Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Archbishopric of Armagh Estate:
Tenants of the Lease: William Stewart, Esq, 1703
Parishes of Derryloran, Desertcreat & Drumglass, Co. Tyrone

PRONI Ref: T848/1
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Evelyn Cardwell
Formatted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia




Extracted from the enormous Archbishopric of Armagh Estate, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast

The Archbishop of Armagh owned large tracts of land in Counties Tyrone, Londonderry, Armagh, Monaghan and Louth. With the exception of place names and personal names, spelling in this document has been modernised and punctuation has been inserted where it has been judged useful and relevant. Acreages are in Irish Plantation Measure [IPM]. One Irish acre equals 1.62 statute acres.

Pre1800 records comprise leases, rentals and surveys and a large collection of maps. Some records are in a fragile state and may be referred to using photocopies of the originals. The call numbers are catalogued DIO/4 passim


TENANT OF LEASE: – William Stewart Esq.




Donnogh: Risk

This contains 136 acres IPM. It lies near to Killemoone and is good arable and pasture land and there are good meadows belonging to it. WILLIAM EDMONDS and [blank] are tenants. They have each a small farm house with a barn stable etc. And it’s bounded with the Glebe land of Desert Creagh east, Manor Linse south, Lord Primate’s land in the possession of Mr Moore west, and the River north west.

Ballintample alias Ballenecross or Church town

This contains 307 acres 2 roods 16 perches IPM. JOHN RICHISON Cleark and Rector of the Parish of Derreloran is tenant and has upon it a good farm house etc It good arable and pasture land and there are belonging to it some good meadows. And It bounds with the River of Derreloran north, Killkeighan east, Ballereagh south and Dromard west. This enclosed with quicks etc. Some part coarse heath land.


This contains 28 acres 3 roods and 8 perches IPM. The WIDOW NIXON and JOHN BLACK are tenants. There is but one small farm house upon it with a barn etc. It is good arable and meadow and pasture land. And bounds with Killemoon east, the River of Derreloran south, Cullefrank and Gortlore Mr Stewards land north and west. This is enclosed by quick set hedges etc.


This contains 62 acres 3 roods and 8 perches IPM. Part of it the lessee keeps in his own hands and under stock. The rest he sets to JOHN CANDER who has a small farm house with a barn etc and some cottiers under him. This is very good arable and pasture land. It lies close by Killemoon, the river only parts it. There are very good meadows belonging to it and it is bounded with River Loghre which runs by Killemoon east, Tullweegon (Grange land) south , Killkeighen west and Derreloran als Killemoon River north. Note The river or brooks in this part of the country change their names and are called after the town lands through which they run.


This contains 66 acres IPM. JOHN CHARL’S is tenant. There is no house upon it but there are some cabins. The land is like to that above and there are good meadows belonging to it. It is bounded with Sallen Boy east, Derreloran River south, Aghlis west and Malloone north.


This contains 123 acres and 32 perches IPM. WILLIAM BURNETT ……….ANDERSON and ………….. are tenants. They have each a small farm house with barns etc and the land is good arable and pasture with some good meadow.


This contains 89 acres and 32 perches IPM. WILLIAM BRISBIN is tenant and has upon a small farm stone house etc. The land is like to that next above. And there has been an old Church or Chapel of which nothing remains now but the old walls. Note the mears and bounds of these two last are noted in page 43.





This contains 102 acres 1 rood and 24 perches IPM. WILLIAM WILLOBY who has a small orchard and JOHN HENDERSON are tenants. They have each a small stone house with barns, stables, cow houses and gardens. This is good arable and pasture land and there are some meadows belonging to it.


This contains 89 acres 2 roods and 16 perches IPM. WILLIAM MCKINSEY is tenant and has a very good stone farm house which has good rooms in it, both above and below stairs, together with a barn, stable, cow house and garden. It is good arable and pasture land and has some meadows belonging to it.

Clare and New Buildings

Note Clare is the principal town but it is divided and so happens the second denomination. They contain together 139 acres and 32 perches IPM. To Clare, JAMES TOMPHSON [sic], WILLIAM SHAW and ROBERT NIXON are tenants and have each a stone house etc. And to New Buildings JAMES BRISBIN is tenant and has a good stone house with barn etc.


This contains 52 acres 1 Rood and 24 perches IPM.


This contains 84 acres IPM. To these 2 last towns ANDREW ROTHERFORD, SIMON ARMSTRONG, JOHN and GEORGE MCCLELLAND (who each have an orchard), JAMES BURNET (who has also an orchard) and JAMES WATSON are tenants and have each a small farm house etc. Both the towns are good arable and pasture land and have good meadows belonging to them.

Cookstown alias Corcreighe and Dunlorin

These lie together and contain 147 acres 2 roods and 16 perches. JAMES ALLEN, DUNCAN DOWGALL, JOHN SMITH who has a young orchard, JOHN MCCLENNAL (who has likewise a young orchard) are tenants and have each a small stone house with barns etc. This is good arable and pasture land and there are good meadows upon it.

Killemaim alias Killinamer

This contains 69 acres 2 roods and 16 perches IPM. ROBERT MCQUINN and THOMAS WHITE are tenants and have a small farm house with clay walls, a barn, cow house and gardens. It is good arable and pasture land and there are some good meadows upon it.

All the above mentioned denominations lie together with Drumgirrill and Drumcaw in page 42 are bounded with Draper’s Proportion east, Mr Stewart’s Freehold south and west, Toberlean and Cullreagh’s north.

Note That Cookstown before mentioned is a market town. The market day is Saturday in every week and there are 2 fairs yearly (viz) the first on the 24th of August and the other on Michelmas Day. There is also a Court Leet and Court Baron held there by MR ROBERT WALKER under CAPT THOMAS DAWSON Lord Primate’s Senescall. In the town are 5 stone houses one of which is a good Inn or Ale house and bears the sign of the Blew Garter, DANIEL CHRISTE is tenant. The whole town belongs to Lord Primate.





This contains 57 acres 2 roods and 26 perches IPM. JOHN LESSLEY is tenant and has upon it a good stone farm house with a barn, stable, cow house and garden. It is good arable and pasture land and there is belonging to it some meadow.

Annaghanamem als Annaghbegg

This contains 89 acres and 32 perches IPM. ROBERT MCCULLOGH and THOMAS HUNTER who have each a small farm house with barns etc and the WIDOW MAGILL who has a good stone house with barns, stables etc are tenants. The land is like to that above and there are some good meadows belonging to it.


This contains 134 acres 3 roods and 8 perches IPM. NEILE O DOURIS and MURRY OMULGREW are tenants and have each a small farm house with barns etc. The land is like that above and there are some good meadows belonging to it.


This contains 57 acres 2 roods and 16 perches IPM. JOHN FARGESON is tenant and has upon a small farm house with a barn, stable, cow house and garden. The land is like to that above and has belonging to it some meadows etc.

These 4 town lands lie all together and are part of the territory of Desert: Creagh and are bounded with Balle: Sudden part of Manor Linse east, Killycolpy south, The Glebe of Cross west, and Knockaconey north. Note To Gortecarr joins Knockanney which is Mr Stewart’s freehold and in the possession of SAM: MANOO and JOHN NELSON who have run a ditch and separated it from Gortecarr as above noted.





This contains 49 acres 2 roods and 16 perches IPM. WILLIAM LINSEY and Robert MCCUSHLIN are tenants. It is good arable and pasture land and there is some meadow belonging to it. The under tenants have each a small farm house with barns, stables, cow houses and gardens etc.


This contains 40 acres 3 roods and 8 perches IPM. SANDERS ASKNEW tenant and has a small farm house etc. Part of this land is coarse heathy pasture, the rest good arable and meadow


This contains 73 acres and 32 perches IPM. LOUGHLIN MANN and JOHN MCCLELAN are tenants. Mann has a good stone farm house and the other a small house with clay walls and have each a barn, stable etc. There is some part of this farm covered with scrub wood or under wood and the rest is arable meadow and pasture land.

Ross: Begg

This contains 114 acres 1 rood and 24 perches IPM. SANDERS POGE is tenant. This is arable and pasture land and has some meadow belonging to it. It is but coarse land. The under tenant lives upon it and has a small farm house etc.


This contains 60 acres 3 roods and 8 perches IPM. SANDERS POGE is tenant. On this town land there is found a good coal mine, and it being a royalty, Lord Primate sets the mine to one JOHN HAWKINS who has sunk several pits or shafts and gets therout extraordinary good coal. On this town land formerly stood the Parish Church of Drumglass of which nothing now remains but the foundation and this town is generally known by that name. The land it is (the greater part of it) is coarse and heathy pasture but there is some arable.

Tulle: Donnell

This contains 59 acres 2 roods and16 perches IPM. SANDERS POGE is tenant and has upon it a small farm house. This is good arable and pasture land. Is now most of it under corn. Is enclosed with quicks and dry ditches and in the hedges are some ash trees. And there is some meadow belonging to it.


This contains 106 acres 1 rood and 24 perches IPM. HUGH RO ODONAGHEE, CHARLES OQUINN and the WIDOW ELDER are tenants and have each a small farm house etc. It is coarse arable and pasture land.


This contains 70 acres IPM. MR THOMAS CORBETT is tenant. It is coarse arable and pasture land and there is upon it a small tenement etc.

All the above mentioned denominations lie together and are about a mile or a little more from Dungannon




Donnogh: Risk. {Donaghrisk]


Ballintample als Ballenecross or Church town {Kirktown?]


Cullanahavall [Coolnahavil]




Tullogh [Tullagh]


Drumgirril [Drumgarrell]


Drumcaw [Drumcraw]


Cramfeild [Cranfield]


Ballemenogh [Ballymenagh]


Clare and New Buildings


Morrush [Monrush]




Cookstown alias Corcreighe and Dunlorin


Killemaim als Killinamer [Killymam]




Annagh:Teige [Annaghteige]


Annaghanamem alias Annaghbegg [Annaghananam]


Gorte:Carr [Gortacar]






Tullekillin Tullycullion]


Tullegunn [Tullygun]


Crevagh [Creevagh]


Ross: Begg [Rossbeg]




Tulle: Donnell [Tullyodonnell]


Derraghadoon [Derraghadoan]


Rovaghan [Ranaghan]




The Archbishop



A View or An Account taken

by Thomas Ashe Esq

In Anno



The Following Pages Containe Only The Notes & Observations of the said Tho. Ashe Made & Taken For the help of his Memory) at the time of his View – To which he has Since Collected (Out of the Surveyor’s Office) and Added The Numbers of Acres contain’d in all the Town Lands belonging to The said ArchBishoprick – An Undertaking not (in the Memory of man) before Attempted by any of the Lord Primats Receivers. And begun & finished at the Charge & Expense of the said Tho. Ashe In Anno 1703.

Donnogh: Risk This Contains 136 acres Ireish Plantacion Measure It Lyes near to Killemoone And is good Arrable & Pasture Land and there are good Meadows belonging to it William Edmonds and [blank] are Tenants They have each a small Farme House with a Barne Stable etc And it’s Bounded with the Gleab Land of Desert Creagh East Mannor Linse South Lord Primat’s Land in the Possession of Mr Moore West and the River North West.

Ballintample als Ballenecross or Church Town This Contains 307 acres 2 Roods 16 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure John Richison Cleark & Rector of the Parish of Derreloran is Tenant and has upon it a good Farme House etc It good Arrable & Pasture Land & there are belonging to it some good Meadows And It bounds with the River of Derreloran North Killkeighan East Ballereagh South & Dromard West This Inclosed with Quicks etc Some part course Heathe Land.

Cullanahavall This Contains 28 Acres 3 Roods & 8 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure The Widdow Nixon & John Black are Tenants There is but one small Farme House upon it with a Barne etc It is good Arrable &Meadow and Pasture Land And bounds with Killemoon East the River of Derreloran South Cullefrank and Gortlore Mr Stewards Land North and West This is inclosed by Quick sett Hedges etc.

Ardcumber This Contains 62 Acres 3 Roods & 8 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Part of it the Lessee keep’s in his own hands & under Stock The rest he setts to John Cander who has a small Farme House with a Barne etc and Some Cottiers under him This is very good Arrable & Pasture Land It Lyes close by Killemoon the River only Parts it There are very good Meadows belonging to it And it is bounded with River Loghre which Runs by Killemoon East Tullweegon (Grange Land) South Killkeighen West & Derreloran als Killemoon River North Note The River or Brook’s in this Part of the Countrey Change theire Names and are Call’d After the Town Lands through which they Runn.

Tullogh This Contains 66 Acres Ireish Plantacion Measure John Charl’s is tenant There is no House upon it but there are some Cabbins The Land is like to that above and there are good Meadow’s belonging to it. It is bounded with Sallen Boy East Derreloran River South Aghlis West & Malloone North.

Drumgirril This Contains 123 Acres & 32 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure William Burnett……….Anderson & ………….. are Tenants They have each a small Farme House with Barnes etc and the Land is good Arrable & Pasture with some good Meadow.

Drumcaw This Contains 89 acres & 32 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure William Brisbin is Tenant & has upon a small Farme Stone House etc the Land is like to that next above And there has been An Old Church or Chapell of which nothing remains now but the Old Walls Note the Mears and Bounds of These two last are noted in Page 43.

Cramfeild This Contains 102 acres 1 Rood & 24 Perches Ireish Plantacon Measure William Willoby who has a small Orchard & John Henderson are Tenants They have each a small Stone house with Barnes Stables Cow Houses & Gardens This is good Arrable & Pasture Land and there are some Meadows belonging to it.

Ballemenogh This Contains 89 Acres 2 Roods & 16 Perches Irish Plantacion Measure William McKinsey is Tenant and has a very good Stone Farme House which has good Rooms in it both above & below Stayres Together with a Barne Stable Cow House & Garden It is good Arrable & Pasture Land and has some Meadows belonging to it.

Clare & New Buildings Note Clare is the Principall Town but it is Divided and so happens the second Denomination They contain together 139 Acres & 32 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure to Clare James Tomphson William Shaw and Robert Nixon are Tenants And have each a Stone House etc And to New Buildings James Brisbin is Tenant And has a good Stone House with Barne etc.

Morrush This Contains 52 Acres 1 Rood & 24 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure.

Claggan This Contains 84 Acres Ireish Plantacion Measure To these 2 Last Towns Andrew Rotherford Simon Armstrong John And George McClelland (who each have an Orchard) James Burnet (who has also an Orchard) & James Watson are Tenants and have each a small Farme House etc Both the towns are good Arrable & Pasture Land & have good Meadows belonging to them.

Cookstown als Corcreighe & Dunlorin These Lye together and contain 147 Acres 2 Roods & 16 Perches James Allen Duncan Dowgall John Smith who has a Young Orchard John McClennal ( who has likewise a Young Orchard) are tenants And have each a small Stone House with Barnes etc This is good Arrable & Pasture Land And there are good Meadows upon it.

Killemaim als Killinamer This Contains 69 Acres 2 Roods & 16 Perches Ireish Plantacon Measure Robert McQuinn and Thomas White are Tenants And have a small Farme House with Clay Wall’s a Barne Cow House & Gardens It is good Arrable and Pasture Land and there are some good Meadow’s upon it - All the above Mention’d Denominations Lye together with Drumgirrill & Drumcaw in Page 42 Are bounded with Draper’s Proportion East Mr Stewart’s Freehold South & West Toberlean & Cullreagh’s North Note That CooksTown before mentioned is a Markett Town The Markett Day is Saturday in every Week And There are 2 Faires yearly (Viz) the first on the 24th of August And the Other on Michelmas Day There is also a Cort Leet & Cort Barron held there by Mr Robert Walker under Capt Thomas Dawson Lord Primat’s Senescall In the Towne are 5 Stone Houses one of which is a Good Inn or Ale House & bears the Signe of the Blew Garter Daniel Christe is Tenant The whole Towne belongs to Lord Primat.

Annagh: Teige This Contains 57 Acres 2 Roods & 26 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure John Lessley is Tenant And has upon it a good Stone Farme House with a Barne Stable Cow House & Garden It is good Arrable & Pasture Land And there is belonging to it some Meadow.

Annaghanamem als Annaghbegg This Contains 89 Acres & 32 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Robert McCullogh & Thomas Hunter who have each a small Farme House wth Barnes etc And the Widdow Magill who has a good Stone House with Barnes Stables etc are Tenants The Land is like to that above And there are Some good Meadows belonging to it.

Gorte:Carr This Contains 134 Acres 3 Roods & 8 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Neile O Douris and Murry OMulgrew are Tenants & have each a small Farme House with Barnes etc The Land is like that above And There are some good Meadows belonging to it.

Annaghmore This Contains 57 Acres 2 Roods & 16 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure John Fargeson is Tenant and has upon a small Farme House with a Barne Stable Cow House & Garden The Land is like to that above And has belonging to it some Meadow’s etc These 4 Town Lands Lye all together and are part of the Terretory of Desert: Creagh and are bounded with Balle: Sudden part of Manor Linse East Killycolpy South The Gleab of Cross West and Knockaconey North Note: To Gortecarr joynes Knockanney which is Mr Stewart’s Freehold and in the Possession of Sam: Manoo & John Nelson who have Runn a Ditch and sepperated it from Gortecarr as above noted.

Tullekillin This Contains 49 Acres 2 Roods & 16 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure William Linsey & Robert McCushlin are Tenants It is good Arrable & Pasture Land & there is some Meadow belonging to it The underTenants have each a small Farme House with Barnes Stables Cow Houses & Gardens etc. 

Tullegunn This Contains 40 Acres 3 Roods & 8 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Sanders Asknew Tenant & has a small Farme House etc Part of this Land is corce Heathey Pasure The rest good Arrable & Meadow.

Crevagh This Contains 73 Acres & 32 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Loughlin Mann & John McClelan are Tenants Mann has a good Stone Farme House & the Other a small house with Clay Wall’s & have each a Barne Stable etc There is some Part of this Farme covered with Schrubb Wood or Under Wood & the rest is Arrable Meadow & Pasture Land.

Ross: Begg This Contains 114 Acres 1Rood & 24 perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Sanders Poge is Tenant This is Arrable & Pasture Land and has some Meadow belonging to it. It is but corce Land The Under Tenant lives upon it and has a small Farme House etc.

Rossmore This Contains 60 acres 3 Roods & 8 Perches Ireish Plantacon Measure Sanders Poge is Tenant On this Towne Land there is found a good Cole Mine And it being a Royalty Lord Primate setts the Mine to one John Hawkins who has sunk severall Pitts or Shaftes & gets therout extraordinary good Coale On this Town Land formerly stood the Parish Church of Drumglass of which nothing now remains but the foundation And this Towne is Generally knon by that Name. The Land It is (the greater part of it) is corce & Heathey Pasture But there is Some Arrable.

Mr John Hawkins – for his Cole pitts on Drumglass near Dungannon – this cole mine I am in hopes will after a while turn to much better account. For I hope so to manage that affair as to lay the cole down at Dublin so that they may be sold at 6s/ton and get 2s ton after all charges by them

Tulle: Donnell This Contains 59 Acres 2 Roods &16 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Sanders Poge is Tenant and has upon it a small farme house This is good Arrable and Pasture Land Is now most of it Under Corne Is Inclosed with Quicks & Drye Ditches and in the Hedges are some Ash trees And there is Some Meadow belonging to it.

Derraghadoon This contains 106 Acres 1 Rood & 24 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Hugh Ro ODonaghee Charles OQuinn & the Widdow Elder are Tenants and have each a small Farme House etc It is corce Arrable & Pasture Land.

Rovaghan This Contains 70 Acres Ireish Plantacion Measure Mr Thomas Corbett is Tenant It is corce Arrable & Pasture Land and there is upon it a small Tenement etc All the above Mentioned Denominations Lye together and are about a Mile or a Little More from Dungannon.