Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Archbishopric of Armagh Estate:
Tenants of the Lease: William Stewart, Esq, 1703
Parishes of Lissan, Carnteel, Tullaniskan & Killyman, Co. Tyrone

PRONI Ref: T848/1
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Evelyn Cardwell
Formatted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia



Extracted from the enormous Archbishopric of Armagh Estate, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast

The Archbishop of Armagh owned large tracts of land in Counties Tyrone, Londonderry, Armagh, Monaghan and Louth. With the exception of place names and personal names, spelling in this document has been modernised and punctuation has been inserted where it has been judged useful and relevant. Acreages are in Irish Plantation Measure [IPM]. One Irish acre equals 1.62 statute acres.

Pre1800 records comprise leases, rentals and surveys and a large collection of maps. Some records are in a fragile state and may be referred to using photocopies of the originals. The call numbers are catalogued DIO/4 passim


TENANT OF LEASE:– William Stewart Esq.





This contains 138 acres 3 roods and 8 perches IPM.


This contains 124 acres 1 rood 34 perches IPM, and to Creeve and Ballengrille belong 202 acres 1 Rood and 24 perches mountain pasture IPM. WILLIAM WALLE and JOHN MCCREA are tenants. WALLE has a stone house. The other is clay walls and they have each a stable barn cow house and garden etc. The low land is good arable and pasture and has some meadows. The mountain part is coarse grazing land now under young stock.

Donnamore and Aghahoole

These 2 lie together and contain 10 acres of arable land and 1320 acres of bog and mountain pasture. JAMES JOHNSON is tenant. On these town lands are 6 small loughs and Lough Feagh which is near the mountain Slafegullen.


This is a wild coarse mountain farm fit only for grazing young cattle. There are great bogs and some small loughs upon it. It contains 1200 acres or thereabouts. HENRY MCCONWAY and the WIDOW MCCONWAY are tenants. On this farm has formerly been got some iron mine but the metal it produced proving not good, it turned to no account.


This is a coarse grazing farm and under young cattle. It contains 200 acres or thereabouts, lies under the mountain Slafegullon and Mr THOMAS RICHISON and under him MC DONNELL who has a farm house etc are tenants.


This contains 79 acres 2 roods and 16 perches IPM. PETER CAGHOONE and WILLIAM CAMPBELL are tenants, under MR WILLIAM DUGLASS are tenants


This contains 89 acres 2 roods and16 perches profitable land IPM and 15 acres 32 perches Lough like measure. JOHN and JAMES MCCORMACK and JOHN STEEVENSON are tenants. They have each a farm house with a barn stable etc.


This contains 96 acres 3 roods and 8 perches IPM. PATRICK SMITH and THOMAS ROBINSON who have each a farm house with barns etc. On this town land is a small lough and in the middle of it is a little island. There is also a good corn mill built with lime and stone.


This is part of Carranteele before noted or is properly the town in which there are 5 small stone houses. JAMES STEEVANSON, ANDREW KIRK, GEORGE JOHNSON, GEORGE GERVANS and…… are tenants and have each a barn, stable, cow house and garden. There are 4 great fairs kept yearly. And In this town are the ruins of an old Church which is now united to Aghalow.


Those 4 last denominations lie together and are bounded with Mr Stewarts own land north, Coll White’s land south, the Glebe lands south west, Lord Primate’s land in possession .of MR MOORE west, and Mr Moor’s own land north. Some parts of this land is coarse pasture. The rest is good arable and pasture and there are good meadows. In Caranteel town is a large??? Etc. Note on the next page is another town belonging to Carranteele.





This is one of the 4 towns of Carranteele and contains 93 acres and 32 perches IPM. PETER CAGHOUNE and WILLIAM CAMPBELL under MR WILLIAM DUGLAS (who holds all the 4 towns from the lessee and has set them again as it before and here noted ) are tenants and have each a small farm house with barns, stables, cow houses and gardens. The land is like to the rest of the towns and is included within the last mentioned meerings on the beforegoing page.


This is called 2 sessiaghs and contains 80 acres thereabouts. DAVID HARPER and DAVID WATTSON are tenants. They have each a small farm house with barns, stables cow houses and gardens. The land is bounded round with MR RICHISON’S and MR ANDREW STEWART of the Eiery’s own inheritance, the FarrenSaggart belonging to DR CRUMP as Minister of Dungannon, and the river of New Mills. It is arable and pastureland and lies about 2 miles from Dungannon. There is some meadow belonging to it.


Two thirds lying in the County of Tyrone, the other one third set to MR CUNNINGHAM in no 7. See the history of it there. These two thirds contain 185 acres 2 roods IPM.


Carranteele Tolls and Customs

The title sufficiently explains the nature of the grant, and how to put a value upon them I don’t know unless I had been at one of the fairs. No doubt Mr Stewart has a good bargain of them, however the profit must be uncertain as it is in all things of that kind and he must bear some charge to collect them.





This contains 124 acres 3 acres and 8 perches IPM. JAMES WILSON, WILLIAM NELSON and the WIDOW MCMEN are tenants and have each a small farm house etc. This is arable and pasture land.


This contains 95 acres 2 roods and 16 perches IPM. ANDREW SAMPLE, WILLIAM GORDON and ROBERT KENNEDY are tenants and have each a small farm house etc. The land is like to that above and they are both under corn and stock.


This contains 120 acres and 3 perches IPM. JOHN HANNAGH, WILLIAM BRIGGS, ROBERT CATHERWOOD are tenants and have each a small tenement etc. The greatest part of this is under corn, on another part is covered with scrub and underwood and the rest coarse pasture.


This contains 96 acres 1 Rood and 24 perches IPM. JAMES ANDERSON and his son JAMES are tenants and have each a small farm house etc. It is coarse arable and pasture land and so is the next above.


These 4 last denominations lie together and are bounded with MR ANDREW STEWART’S land north east, MR HAMILTON’S land east, CAPT JAMES STEWART’S land west and DR CORNWELL’S freehold north west and lie not far from Dungannon.




This contains 48 acres IPM. WILLIAM CROSS and his two sons are tenants and have each a small farm house etc and the land is like to that next above.


This contains 29 acres and 32 perches IPM. WM UNDERHILL and DOUGHERTY ALLEN are tenants and have each a small farm house etc and about their gardens has some salley trees. On this stands the Church of Killeman. This is good arable and pasture land, and there is some meadow belonging to it.


This contains 16 acres 1 rood and 24 perches IPM. JOHN COGHRAN and HUGH MC DOWELL are tenants. They have each good stone farm house etc. It is very good arable and pasture land and there is belonging to it some good meadow.


This contains 85 acres 2 roods and 16 perches IPM. RICHARD DULLWORTH and ….... HASLETON are tenants. There is no house upon it. For the most past it is coarse grazing land and the rest is coarse arable and now under oats.

Note to these 4 last towns are belonging 31 acres and 32 perches of red bog, they are IPM. They all lie together near Dungannon and are bounded with DR CRUMP’S Glebe north, MR KNOCK’S’S land north west, LORD CHARLIMONT’S land south and CAPT STEWARTS land east.




Ballenegrille [Ballynagilly]




Donnamore and Aghahoole [Dunmore]


Brodarg [Broughderg]




Carranteele [Carnteel]


Annaghbeg [Annagh Beg]


Liscanduff [Lisconduff]








Ballebris [Ballybriest?]


Carranteele Tolls and Customs [Carnteel]


Currenne [Corrainy]


Mullogheteige [Mullaghteige]


Gort:shallagan [Gortshalgan]


Keinaghin. [Keenaghan]


Kinnegow [Kinego]


Leaghe [Laghey]


Moyro [Moyroe]


Bugbawne [Bogbane]




The Archbishop



A View or An Account taken

by Thomas Ashe Esq

In Anno



The Following Pages Containe Only The Notes & Observations of the said Tho. Ashe Made & Taken For the help of his Memory) at the time of his View – To which he has Since Collected (Out of the Surveyor’s Office) and Added The Numbers of Acres contain’d in all the Town Lands belonging to The said ArchBishoprick – An Undertaking not (in the Memory of man) before Attempted by any of the Lord Primats Receivers. And begun & finished at the Charge & Expense of the said Tho. Ashe In Anno 1703

Ballenegrille This Contains 138 acres 3 Roods & 8 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure.

Creeve This Contains 124 acres 1 Rood 34 Perches Ireish Plantacion measure And to Creeve & Ballengrille belong 202 acres 1 Rood & 24 Perches Mountain Pasture Ireish Plantacion Measure William Walle & John McCrea are Tenants Walle has a Stone House The other is Clay Wall’s and they have each a stable Barne Cow House & Garden etc The low Land is good Arrable and Pasture & has Some Meadow’s The Mountain part is Corce Grayseing Land Now under Young Stock.

Donnamore & Aghahoole These 2 Lye together And containe 10 acres of Arrable Land and 1320 Acres of Bogg & Mountain Pasture James Johnson is Tenant On these Towne Lands are 6 small Logh’s and Logh Feagh which is near the Mountain Slafegullen.

Brodarg This is a Wild Corce Mountain Farme Fitt only for Greasing Young Cattle There are great Boggs and Some small Logh’s upon it. It contains 1200 acres or thereabouts Henry McConway and the Widdow McConway are Tenants On this Farme has formerly been gott some Iron Mine But the Mettle it Produc’d proving not good It turned to noe Account.

Davagh This is a corce Greasing Farme And under Young Cattle It Contains 200 acres or thereabouts Lyes under the Mountain Slafegullon And Mr Thomas Richison and under him …... Mc Donnell who has a Farme House etc are Tenants.

Carranteele This Contains 79 acres 2 Roods & 16 perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Peter Caghoone & William Campbell are Tenants under Mr William Duglass are Tenants.

Annaghbeg This Contains 89 acres 2 roods &16 perches Profitable Land Ireish Plantacion Measure & 15 acres 32 Perches Logh like Measure John & James McCormack & John Steevenson are Tenants They have each a Farme House with a Barne Stable etc.

Liscanduff This Contains 96 Acres 3 Roods & 8 Perches Ireish Plantacon Measure Patrick Smith & Thomas Robinson who have each a Farme House with Barnes etc On this Town Land is a small Logh & in the Middle of it is a Little Ileland There is also a good Corne Mill Built with Lime & Stone.

Aghnadonnett This is Part of Carranteele before Noted or is properly the Town In which There are 5 small Stone Houses James Steevanson Andrew Kirk George Johnson George Gervans &…..… are Tenants and have each a Barne Stable Cow House & Garden There are 4 great Faires kept yearly And In this Towne are the Ruin’s of an old Church which is now united to Aghalow Those 4 last Denominations Lye together & are bounded with Mr Stewarts own Land North Coll White’s Land South the Gleab Lands South West Lord Primat’s Land in Pos: .of Mr Moore West And Mr Moor’s own Land North Some parts of this Land is Corce Pasture The rest is good Arrable & Pasture And There are good Meadows In Caranteel Town is a Large? Etc Note on the next page is another Town belonging to Carranteele.

Shanalurg This is one of the 4 Towns of Carranteele and Contains 93 Acres & 32 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Peter Caghoune & William Campbell under Mr William Duglas (who holds all the 4 Town’s from the Lessee and has sett them again as it before & here Noted ) are Tenants & have each a small Farme House with Barnes Stables Cow Houses & Gardens The Land is like to the rest of the Towns And is included within the Last Mention’d Meerings On the beforegoing Page.

Tulleniskin This is called 2 Sessioghs & contains 80 Acres thereabouts David Harper & David Wattson are Tenants They have each a small Farme House with Barnes Stabl’s Cow Houses & Gardens The Land is bounded Round with Mr Richison’s & Mr Andrew Stewart of the Eiery’s own Inheritance The FarrenSaggart belonging to Dr Crump as Minister of Dungannon And the River of New Mills It is Arrable & Pastureland and Lyes about 2 Miles from Dungannon There is Some Meadow belonging to it.

Ballebrisk two thirds lying in the County of Tyrone The other one third sett to Mr Cunningham in no 7 See the history of it there These two thirds cont 185 a 2r Plant. Measure.

Carranteele Tolls & Customs The Title Sufficiently explaines the nature of the Grant And how to putt a Value upon them I don’t know Unless I had been at one of the Faires No doubt Mr Stewart has a good Bargain of them However the Profitt must be uncertain as it is in all things of that kinde and he must bear some charge to Collect them. 

Currenne This contains 124 Acres 3 acres & 8 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure James Wilson William Nelson & the Widdow McMen are Tenants & have each a small Farme House etc This is Arrable and Pasture Land.

Mullogheteige This Contains 95 Acres 2 Roods & 16 Perches Irish Plantacon Measure Andrew Sample William Gordon & Robert Kennedy are Tenants & have each a small Farme House etc The Land is like to that above And They are both under Corne & Stock.

Gort:shallagan This Contains 120 acres & 3 Perches Irish Plantacion Measure John Hannagh William Briggs Robert Catherwood are Tenants & have each a small Tenement etc The greatest Part of this is Under Corne on another Part is covered with Scrubb & underWood And the rest corce Pasture.

Keinaghin This Contains 96 acres 1 Rood & 24 Perches Irish Plantacion Measure James Anderson & his son James are Tenants & have each a small Farme House etc It is corce Arrable & Pasture Land And so is the next above These 4 last Denominations Lye together & are bounded with Mr Andrew Stewart’s Land North East Mr Hamilton’s Land East Capt James Stewart’s Land West & Dr Cornwell’s Freehold North West & Lye not far from Dungannon.

Kinnegow This contains 48 Acres Ireish Plantacion Measure William Cross & his two son’s are Tenants & have each a small Farme House etc And the Land is like to that next above.

Leaghe This Contains 29 acres & 32 perches Ireish Plantacon measure. Wm Underhill & Dougherty Allen are Tenants & have each a small Farm House etc. And about Their Gardens has some Salley Tree’s. On this stands the Church of Killeman. This is good Arrable & Pasture Land, & there is some Meadow belonging to it.

Moyro This Contains 16 Acres 1 Rood & 24 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure John Coghran & Hugh Mc Dowell are Tenants They have each good Stone Farme House etc it is very good Arrable & Pasture Land & there is belonging to it some good Meadow.

Bugbawne This Contains 85 Acres 2 Roods & 16 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Richard Dullworth & …... Hasleton are Tenants There is no house upon it for the most past it is corce Greasing Land & the rest is Corce Arrable and now Under oates Note to these 4 Last Towns are belonging 31 acres & 32 Perches of Redd Bogg They are Ireish Plantacion Measure They all Lye together near Dungannon And are bounded with Dr Crump’s Gleab North Mr Knock’s’s Land North West Lord Charlimont’s Land South & Capt Stewarts Land East.