortlocher [Gortlogher] Upper No 2 John Lasseley 10 239 John Lassley. No 3 old survey 18....29  
Gortlocher [Gortlogher] Upper No 3 Robert McJunkin 4 240 Robert McJunkin ["Robert McJunkin" crossed out; written above:] Hu McArthur. Now Hu McCarter his son-in-law. No 4 old survey 27....12. Now Hu McCarter fol 241 Andw Cummings M[ay 18]08. Michl McGinley
... Andrew Cummin 4 241 Andrew Cummin. pt No 4 fol 240. Thomas McHugh
Gortlocher [Gortlogher] Lower No 1 John Cummin 10 242 John Cummin. M[ay 17]93. ["John Cummin" crossed out; written above:] John Culbertson. Now Wm [Cummin] No 1 old survey 33....26. [Loose note:] "I Matthew Selfridge do hereby make myself accountable for 3 1/2 Guineas of Rent due to Wm Cummins in order that he may get his Cow to dispose of to the best advantage. Shataw (?) May 25, 1805 Matt Selfridge." [Based on the note, it appears that Wm Cummins is present in 1805 so John Culbertson probably took over the lease after that -- probably in 1808 based on this note on the right page by the May 1808 payment:] "with £10 of Jno Cummin being 1 year's Rent due by him Nov [18]08 & £1.7.6 by Culbertson." Thomas Cooper, James Kilkrist [Kilcrist]
Gortlocher [Gortlogher] Lower No 2 Thomas Cummin 10 243 Thomas Cummin. No 7 old survey 29....8 Owen Craig
Gortlocher [Gortlogher] Lower No 3 Robert Cummin 8 244 Robert Cummin ["Robert" crossed out; written above:] Alexr Cummin. No 6 old survey 27..3..35. Now Alexr [Cummin] M[ay 18]08.  
Gortlocher [Gortlogher] Lower No 4 Ephraim Kilpatrick 9 245 Ephraim Kilpatrick. Now Matw Donaghy, Jas Robinson, his sons-in-law. No 5 old survey 36..3..38. James Robinson, Matw Donaghy M[ay 18]08. John Craig, Christr McPhaden [McFadden]
Kinkitt Charles Wachobe 21 246 Charles Wachobe. No 1 old survey 93..1..1 Robt Kilchrist, Jno Guin, Jas Johnston, David Kinkead, Tea?o Richard
... Mathew Wachobe 14 247 Mathew Wachobe. No 2 old survey 101..3..1. Now Matw Wauchob 68..1..19, fol 248 Jos Wauchob 33..1..22 M[ay 18]08. Chas Nixon, Ma[tthe]w Long, Andw Brock
... Samuel Wachobe 7 248 Samuel Wachobe. ["Samuel" crossed out; written above:] Joseph Wachobe. pt No 2 fol 247 33..1..22 Wm Park, Sarah McPhelan
Knockrow Mill & Land John Hood 4 249 John Hood. Mill & Land. M[ay 17]90. see Fo 155. 1....12.  
Liggartown south William Patterson 62 250 William Patterson. see Fo 304, 354. No 4 old survey 66....8 John Patterson, No 2 old survey 4..3..13 Geo Buchanan ["Geo Buchanan" crossed out; written above:] Robt Patterson in fol 304 M[ay 18]08. [Loose Note:] "October 8, 1805 An Inventory of John Patterson of Liggartown, Entire crops and Stock, seized for rent and arrears of rent, due to the most Noble the Marquis of Abercorn. Seven Stacks of Oats, three stacks of Barley, three rucks of hay, thirty-two head of cow cattle, Four horses, six acres of potatoes." [Second loose note:] "April 1794, Cor? from Jas Carroll to Mr. Wm Patterson, 15 score 23 w... at £1:7:6 p 6? ... M Kerr" Jas McCrossan Edwd Coyle, Jno Coyle, G? [Guin?] Woods
Liggartown North William Cuningham 40 251 William Cunningham. No 1 & 2 old survey. No 1 30..2..3, No 2 47..3..3. Wm Cunningham 53....37, Geo Buchanan ["Geo Buchanan" crossed out; written above:] Robt Patterson 30....9 which includes all No 3 fol 304. M[ay 18]08. Jno Mullan, Jas Cunningham, Patk Bannigan
Lisky Manus McCrossan 13 252 Manus McCrossan. No 3 old survey 15..3..3. Now John McCrossan 7....16, Patk McCrossan 8..2..27 M[ay 18]08.  
... (z) Patrick Brillaghan 2 253 Patrick McCrossan for Pat Brillaghan. James McCrossan brought from Fo 254. No 1 old survey 4..1..36 Wm Bradley, Shane Deine (?)
... (z) James McCrossan 2 254 James McCrossan, now son Patk [McCrossan]. See Fo 253. Taken to Fo 253. [Right side has payments from May 1794 to November 1796, then "Taken to folio 253"]  
... Hugh Stewart Jr 16 255 Hugh Stewart Junr. No 6 old survey 33..1..21, No 7 old survey Wood 7..2..30. Hu Stewart 16..1..5, fol 256 Wm Stewart 17....16 M[ay 18]08.  
... Hugh Stewart senr 16 256 Hugh Stewart sen. ["Hugh" crossed out; written above:] Wm Stewart. See Fo 257. pt No 6&7, fol 255. Jno Lavinston [Livingston]
... Edward Scott (o: Bond) 38 258 Edward Scott. No 2 old survey 13....8, No 5 old survey 33....4. Now Saml Johnston 17..2..12; Widow Isabella Scott, Oliver Bond 28..2..0. John Lowry from Fo 259 N[ovember 17]99. 1/2 sold No 231 to Saml Johnston. Saml Johnston, Oliver Bond M[ay 18]08 [Right side has payments for "Bond & Johnston" starting M[ay] 1803.] Oliver Bond: James Loan, Michl Sharky, Darby McCrossan. Lowry & Johnston: James Forsythe, Patk Ferguson, Robt Meghan, Thomas Barber, Widow Scott
... John Lowry 12 259 John Lowry. [Right side has payments from May 1794 to May 1799, then "Taken to Fo 258"]  
... Hugh Stewart senr 21 257 Hugh Stewart sen, now John Stewart. see Fo 256. No 4 old survey 47..2..14. Now Wm [Stewart] & Andw Stewart in trust for Sarah [Stewart] & Hugh Stewart & Andw Stewart minors ["& Andw Stewart minors" crossed out] M[ay 18]08 Wm Tyrrell, Patk Connor, Michl Gallaugher
... James Diven 14 260 James Diven ["James" crossed out; written above:] Patk Diven. No 9 old survey 7..1..34, No 10 old survey 41....6. Now Patk Divin 32..2..38, fol 261 John Quin 15..3..2 Matthew Divin
... John Quin 4 261 John Quin 2 hold[in]gs. See Fo 127. 1800 Feby 12th pd A Guin[ea]. pt No 9 & 10 fol 260 15..3..2. Now John Quin Jr & James [Quin] M[ay 18]08 James Early, Wm Bradly, Edwd McCormick
... John Quin 7      
... Neal McAneny 5 262 Neal McAneny N[ovember 17]93. No 11 old survey 8..1..30  
... John McCrossan 5 263 John McCrossan ["John" crossed out; written above:] Patk McCrossan. No 12 old survey 8....1. Now Patk [McCrossan] M[ay 18]08.  
... (z) Woodrangers Ten[emen]t 3 264 Arthur McAneny. Woodrangers Tenement. No 8 old survey 2..3..36.  
Lisnatunny given off from Novem 1791 ans for Largybeg to the Glebe.   266 Lisnatunny exchanged for Largybeg from Nov 1791 the following in the arrears yet due  
Lisnatunny Lower John Hamilton 13 266 John Hamilton, by note  
... Alexr Hamilton 13 266 Alexander Hamilton, note  
... John Ross 28 266 John Ross, note  
Lisnatunny Upper Andw McFarland 19      
... Alexr Hamilton 19 266 Alexander Hamilton & Jas Moorhead, note  
... William Hamilton 9 266 Andrew Hamilton, note  
... Gayen Hamilton 14 266 Guyan Hamilton, note  
... Samuel Hood 14 266 Samuel Hamilton, note  
... David McElrea 12 266 David McElrea, note  
... Samuel Munteeth 6 266 Samuel Munteeth, note  
... Nathl Hood 29 266 Nathaniel Hood, note  
... When Dr. Nelson got this Town He abated John Ross of the above unt £1..15 ~ yearly & abated the whole town the Tythe £15..18 ~ yearly so that he gained 15:1:3 yearly by the Exchange        
Listymore James Leitch Jr 15 267 James Leitch. Revd T. Leitch. No 4 old survey 28..3..4, fol 269 No 6 old survey 25..1..3. Now Revd T Leitch & Js [James or Joseph] Love  
... James McArthur 5 268 James McArthur ["James" crossed out; written above:] Jno McArthur. son Thomas [McArthur]. No 5 old survey 10..3..4  
... Revd Thos Leitch 5 269 Revd Thomas Leitch. fol 267 No 6 old survey 25..1..3. see fol 267 Jno Gallaugher, Danl McAvoy
... Charles Love 5      
... Francis Sharkey 2 270 Francis Sharkey. M[ay 17]93. No 7 old survey 15..1..18 . Fras Sharkey 1/2 ["Fras" crossed out; written next to it:] Jno [Sharkey] & Jas Sharkey, [fol] 271 John Sharkey 1/2 Denis McGuire
... (z) John Sharkey 2 271 John Sharkey. pt No 7 fol 270 Chas McGuire
... (z) Dennis McGuire 8 272 Robert Beaty for part of McGuire's. Francis (?) Beatty ["Francis Beatty" crossed out]. No 9 old survey 63....34. Robt Beatty 42..3..6; R McGuire, fol 273 McDougherty 22....15 M[ay 18]08 Thos Gallagher
      273 Robert McGuire & Michl Dougherty. pt No 9 fol 272.  
... Robert Love 8 274 Robert Love. No 8 old survey 186..2..16. Robt Love & o[the]rs, fol 117 Chas Love. Robt Love, Wm Love, Danl Huey, Jno Huey, Stephen Huey M[ay 18]08. Robt Hannin (?), Robt Clark, Wm Carland
... Charles Love 10      
... John Pollock 23 275 John Pollock. John Pollock Junr owes to his Father and Brother one half. No 1 old survey 63..2..27 Robt Brown, Jno Young, Jas Gallaugher, Thomas Young, Jas McGimley, Mary McHugh
... John Leitch 9 276 John Leitch. No 2 old survey 62..3..2. John Leitch 31....7, fol 277 Andw Leitch 31..2..35 M[ay 18]08. Jas Gilly, Jno Means
... Andw Leitch Jr 9 277 Andrew Leitch Junr. fol 276 Magt Gallaugher, Agnes Leech
... Andrew Leitch senr has a Lease of which 11 years are unexpired from Nov 1787 16 278 Andrew Leitch old lease. No 3 old survey 38..3..26 Jno Brown, Andw Donough
Lurganboy upper William McHugh 3 279 William McHugh. No 3 old survey 23..2..28 Chas Sharkey
... Neal McHugh 3 280 Neal McHugh. died. son Denis [McHugh]. No 2 old survey 21..1..10  
... Francis McHugh 3 281 Francis McHugh. No 1 old survey 18..3..39  
Lurganboy middle George Duncan   282 George Duncan. ["George" crossed out; written above:] Wm Duncan. dead. sons James & Wm Duncan. ["James" crossed out]. No 4 old survey 62....33. fol 283. M[ay 18]08. Jno Dougherty
... James Duncan 16 283 James Duncan. pt No 4 fol 282.  
Lurganboy Lower Samuel Boggs 8 284 Samuel Boggs. dead. Widow. No 5 old survey 57..1..39. Now Isabella Bogs 29....9, [fol] 285 Wm Bogs 28..1..30 M[ay 18]08. Neal Morris
... William Boggs 8 285 William Boggs. fol 284. A good Laborman  
Magherygar [Magheragar] James Smith (A: Brown) 63 286 James Smith. Alexr Brown holds also a farm in Drumeagle. Paid 400 Gui[nea]s. old survey 215..1..8. Jas Smyth 95..2..26, Alexr Brown 119..2..22 very improving M[ay 18]08. Jas Smyth: Danl McLaughlin, Danl McKinny, Wm Dixon, Michl Boyle, Geo Mullar, Jno McArthur. A Brown: Jas Patterson, John Quin, H. Hamilton, Saml Hughes, Nelly McCahon, Jane Kelso.
Peacockbank William Smith 38 287 William Smyth. son-in-law Jas Adams 1/3. No 1 old survey 58....8. Wm Smyth 38..2..29, Jas Adams 19..1..19 M[ay 18]08. Cathn Dun, Robt Brown, Wm Irwin
... Robert Boak 20 288 Robert Boak. very litigious. holds a farm in ? Crockey. No 2 old survey 33..3..16 Wm Hamilton
Priestsessagh West Upper William Waugh 4 289 William Waugh. now Aaron Scott. Al[exande]r Waugh. Having got Adam Crawford from Folio 291. No 6 old survey 15..2..5, fol 290 pt No 5 old survey 19..1..15 Bryan Dougherty, Jno McCleery, Frans McHugh, Edwd O'Brien
... Robert Ewing 2 290 Robert Ewing. M[ay 17]93. No 5 old survey 35..3..11. Now Robt Ewing 16..1..36, Wm Waugh 19..1..15 M[ay 18]08. Jno Ewen, Widw Ralston.
... Adam Crawford 2 291 Adam Crawford. Charged in Fo 289. [Right side has payments from May 1794 to November 1796, then "Taken to Fo 289"]  
Priestsessagh East Upper John Park 11 292 John Park. No 4 old survey 167....30. John Park 76..2..0, fol 293 Jas [Orr] & Jno Orr 81..1..13, lost at adjustment with Mr. Brown 9..1..17 M[ay 18]08. Robt Munteeth, Jas McLaughlin, Adam Crawford, John Sharky
... Mary Orr 11 293 Mary Orr. sons Jas [Orr] & Jno Orr. fol 292. Robt Orr, James Orr, John Orr M[ay 18]08. Wm Gallagher, Hu Gallagher
Priestsessagh Lower William Porter 15 294 William Porter. [Faint:] R [Robert?] Beatty pays a ? ... payment of £19:13 to Saml Orr. [Previous part faint.] son Thomas [Porter]. No 8 old survey 34....36. Wm Porter 10....26, Thos Porter 24....10 M[ay 18]08 Andw Lann (?) [Lawn?], Patk Bannon, Saml Scott, Jas McCormick
Priestsessagh Lower Robert Scott 7 295 Robert Scott. Now Willm [Scott]. No 2 old survey 20....36 Jas (?) Dorlan
... James Scott 8 296 James Scott. No 3 old survey 17....3. 16..2..1, waste in common 0..2..2 Anne Limerick
Shannony North Thomas Hood 11 297 Thomas Hood. Insane. No 6 old survey 32....5. Jno Little, David Hood, Hu McSwiggan
... Robert Hamilton 11 298 Robert Hamilton. now son James [Hamilton]. see fol 63. No 5 old survey 29..2..18 Thomas McCarrell, Wm Thompson, Jas Allen, Alexr Gartly, Mary Carlan, Sheila Kelly
.. William Miller 22 299 William Miller. [17]98 May 4, see (?) his and John Evans band 24.12:3 ... Bailiff pd 6 July [17]95... No 4 old survey 28..3..10 Matw Johnston, Robt Allison, Wm Arthur, John Arthur, Jas Marshall, Jno Duffy, Jas Quigley, Wm McLaughlin
Shannony South John Kerr 16 300 John Kerr N[ovember 17]93. No 2 old survey 61..1..10. Now John Kerr 30..3..12, fol 301 Edwd Kerr 30..1..38 M[ay 18]08. Dennis McBreherty [McBrearty], Mary Little, Jno Henderson
... Edward Kerr 16 301 Edward Kerr. pt No 2 fol 300. John Alexander, Thomas McElroy, Jno Stinson
... James Hood 2 302 James Hood N[ovember 17]93. No 3 old survey 2..2..21.  
Shannony West John Irwin (Thomas McSwiggan) 6 303 James Arthur for Jno Irwin. 1797 March 18 Now Danl McMenamin (paid selling fine £3:2:6) from Nov [17]96. Thomas McSwiggan, paid for selling £3:2:6. No 1 old survey 12..3..4. M[ay 18]08.  
Sien [Seein] Mill & Land (z) William Patterson 112 304 William Patterson. N[ovember 17]93. Mill & Land. see Fo 250, 354. Liggartown / Robt Patterson & Geo Buchanan ["& Geo Buchanan" crossed out]. No 1 old survey 30..2..3, No 2 old survey 47..3..30, No 3 old survey 4..3..13. No 3 G Buchanan ["G Buchanan" crossed out; written above:] Robt Patterson 4..3..13; of 1 & 2 Do [Robt Patterson] 25....36. No 1 & 2 Wm Cunningham 53..0..37 fol 251. M[ay 18]08. Ar[thu]r Higgins, Robt Coyle, Ed Coyle, Jas Dougherty, Adam McGilton, Alexr Love, John Swinny
... Holm (?) Rebecca Patton 17 305 Rebecca Patton. No 7 old survey 32..1..31. John & Josias Patton 15....20, fol 306 Hu of Wm Patton 16..1..10. John Patten, Josias Patten M[ay 18]08.  
... William Patton 17 306 William Patton ["William" crossed out; written above:] John Patton. pt No 7 fol 305.  
... North middle Francis Patton 21 307 Francis Patton ["Francis" crossed out; written above:] Wm Patton. No 2 old survey 26..2..0. Jno Higgerty
... Moses Patton 21 308 Moses Patton [written later:] & Thos [Patton]. son Thomas. No 1 old survey 28..1..18. Chas Higgarty, Jno Donnell, Edwd Gallaugher
... south middle Thomas Stinceon [Stephenson] 12 309 Thomas Stinceon. Wm Patton brought from folio 311. No 6 old survey 52..1..37. Thos Stinceon, fol 310 Wm Nickle M[ay 18]08 Wm Downy, Robt Cochran, Wm Stinson
... Sarah Nickle 12 310 Sarah Nickle ["Sarah" crossed out; written above:] Wm Nickle. son Wm [Nickle]. pt No 6 fol 309. Hu Callagher, Elizth Culberson
... William Patton (now Thomas Stinson) 8 311 William Patton now Thos Stinceon. see Fo 309. 1795 June 23d paid fine on selling £4..1..3. Taken to Fo 309. [Right side has payments from May 1794 to November 1796, then "Taken to folio 309"]  
... south old James Hunter 21 312 James Hunter N[ovember 17]93. sons Geo [Hunter] & Wm Hunter. No 4 old survey 31..2..9 M[ay 18]08. Jas Banagan, Wm Woods (a Smyth)
... Joseph Noble 7 313 Joseph Noble ["Joseph" crossed out; written above:] John Noble. dead. son John [Noble]. No 5 old survey 9..0..15. Jas Noble
... North old William Woods Jr 33 314 William Woods. one half of Rob Woods from Fo 316 charged here. No 3 old survey 93..2..22. Wm Woods, fol 318 David Woods M[ay 18]08. Chas Gallaugher, Hu Dougherty, Chas Gallaugher, Neal Banen [Bannon?], Jas Shields, Nelly Morton ["Jas Shields" and "Nelly Morton" exed out]
... Robert Wood 33 315 David Woods. one half of Robt Woods from Fo 316 charged here. pt No 3 fol 316. Jas Shields, Nelly Morten, Robt Woods, Jas Noble
      316 Robert Woods N[ovember 17]93. This taken & charged in Fo 314 & 315. [Right side has payments from November 1793 to November 1794, then "Taken to Folio 314 & 315"]  
... (z) Thomas Love 18 317 Thomas Love N[ovember 17]93.  
Skinboy Lower Mountain John Irwin (1/2 of this to son-in-law Robt Crawford) 4 318 John Irwin. No 1 old survey 55...... see fol 201. Jas Irwine, [fol] 319 Robt Crawford } 20..2.. M[ay 18]08  
... Hugh Irwin (see Elagh) 4 319 Hugh Irwin. see Fo 202. Robt Crawford. pt ... fol 201.  
Skinboy Middle Joseph Park 9 320 Joseph Park. ["Joseph" crossed out; written above:] John Park. Now John [Park]. No 2 old survey 62....13. Now John Park, fol 321 Richd Park 54....10, fol 322 Widow Thompson 8....3 M[ay 18]08  
... Richard Park 9 321 Richard Park. fol 320. Andw Park, Hugh Fulton, Wm Lyttle, Hamlet (?) Park
... James Thompson 6 322 James Thompson. Dead. Widow Anne Thompson. She is very ill behaved, has 3 children. fol 320 Alexr Leckey
Stoneyfalls William Caldwell 10 323 William Caldwell. No 2 old survey 55..2..37. Wm Caldwell 22..1..2, fol 324 Widow Knox 32..3..35 M[ay 18]08 John Temple
... (z) George Knox 10 324 George Knox. dead. Widow Anne Knox who is going to marry to the ?ing of her children. fol 323. Widow Elliott, Wm Nixon, Jno Hill
... John Cuthbertson 17 325 John Culbertson. [fol] 348. No 3 old survey 39....17. lost in adjusting 1..3..2, Mr Aughinleck's land 37..1..15 M[ay 18]08 Hu McDavitt
... John McCollam (Wm McIntire) 17 326 Wm McIntire for John McColoms. No 1 old survey 21....11 Jas Kilpatrick
Termegan [Tirmegan] George Allan 11 328 George Allen ["George Allen" crossed out; written above:] Anthy Doak. From Novem [17]96 £1:7.7 1/4 half yearly charged in Fo 329. No 5 old survey 23..2..28. Anthy Doak for G. Allen 8..2..16, fol 329 Jos Allen 15....12 M[ay 18]08  
... Joseph Allan 5 329 Joseph Allen M[ay 17]93. Having got £1.7.7 1/4 half yearly from Fo 328. fol 328. Danl Donelly, Schoolmaster; Anthy Hamilton
... Oliver Ross 16 330 Oliver Ross. Dead. Widow Elizth & family. No 4 old survey 26..3..4 Jas McDermott, wash house.
... Samuel Ross 2 331 Samuel Hood N[ovember 17]93. No 3 old survey 3....27  
Termegan [Tirmegan] orchard & land Jas McCay [crossed out] 5 332 James Simpson. 7..19..9 his own, 5..18..11 Jas McCay's, 13..18..9 [total]. No 2 old survey 13..2..38 Wm McMenamin
... James Simpson 7      
... John Speer 6 333 John Speer ["John Speer" crossed out; written above:] Saml Moore. Now Saml Morr, his G[ran]dson. No 1 old survey 6..3..8 Jos Masson (?)
Tillynadortans [Tullydoortans] Mathew Clark 6      
... Joseph Clark 6 334 Joseph Clark. No 6 old survey 28..3..11 James Love, Patk Kyle
... Samuel Patton 13 335 Samuel Patton. No 5 old survey 43..1..14 John Maxwell, James Cather, Rebecca J?as [Jirvas?]
... Robert Ector (Wm Alexander) 7 336 Robert Ector ["Robert Ector" crossed out; written above:] John Delap & Jno Duncan. Wm Alexander has a part & at 1/3 (?) Thomas Fossit for £11:9:6. No 4 old survey 47..3..4. Jno Delap, Jno Duncan fol 123. Robt Ector Wm Alexander M[ay 18]08. Jno Dunlop a tenant, John Allen, Wm Rodgers, Robt Denning
... John Ector (now Wm Alexander 3 337 John Ector. 1801 Janr 13 sold to Wm Alexander who pd a fine of £1:17.6 [Right side has payments from May 1794 to November 1800, then "Take to [fol] 123"]  
... Robert Hunter (Wm Alexander) 5 338 Mathew Cummins for Robert Hunter. [Written above:] Jas Wallace. [Following part exed out:] 1795 March 24 Mr Jas Lent 17 Gui[nea]s. pd off. [17]97 Sept 2nd J McF lent 5 Gui[nea]s. pd to J McF. [Previous part exed out.] 1798 Janry 2nd paid find on selling to Wm Alexander £2.16.3. fol 123. No 3 old survey 22..1..19. James Wallace M[ay] 1808. Thos Fosset 10 Guineas, Jno Allen, Wm Rodgers, Robt Denning
... William Crawford [crossed out] 11      
... (z) James Wallace 11 339 James Wallace. 11..5.. his own, 11..5.. Wm Crawford. Jas [Wallace] & Robt [Wallace]. No 1 old survey 27..2..9, No 2 old survey 37....31. James Wallace, Robert Wallace M[ay 18]08. Mary [Marg? Man?y] Gallaugher
Tullywhisker North upper Thos Cuningham has a Leas of 11 years unexpired from Nov 1787 10 340 Thomas Cuningham old lease ["Thomas" crossed out; written above:] Saml Cuningham. now Saml [Cuningham]. No 2 old survey 83..3..26. Now Sam Cunningham 34..2..29, fol 341 Wm [Crawford] & Edwd Crawford 43...1..31, fol 341 Robt Cummin 5..3..6 M[ay 18]07. Jno McQuine, Jno Guy, Jno Stinson, E[dward] Cunningham.
... John Crawford senr (now Wm Finley) 6 341 John Crawford senr ["John" and "senr" crossed out; written above:] Wm Crawford. 6..11..3 one place, 6..11..3 J. Crawford Jr, 9..7..6 another place sold from May [17]94 and charged in next Fo., 22..10..0 [total]. No 2 fol 340. Robt Cummin M[ay 18]08. ["Robt Cummin" crossed out] Bryan McNamee, Jas Hamilton
... John Crawford Junr 6 342 William Finlay for one place of John Crawford. 1794 Decemr 3 paid fine for selling £4:13:9. no 3 old survey 22..1..3 Jno McGartlin
Tullywhisker Lower north Thomas Cummin 6 343 Thomas Cummin ["Thomas" crossed out; written above:] Robert Cummin. N[ovember 17]93. No 1 old survey 48..2..32. to be driven up to the day & pay for his 1/4 (?) of 2 fr [farms?]. Thos Cummins 19..3..8, fol 344 Jas [Jos?] Woods 16..3..6, Andw Woods 12....18 M[ay 18]08. David McDavitt
... James Wood 4 344 James Woods. Andw [Woods]. No 1 fol 343.  
... Andrew Wood 2 345 Andrew Woods. No 1 fol 343.  
Tullywhisker Middle John Crawford senr 9 346 John Selfridge, now dead. ["John Selfridge, now dead" crossed out; written above:] Peter Gordon for Mr. Selfridge. No 4 old survey 33..2..16. pt in fol 347.  
... John Selfridge [crossed out] 3      
... Mathew Selfridge 6 347 Mathew Selfridge N[ovember 17]93. pt in fol 346  
... Mathew Cummin (Wm Alexander) 10 348 Henry McCrossan for Mathew Cumins. [Written above:] Wm Patton. 1798 Jany 2 sold to Wm Alexander, pd fine £2:16:3. John Culbertson ["John Culbertson" crossed out; written below:] Wm Patton. No 5 old survey 19....23 M[ay 18]08. [Right side has "Jno Culbertson" paying in June 5, 1804 for November 1803 rent.]  
... John Wallace (Andw Gourley) 10 349 John Wallace ["John Wallace" crossed out; written above:] Andw Gourley. M[ay 17]93. 1799 Decem 31 Now Andw Gourley who paid a fine of £5:3:1. No 6 old survey 16..2..21. Jas Neilson
Tullywhisker West Litte (?) John Lyons 10 350 John Lyons. N[ovember 17]93. No 7 old survey 9..8..17, No 8 old survey 4..2..27, No 9 old survey 13..1..20 Thomas Span
... Andrew Barton 5      
Tullywhisker East Litte (?) William Munteeth (John Patton) 8 351 George Leney for William Munteeth. N[ovember 17]93. Robt Patton when can get (?). No 10 old survey 63....36. Robt Patton 19...., fol 352 Josias Munteeth 23..2..29, fol 353 Owen & Patrick Carland 20..2..7 M[ay 18]08.  
... Josias Munteeth 8 352 Josias Munteenth. pt No 10 fol 351. Jeremiah Boyle
... Patrick Carland 8 353 Patrick Carland. pt No 10 fol 351 Hu Shields
Morne Fishery Upper John Patterson of Ligartown [Liggartown] 9 354 John Patterson. M[ay 17]93. See Fo 250, 304. From Novemr 1796 to be £7..19..3 yearly charged in arr[ear]. all charged in G. arr. [Loose note:] "To be sold by Auction. On Monday the 20th instant at the Office of James Hamilton, Esqre in Strabane the Fishery of the Rivers Fin and Morne for the year 1809 good security will be required. Strabane 17th February 1809. 3..19..7 1/2. John Patterson will give for the Upper Morne Fishery 5 Guineas." [Right side has a note by payment for November 1801 after a gap in payments from November 1798:] "1802 Jany 18 By so much paid by your son Robt [Patterson] to Messr Coutt to clear 3 years rent"  
Morne Fishery Lower Isaac Armstrong 6 355 Isaac Armstrong. M[ay 17]95. Danl McMullen M[ay 18]09. [Loose note:] "On the first day of October next we Danl McMullan & James McGuire of Liffard do j? and severally promise to pay the Most Noble the Marquis of Abercorn or order Six Pounds Sixteen Shillings & Six pence Sterling value received in years holding of the fishery low Lower Abercorn ? the 29th day of Septr next. Dated this 26th day of July 1810. Witnesses present Lewis Fri?, John Jas Burgoyne. Danl McMullan his mark, James McGuire his mark." [Right side has a payment dated April 7, 1808 "By McCartney"  
... Island Patrick & Geo Lyon 10 356 Patrick Lyon ["Patrick Lyon" crossed out; written above:] "John Lyon". N[ovember 17]90. 5.... half of Island, 0..12..2 half of freehold tenements, 1..15..- McLauglens tenements, 7..7..2 [total]. see Fo 443, 445. 8 1/2 years at advance in M[ay] 1800.  
      357 George Lyon. 5..... half of island, 0..12..2 half of freehold tenements, 5..12..2 [total]. 6 years at Advance in M[ay] 1800. £5..15..- Mcrean in May 1800 on Island. £12.... Mcrean in Novr 1806 on Island  
... Field No 57 John Vance (?) (Cloghogal) 2 358 John Vance. M[ay 17]90. Ten[en]t  
... Field No 58 John Vance (?) (Cloghogal) 7 359 Moses Vance ["Moses Vance" crossed out]. 2..... field No 57, 7..10 field No 58. Now Michl Hughes in [17]99. see fol 422. [Right side mentions Hughes for November 1799 payment.]  
... Drumbrallagh new field John Fleming 7 360 John Fleming. 7..10.. Drumbrallagh near field, 1..10.. Ten. No 8 in Hanging brae, 2..10.. field in Hanging brae, 11..10.. [total]. Now Jas Hunter 12 July [17]98, 5 years. Advance on field from N99. Carried to folios 457 & 458. John McCay.  
... Drumbrallagh far field Saml Lindsay 8 361 Samuel Lindsy. 8..10 Drumballagh far field, ..7.. Ten. No 3 in Hanging brae 42 feet front. 6 years. Carried to fol 459. Now Neal McAuly for field No 162 and 163; Patk Tyrell for field No 161. And McAuly to pay the Arrear up to Nov. 1807. Neal McAuly, P Tyrell, Saml Lindsay M[ay 18]08. Taken to Fo. 459.  
... Field & orcard on the road to Liskemboy (?) Wm Ross 7 362 William Ross. 7..10.. a field on the road to Lishenboy, 1....5 Ja [or Jo] Ross's, 8..10..5 [total]. 6 years. Jas Blair M[ay 18]08.  
... Mill park John McNeelance 2 363 John McNeelance. Mill Park. 6 years.  
... Field purchased from Robt Bradley Term 14 years from Nov 1787.          
... No 1 & 2 James Orr 12 364 James Orr. 12..10.. No 1, 2 of Barclay's field, ..10..6 pt Wm Armstrong's ten., ..15.. Edwd Beard, Jas Ector's, ..15.. Robt Ector, Wm Ector, 1.... pt Robt Ector, Jas Ector's, 1..17..6 Robt Porter's, 17..8.. [total]. see Fo. 393. Barclay's fields charged in folio 456.  
... 3 George Keys 14 365 George Keys. M[ay 17]91. No 3 field of Barclay. [17]96 Decemr 27 see his & his son's land for £29:4-. James McGonagal for [17]93. James Stevenson [17]97. Now Gerad Irwin M[ay 18]07. See fol 410.  
... 4 Robert Culbertson 10 366 Robert Culbertson. No 4 field of Barclay. Now J. Burgoyne from N[ovember] 1803.  
... Hanging brae          
... Ten[ement]s next the Town No 1, 2 Con Conner Lease 3 Lives from Nov 1787 12 367 Con Conner. Hanging brae Ten. No 1 & 2.  
... 3 Samuel Lindsay Lease Do [3 lives from Nov 1787] 7      
... 4, 5, 6, 7 Patrick McCay 1 368 Patrick McCay N[ovember 17]91. Ten. No 4, 5, 6, 7 in Hanging brae  
... 8 John Fleming Lease from Nov 1778 for three lives 1      
... 9 waste        
... Field & orchard Patrick McCay 3      
... Field John Fleming Lease from Nov 1778 for three lives 2      
... Robert Fleming 2 369 Robert Fleming M[ay 17]92. Field in Hanging brae, house in Hanging brae. Now John Fleming.  
... House Robert Fleming 0      


Country Freeholds

Denominations Tenants Names Yearly Rent Folio No. Additional names and notes from detail folio pages
Attaclady Mr Auchinlech 10 38 Attaclaudy. Hugh Auchinleck Esqr, M[ay 17]93
Ballyfatten The heirs of Mr Agnew 18 45 Edward Jones Agnew Esqr
Ballynaclair William Maxwell Esq 8 66 Ballynaclair. William [Maxwell] now Richard Maxwell Esqr. [On the right side, payments recorded for November 1795 to November 1809, payed for one to three years at a time rather than the regular biannual payments.]
Carricklee Dr. Law 15 93 Carricklee Freehold. Doctor Law. See Fo. 400.
... Dean Barran 2 94 Carricklee Freehold. Revd Dean Barnard. 2.... Carricklee see Fo 409. 5.... Magee (?) [Right side has payments for 3-5 years at a time.]
Dergall Mr Harrold 14 126 Miss Herald. Freehold. see Fo 405.
Liskinboy Lord Erne 3 265 Lord Erne. see Fo 390.
Magir Dean Barnard 5    
Stragullan William Murry Esq 6 327 William Murry Esq M[ay 17]93. Freehold.


Strabane Freeholds

Note: This next section has multiple names on the same row, which seems to have the original tenant in the first column and subsequent tenant(s) in the second column, but it's not clear.  Also, the yearly rent for freeholds is much lower than for tracts of land so the rent is often <£1 (e.g., 13s 4p), hence being rounded down to 0.

Denominations Tenants Names Yearly Rent Folio No. Additional names and notes from detail folio pages
A House fronting Strabane Bridge John Stewart, Lease 3 Lives or 999 years from Nov 1750 29 370 John Stewart M[ay 17]93. Brown's house, pt of McGhee's, McCullock's
Field in Drumbrallagh Robert Carson 0 371 Robert Carson. Field in Drumbrallagh, Mrs. Carson's.
4 acres in the Holm & 3 Ten[ement]s Lower and of the Town John Somervill 5 372 Willm White for Jno Somervill. Now John Spence. Do for Gordon's ? Fol 394 M[ay 18]03.
  the above is purchased from Pat. Hamilton   373 John Somervill. Now John Chambers for Jno Cowan Esqr. 4 acres in Strabane Holm & 3 Tens
Archers, Mrs William Pollock 1 374 Edward Pollock. Mrs. Archers. Now Wm Wilson. The house Geo Arnold lives in and next to the Inn.
Armstrong, Wm William Smyly 1 375 William Smyly. Castle tens, Castle gardens, part of Wm Armstrong's ten., Dymocks, pt Robt Ector's, part of Roaches
Auchinlech, Wm Samuel Tagart 1 376 Robt Mitchell for Saml Tagart. part of Wm Auckenlecks
... Jas Reed & Walter Johnston 1 377 James Reed & Hugh Crawford. part of Wm Auckinlecks
Beard, Robert   0 378 Robert Beard widow & Thomas Graham. See Fo 395.
Beard, Edward James Ector 0    
Barclay, Robt Elizth Hair 1 379 Elizth Hair now T. Wetheral. part of Robt Barclay's. Jos Barclay. [Right side has Joseph Barclay paying June 15, 1808]
... Lette Hu Brown 1 380 Little Hugh Browns. part of Robt Barclay's. This is the house John Barclay lives in. Joseph Barclay. See last Fo.
... Mr McDavid 0 381 McDowal's, Robert Beard. M[ay 7]88. part of Robt Barclay. Now Saml McDowal. Chas Bonner lives in this house.
... Mrs Carson, Rob Carson 3    
Broun, Robt House Mrs Ross 3 382 Cross House. Mrs. Ross. Robt Brown's. T. Young. [fol] 424
Campbell, Allen John Somervill 0 383 James Somervill. M[ay 17]86. Allen Campbell's.
Coan, Collector Revd Robt McGhee, Mrs. Greg 0 384 Mrs. Greg, now Ralston Crosier. M[ay 17]91. Coan Collector. Wm Wilson. Wachope's (?) house. Now Geo. McClenachan.
Colhoun, Elizth Dr. Hamilton, Revd Dr. Crawford 2 385 Revd Dr. Wm Crawford. Elizth Colhoun. Saml Beard fr M[ay] 1806.
"Dec'd from aforst 1676 for over to John Motherwell" [This note is written between lines; it's not clear if this is referring to the line above or below.]        
Cook, John Danl Cook 0 386 Daniel Cook. John Cook's.
Cowan Esqr, Richd Castlestreet Tenement 0 387 Richard Cowan Esqr N[ovember 17]90. Castle street ten, pt Windsley's. see Fo. 373, 432.
Cuningham, Patk & Geo Know now Wm Mease & Jno Cuningham 1 388 William Mease M[ay 17]92. pt of Pat. Cunningham, Jno Graham. see [fol] 417. [Right side has a payment by John Mease September 1, 1808.]
"Lease forever to James Coningham from Novemr 1704"     389 John Cuningham M[ay 17]91. pt of Pat Cuningham, Jos Henderson
Creighton Esqr, Abraham Lord Erne 14 390 Lord Erne. Abraham Creighton Esqr. see Fo 265.
Denning, John Joshua Lewis 0 391 Joshua Lewis. John Denning.
Denning, called Leaters Samuel Smyly 1 392 Samuel Smyly. part of Jno Denning's. the rent paid by Jas Orr. Now Robert Smyly. [Right side has payments for November 1798 and 1799, then "Taken to Fo 438"]
Dymoch, Edmd [Edmond] Willm Smyly 1    
Ector, Robt William Ector 0    
... James Ector 1    
... John Ector 1 393 John Ector now Jas Orr. part of Robt Ector's. see Fo 364.
... William Smyly 1    
... James Hamilton Esqr 1 394 James Hamilton Esqr. part of Robt Ector's, Rob Gardens take to fol 372, Thos Wilson's.
Edgar, Robt Wm Kerr, Widow Beard, Lease from Novem 1704 forever to Hugh Knox penalty 18:8 for selling 0 395 Thomas Graham N[ovember 17]91. Robt Ector, Robt Beard & Widow Kerr. see Fo 378.
Fenton, Robt   1 396 Robert Fenton.
Finny, Lazs [Lazarus] Gusty Thompson 0 397 John Lyon for Gusty Thompson N[ovember 17]91. Lazs [Lazarus] Finny. see Fo 110, 445.
Fleming, Wm James Fleming 0 398 James Fleming. Wm Fleming's, Dog House ten., Gillespie's. Wm Warke (?) fr Novr 1809. Wm Fleming from Nov 1809. Jno Graham fr Nov 1809. Of Wm Fleming's Tenement Pat. Fleming ought to pay yearly 5/0 and James Fleming 7/0. James would wish to have it divided and Patrick charged with his part at Fo. 434.
Fleming, James & Allan Campbell Pat Fleming & Saml Tagart 2 399 Patk Fleming & Saml Tagart M[ay 17]92. Fleming & Allen Campbell's.
Gordon, Robert James Hamilton Esqr 0    
... James Hamilton Esqr 0    
Graham, John   0    
Hadship (?), Thomas Doctor Law 1 400 Doctor Law ["Doctor Law" crossed out; written above:] David Brown. Thos Hadshey's. see Fo. 93.
Harper, James   0 401 Monro Denning. Jas Harper. Now Jos Arbuckle.
Hamilton Esqr, the heirs of Jno Claud Hamilton Esqr 1 402 Claud Hamilton Esqr. The Inn, Mill ten., 2 acres in the Holm. Also a certain other Tenement ? the farm ?st of the Town of Strabane near the foot then of their waste.
Do [Hamilton Esqr, the heirs of Jno] Orchard & Mill Claud Hamilton Esqr 1    
Hamilton Esqr, Claud James Knox 0    
Henderson, Joseph John Cuningham 0    
Holiday, John Ralph Maxwell 0 404 John Holiday M[ay 17]92. Now Robt Beard from Novem 1795. 1799 Janry 12th by Robt Baird. 1800 July 15 by Moodie. now John Moody.
Horner, Robt orfferills (?) Mr Herald 0 405 the Heirs of Mr Herald. Homes in R. Purcell's, McGhee's. see Fo 126.
Johnston, John   1 406 John Johnston.
Keys, Richard Miles McSwine 0 407 Miles McSwine. Richard Keys. Phil Dougherty's house. Jno Chambers Esqr.
Knox, widow James Knox 1 403 James Knox now Armor Moffet. Harvey's Barrick ours Five years at.., widow Knox.. Miss Douglass, J. Spence. widown Thompson's.. M? own house, Jno Wilson, Coll Carroll, Andw Stewart & A. Dick.
"Lease forever from Nov 1784 to Jas Knox penalty one year rent for selling"        
Lyon, Patrick & George   1    
McAlpine, Archd Coningham McAlpine 4 408 Cunningham McAlpine
McCausland Esqr, John Dean Barnard 0 409 Dean Barnard. Jno McCausland Esqr. see Fo 94.
Do [McCausland Esqr, John] Bridge and ten[ement]s Dean Barnard 0    
Maxwell, Thomas Dr. Mease 4 410 Dr. Andrew Mease. Maxwell's. Now Gerad Irwine.
McConomy, Edwd The Corporation 0 411 The Corporation for Shambles. McCanamy.
McCullock, John   0 412 James Allison. John McCullock's. John Hunter, Willm Huner, John Saunders, Thos Graham, John McKinley, Jas Reed, & Thomas Wallace.
"Lease from Novemb 1704 to David Bradley penalty one year rent for selling, forever"   15    
McGhee, the Revd Geo Mr Herald 3    
... Mr Herald 0    
... Mr Herald      
of this last Arthur Carroll 0 413 Arthur Carroll. part of McGhee's.
McCue, Bryan   0 414 Bryan McHugh. Jno Robinson Butcher lives here.
"Deed forever from Nov 1704 to Jas Robinson"   0    
Mackay, John Saml & John Morton 0 415 Samuel & John Morton. John Mackay.
"Lease forever from Novem 1704 to Thos Mackay, penalty one years rent for selling"        
McMaiken, Patrick   0 416 Patrick McMackin. M[ay 17]85. [written above:] Walter Percy. 1799 Jany 22 to Mr Galbraith cost of Ejectment £11..7..6, 1799 Jany 28 To the sheriff giving possession £2:10:-, 1799 Aug 20 paid D? & Auctioneer W. Oliphant, 1799 sold to Wm Neilson for £60...., see Wm Neiolson bond for £32..2..97 to be held for the ? of Higgins / Achison.
Maxwell, William Esqr   1 417 William Maxwell Esqr. M[ay 17]90. [Faint:] Homes that John Mease & Miss Parkison (?) live in.
... Mr Fenton for Miss Harrison 5 418 Benjamin Fenton Esqr. part of Gambles.
Maxwell, Ralph Michael Howard 0 419 Michael Howard N[ovember 17]91. Ralph Maxwell.
Orr, John John Vanue (?) 0    
Parkison, Thomas   3 420 Thomas Scott Esqr N[ovember 17]92. Thos Parkison's.
Parkison, Robt Miss Parkison 9 421 Miss Parkison. part of Robt Parkison's. Edwd Joyce. [Right side has payment May 24, 1808 by Richd Gillespy]
... Samuel Harper 15 422 Michael Hughs. Saml Harper's, orchard. Brought from Fo 367 Cloghogall, Book M 1807.
Porter, Robert Wm & James Orr 1    
Roach, Thomas   2    
... Wm Smyly pays of this ain (?) 1    
... 2 in the Holm Claud Hamilton 1    
Ross, Joseph William Ross 1    
... Wm & Aaron Gordon, Ballyskeagh 0 423 William [Gordon] & Aaron Gordon. part of Jo. Ross's
Short, Thomas James Knox, chandler 2 424 James Knox (chanler). Thos Short's. Saml H? ["Saml H?" crossed out; written to the right:] T. Young [fol] 382.
Sinclair, Saml & Wm Alexander Sinclair 4 425 Alexander Sinclair M[ay 17]93
Sinclair, Wm Alexander Sinclair 2    
Somervill, Mrs John Orr 0 426 John Orr. Mrs Somerville.
Somervill, widow   0 427 Andrew Somerville widow N[ovember 17]92
"Deed for ever from Novem 1704 to Mary Lock"        
Somervill, John   0    
Sproul Esqr, John   2 428 James [Sproul] for John Sproul N[ovember 17]93
Spence, Robt Dr. Law 0 429 Sir Hugh Hill Barr. M[ay 17]93. Robert Spence's. Now Conningham McAlpine.
Steel, James William Porter 1 430 William Crawford. Jas Steele, Wm Porter.
Somervill, Mrs John Cooper 0 431 John Cooper. M[ay 17]93. Mrs. Somervill
Stinceon, Wm the heirs of Jas Stevenson, Esqr 2 432 The heirs of Jas Stevenson M[ay 17]89. Blackstock's see Fo 387, Anderson's - John Cowan, McGhee's. [several loans indicated from 1795-1800 with dates paid off]
... the heirs of Jas Stevenson, Esqr 1    
... the heirs of Jas Stevenson, Esqr 0    
... All these Ten[ement]s there is one called McCullochs for which Mr Stewart pays £17 0    
Thompson, widow James Knox 1    
Troan, Edward John Troan 1 433 John Troan M[ay 17]93
Wilson, Pat & Thomas   6    
... Pat Fleming pays of this 2 434 Patrick Fleming. part of Pat & Thos Wilson's
... Thos Patton 2 435 Thomas Patton. part of Patk & Thos Wiilson's
... Wm Smyly, Camus 1 436 William Smyly, Camus M[ay 17]93. part of Pat & Thos Wilson's. see Jas Dunbar. Chas McClenaghan Esqr.
Wilson, John Coll. Carroll, James Knox 0    
Wilson, Thomas Lyoness O'Claindenecy (?), Jas Hamilton Esq 0    
Wilson, Thomas Edward Smyly for McGinis 0 437 Edward Smyly M[ay 17]83. part of Thos Wilson's, McGinnis's, Seaton's. now Robert Smyly. 1799 Janr 22 To Jas Galbraith ? of cost of Ejection £12:16:5, 1799 Jan 31 Jas Orr paid the above. [Right side has payments from November 1783 to November 1799, then "Taken to Fo 438"]
... Do [Edward Smyly] for Seatons (?) 0    
... Robt Smyly for widow Carol 0 438 Robert Smyly. Cath Carrell. part of Thos Wilson's. Saml [Smyly] & Edwd Smyly's brought from folios 392 & 437 M[ay] 1800
... Wm Porter for Mrs Kinkead 0 439 Hugh Crawford for W. Porter's. part of Thos Wilson's.
... Thomas Patton 0    
Wilson, John & Pat Arthur Lepper, Miles McSwine (?) 0 440 Miles McSwine for Arthr Lepper M[ay 17]91. part of Thos Wilson's.
Winstanley, Thomas Mrs Inch 0 441 Mrs Inch. part of Thos Windstanley
... McCowan for Keys 0    


Strabane Leaseholds

Denominations Tenants Names Yearly Rent Folio No. Additional names and notes from detail folio pages
Dog house James Fleming, Lease 21 yr from Nov [17]72 1    
  Galbth Armstrong, a Lease of 3 Lives from Novem 1787 0 442 Galbraith Armstrong N[ovember 17]91
Warehouse Brouns, Elizth McCaman, now Rousse 0 443 Robert Jamison & Elizth McCaman alias Rousse. M[ay 17]88. [written above:] John Lyon. Brouns. Now Jas Lyons ["Now Jas Lyons" crossed out]
  Robt Jamison, Lease expires Nov [17]98 1    
  Elizth Darby, Bry[a]n Call, Lease same as Galb[raith] Armstrong above   444 Bryan Call. Darbys Leasehold.
Edgars Anth[on]y McClenachan, Jas Lyon; Lease expires Novem 1798 1 445 James Lyon. Edgars, Anthy McClenachan. see Fo. 397, 443. Lease expired Nov 1798. Widow Mary Lyon M[ay 18]08.
Gillespies James Fleming, Lease Do [expires Novem 1798]      
Orchard Michl Hughes, no Lease 0    
Sawhill Ten. Do [Michl Hughes] ?te of Lease expires at Novem 1803 10    
Castle tenement Robt McClintock 8    
Garden Do [Robt McClintock], Lease end Nov 1800 3    
McFarland (McCaddon) Chas Smith, Lease same as G. Armstrong 0 446 Charles Smyth M[ay 17]91. McFarland. 98 July 19 cost of a D? for £1..10. Leasehold. Now Danl McCaddam.
Martins John McCay now Jas Wallace, Lease Do [same as G. Armstrong] 0 447 James Wallace. part of Martins, John McCay leasehold.
  Bryan McConomy, Lease Do [same as G. Armstrong] 0 448 Bryan McConomy. part of Martins, John McCay's leasehold.
Calls Patk Leater, Lease expires Nov 1805 0 449 Patrick Leaters. Calls. Now Danl McCadam M[ay 18]08.
Fergusons Moses Lassleys, Do [Lease expires] Nov 1798 0 450 Moses Lassleys N[ovember 17]91. Fergusons. ["Moses Lassleys" crossed out; written below:] Chas Brown M[ay 18]08.
McColgans Jno Evans, John Dunlop, Lease expires at Nov 1805 0 451 James McGillian for John Dunlop. McColgans, John Evans. Now John Cook M[ay 18]08.
Pursells Worth?g Charleton 0 452 James McFarland for W. Charletons. Pursells.
McLaughlin Patrick Lyon 0    
  James Dougherty, in lease 0 453 James Dougherty. Leasehold 1..5..-; Gillespies 3..8..3; [total] £4..13..3. Now John Graham from Novr 1808. do for Gillespies Tenant from Novr 1809 see Fo 398 purchsd from Js [James] Fleming
pound ten[ement] (z) Edward Dougherty 0 454 Danl son to Edward Dougherty. pound (?) Tenement. 1799 Novemr 2nd see General acct for May 98 the sum of £26 charged for the children & widow of Danl Dougherty. Now Patrick Tyrrell for this at £2.. N[ovember 17]99.
2 Ten[ement]s off pound 80 pet (?) in front Hu Martin from Nov [17]91 to get a Lease of 3 lives 0 455 Hugh Martin. at the present. Leasehold.


Land Set from Novem 1799 in Strabane

Denominations Tenants Names Yearly Rent Folio No. Additional names and notes from detail folio pages
No 1 Michael Hughes 2    
2 Do [Michael Hughes] 1    
Orchard 38 Do [Michael Hughes] 3    
159 Willm Ross 2    
160 James Hunter for J. Fleming 2 457 James Hunter for part of John Flemings from Fo. 360 N[ovember 18]05. Drumbrallagh near fields
      458 Jas McCay N[ovember 18]05. 1..10 Tenement No. 8 in hanging Brae 28 feet front; 2..10 Field in Do. Brother of John drowned, formerly occupied & possessed by John Fleming.
161 Saml Lindsay 0 459 Saml Lindsay M[ay 18]07. Tenement No. 3 in Hanging Brae.
162 Do [Saml Lindsay] 0    
163 Do [Saml Lindsay] 1    
164 John McNeelance 0    
165 James Lyon 4    
166 George Lyon 4    
"Old Rent as in the foregoing Rental, Advance in 1800"        
[Note: These rows not present in the summary list; last few pages of the detailed folio pages not numbered.]     460 Strabane. Wm Mulheron. part of Castle Garden M[ay 18]09
      Not numbered Strabane. David Leslie M[ay 18]10. Part of Castle Garden
      Not numbered Strabane. Wm McCun M[ay 18]10. Part of Castle Garden
      Not numbered Strabane. Geo McClenaghan N[ovember 18]09. Angled point at Castle
      Not numbered Strabane. Bryan Donaghy N[ovember 18]09. Angled point at Castle