Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Archbishopric of Armagh Estate:
Tenants of the Lease: William Stewart, Esq, 1703
458 Acres, Parishes of Ardboe & Ardtrea, Co. Tyrone

PRONI Ref: T848/1
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Evelyn Cardwell
Formatted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


Extracted from the enormous Archbishopric of Armagh Estate, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast

The Archbishop of Armagh owned large tracts of land in Counties Tyrone, Londonderry, Armagh, Monaghan and Louth. With the exception of place names and personal names, spelling in this document has been modernised and punctuation has been inserted where it has been judged useful and relevant. Acreages are in Irish Plantation Measure [IPM]. One Irish acre equals 1.62 statute acres.

Pre1800 records comprise leases, rentals and surveys and a large collection of maps. Some records are in a fragile state and may be referred to using photocopies of the originals. The call numbers are catalogued DIO/4 passim



TENANT OF LEASE:– William Stewart, Esq.




This is two sessiaghs and contains by estimation 80 acres or thereabouts CAPT ART: OHAGAN is tenant.


This is 3 sessiaghs and contains by estimation 120 acres or thereabouts. CAPT ART: OHAGAN tenant. On this land stands the Church of Ardbo which is very near to Lough Neagh


This is 3 sessiaghs and it contains by estimation 120 acres or thereabouts. It is coarse arable and pasture land. TEIGE ODEVELIN, DONNELL MCDONNELL who have some cottiers under them


This contains about 80 aces by estimation. JAMES COX and WILLIAM GIBSON and JAMES MCCOARD are tenants. This is good corn and pasture land


This contains by estimation 120 acres or thereabouts. DONNELL MC DONNELL and MANUS OHAMMEL are tenants. This lies by the side of Lough Neagh and is coarse land and great bogs are about it. These lands above named are called the Killteogh’s also the woods of Mountreivelin. Here I met with great numbers of stumps or bottoms of large oak trees which is all that remains of those great woods so much spoke of. There are indeed many old decayed trees without bark yet standing but they are of no use except to make coal of or for cleft wood to make barrel staves and shingles to which use I found the tenants or country people by their permission converting that old timber. But I hope I have effectually put a stop to that work. The rest of the farms in the Killteoghs or Montreivlin will be found in Nos 77 and 78 Note also the tenants above named have each a small farm house etc. By Lord Primate’s Order I have sent writs against the principal men that have made bold with the above woods and I do hope it will prevent the like for the future

Note these lands are bounded with Lough Neagh east, MR BLACKER’S land south and Lord Primate’s land north and west.





This contains 47 acres and 32 perches IPM. JAMES HOGG, CLAUD ROWLAND and ADDAM OTTERSON are tenants and have each small farm house with barns, stables cow houses gardens. Note on this town land stands the bridge of Ardtra and over a river of the same name. This is arable and pasture land.


This contains 83 acres and32 perches IPM. ROBT PURVIS is tenant and has a small farm house and as above. It is arable and pasture land and some meadow.

Lisnahall alias Lissnahavill

This contains 48 acres 1 rood 2 perches IPM. JAMES MCCORD is tenant and has a small farm house etc ut supra. It is arable and pasture land and has some meadows belonging to it. Note – these 3 last denominations are bounded with those noted in the following page 42

Ennisclin alias Enniscallen

This contains 37 acres and 32 perches IPM. JAMES DUNN, WILLIAM MCCOARD and GEORGE COWAN are tenants and have each a small farm house and barns, stables, cow houses and gardens, and there is a small orchard. This is good arable and pasture land and there is some meadow.


This contains 80 acres 3 roods and 8 perches IPM. THOMAS MCCOARD is tenant and has a good farm house and a good corn mill built with stone. JAMES KING Miller tenant and built it. It is much the same land with that above but not all is so good. There are some meadows belonging to it.


This contains 75 acres and 32 perches IPM. ALEXANDER MITCHELL is tenant and has a small farm house etc. It is good land, most of it under corn, the rest is pasture and meadow.

Cleggans alias Farrensaggart

This is some small parks or enclosures about the Church of Artra. They contain 10 acres IPM. and are under corn.


This contains 62 acres IPM. JOHN GRIER and GEORGE MITCHELL are tenants and have each a small farm house etc. This is good arable and pasture land and there are some good meadows.


This contains 49 acres and 32 perches IPM. JAMES and JOHN LEN…... are tenants and each have a small house as above.

Teevena alias Tullenamy

This contains 67 acres 2 roods and 16 perches IPM. ROBERT HARRIS is tenant and has upon it a good farm house, a barn, stable, cow house and garden and about the last grows several ash trees and sally quicks. There is on this farm a freestone quarry. It is good arable meadow and pasture land.

Tulle:Eve alias Artra

This contains 73 acres 2 roods and 16 perches IPM. JOHN and JAMES FARGESON the WIDOW FARGESON and HUGH GARDENER are tenants. They all live in the town of Artra and have each a good house with a garden etc. It is good arable meadows and pasture land.

Tulleran alias Tullira

This contains 44 acres 1 rood and 24 perches profitable land IPM. 21 acres 2 Roods and 16 perches moss ground, like measure. THOMAS FOSTER, the WIDOW KINNEBROW are tenants and have a house in the said town of Artra etc ut supa. Note MR WALKINTON is likewise tenant and has a house etc as above. The land is as above.


This contains 47 acres 1 rood 32 perches IPM. MR WALKINTON in right of his brother the LATE BISHOP OF DOWN deceased is tenant. The late Bishop has made very good Improvements upon this farm. The house he made very convenient. There were many pretty and convenient apartments in it. As I’m told it was the prettiest box of a house thereabouts, nothing like it. The Bishop was here Minister. There were good out houses and particularly a stable which would hold 16-18 horses with good racks and mangers, a small orchard and a garden. All these Improvements are now destroyed. Little remains except the shell or walls. I spoke of this to Mr Stewart and he complains of the present tenant MR WALKINTON and one ROBT STEWART who likewise pretends to have some interest in it, and says they are poor and he can neither get rent from them nor get them to set the concern.


This was not shown to me when in the country. After my return to Dublin searching the Surveyor’s Office I found in the record this denomination and do believe it is the small parks about the town of Artra. It contains 21 acres and 32 perches IPM. Having not viewed it I can give no further account therefore query.

All the above denominations together with the last 3 in page 41 are bounded with the Manor Lindsey south and west, Castle Stewart east and Crattale south.

County of Tyrone




This contains 140 acres by estimation or thereabouts. NEILE ODEVLIN is tenant and has upon it a good farm house with a barn, stable, cow house and garden. It is good arable and pasture land, most part of it and bears very good corn and there is good meadows belonging to it.


This contains 180 acres by estimation or thereabouts. It has some underwood as alder hazel etc growing upon it and there is some bog and unprofitable land but the greater part is good arable and pasture land. It bears good corn of all sorts and has a great deal of meadow belonging to it. CAPT ART OHAGAN is tenant and has upon it a good farm house with a barn, stable, cow house and garden etc.


This contains by estimation 130 acres or thereabout. MR THOMAS RITCHISON and under him MR WILLIAM CLANSTON is tenant and has a very good farm house with a barn, stable, cow house and garden. This is very good land, bears very good corn of all sorts and has good meadows belonging to it.

Note These 3 town lands are part of the Kilteogh’s or the woods of Montrevelin. On these towns there have been great woods of which nothing of value now remains. A particular account of it is given in Nr 75 and page 41. Therefore I say nothing more of them here. These are bounded on one side with Lough Neagh and MR CUNINHAM’S and MR BLACKER’S proportions of the Society land and Lord Primate’s land bound the rest.





This is called 3 sessiaghs and contains 160 acres or thereabouts and to 2 of the sessiaghs NICHOLAS OCASSADY is tenant. They are coarse arable and pasture land. It may properly enough be called an island for they are encompassed with bogs and watery marshes. To the other sessiagh JOHN WILKISON is tenant and has upon it a small farm house etc. This is good arable and pasture land and bears good corn of all sorts and there are some meadows belonging to it.


This contains 100 acres or thereabouts. JOHN WILKISON is tenant. There is good arable and pasture land bears good wheat and bare and there are some meadows belonging to it together with a small house etc.


These are called 2 small towns They contain together 127 acres 2 roods 16 perches IPM. JOHN CUNINHAM and WILLM STEWART who have each a good farm house etc are tenants. The land is like to that above most of it now under corn and Lord Primate’s land lies round. These 3 last farms, these are also in the woods of Montrevelin and had good timber upon them but it’s now all destroyed, of which see an account given in Nr 75 and page 41 as above.




Killecanovan [Killycanavan]


Lurgaro [Lurgyroe]


Annagheiter [Anneeter]


Mullaghoutra [Mullaghwotragh]






Ballinahone [Ballynahone]


Derregonagon [Derrygonigan]


Lisnahall alias Lissnahavill


Ennisclin alias Enniscallen [Enniskillen]




Liscausway [Liscausy]


Cleggans alias Farrensaggart [Claggan]


Tullechurcher [Tullyhurken]




Teevena alias Tullenamy [Tievenagh]


Tulle:Eve alias Artra [Ardtrea]


Tulleran alias Tullira [Tullyraw]


Tulleverrin [Tullyveagh]







Kenrush [Kinrush]


KillinasKolle [Kilmascally]


Killegonnalen [Killygonlan]






Clonto [Cluntoe]


Drumman [Drumenny]




The Archbishop



A View or An Account taken

by Thomas Ashe Esq

In Anno



The Following Pages Containe Only The Notes & Observations of the said Tho. Ashe Made & Taken For the help of his Memory) at the time of his View – To which he has Since Collected (Out of the Surveyor’s Office) and Added The Numbers of Acres contain’d in all the Town Lands belonging to The said ArchBishoprick – An Undertaking not (in the Memory of man) before Attempted by any of the Lord Primats Receivers. And begun & finished at the Charge & Expense of the said Tho. Ashe In Anno 1703

William Stewart Esq

Killecanovan This is two Sesseoghs and Contains by Estimacon 80 acres or thereabouts Capt Art: OHagan is Tenant.

Lurgaro This is 3 Sesseoghs and contains by Estimacon 120 acres or thereabouts Capt Art: OHagan Tenant On this Land stands the Church of Ardbo which is very near to Logh Nea.

Annagheiter This is 3 sesseoghs & it contains by Estimacon 120 acres or thereabouts It is corse Arrable & Pasture Land Teige ODevelin Donnell McDonnell who have some Cottiers under them.

Mullaghoutra This Contains about 80 aces by Estimacon James Cox & William Gibson & James McCoard are Tenants This is good Corne & Pasture Land.

Kinturk This Contains by Estimacon 120 acres or thereabouts Donnell Mc Donnell & Manus OHammel are Tenants This Lyes by the side of Logh Neagh and is corse Land and Great Boggs are about it These Lands above Named are called the Killteogh’s als the Woods of Mountreivelin Here I mett with great Numbers of Stump’s or Bottom’s of Large Oak Trees which is all that remains of Those Great Woods so much spoake of There are indeed many Old Decay’d Trees without Bark yet Standing But they are of no use except to make Coale of or for Cleft Wood to make Barrell Staves and Shingles to which use I found the Tenants or Country People by their Permission Converting that Old Timber But I hope I have effectually put a stop to that Work The rest of the Farmes in the Killteoghs or Montreivlin will be found in Nos 77 & 78 -- Note these Lands are bounded with Logh Nea East Mr Blacker’s Land South & Lord Primat’s Land North and West Note also the Tenants above Named have each a small Farme House etc By Lord Primat’s Order I have sent writts against the Principal men that have made bold with the above Woods & I do hope it will prevent the like for the Future.

Ballinahone This Contains 47 acres & 32 Perches Ireish Plant Measure James Hogg Claud Rowland & Addam Otterson are Tenants and have each small Farme House with Barnes Stables Cow Houses Gardens etc Note on this Town Land Stands the Bridge of Ardtra & Over a River of the same Name This is Arrable & Pasture Land.

Derregonagon This Contains 83 acres &32 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Robt Purvis is Tenant & has a small Farme House & ut supa … It is Arrable & Pasture Land & some Meadow.

Lisnahall als Lissnahavill This Contains 48 acres 1 Rood 2 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure James MCCord is Tenant & has a small Farme house etc ut supra It is Arrable & Pasture Land & has some Meadows belonging to it Note – these 3 last Denominations are bounded with those Noted in the Following Page 42:

Ennisclin als Enniscallen This Contains 37 acres & 32 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure. James Dunn William McCoard & George Cowan are Tenants And have each a small Farme House and Barnes Stables Cow Houses & Gardens And there is a small Orchard This is good Arrable and Pasture Land And there is Some Meadow.

Edernagh This Contains 80 Acres 3 Roods & 8 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Thomas McCoard is Tenant And has a Good Farme House & a good Corne Mill built with Stone James King Miller…. Tenant & Built it It is much the same Land with that above but not all is so good There are some Meadows belonging to it.

Liscausway This contains 75 acres & 32 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Alexander Mitchell is Tenant and has a small Farme House etc It is good Land most of it Under Corne the Rest is Pasture & Meadow.

Cleggans als Farrensaggart This is some small Parks or Inclosures about the Church of Artra They contain 10 Acres Ireish Plantacion Measure & are Under Corne.

Tullechurcher This Contains 62 acres Irish Plantacon Measure John Grier & George Mitchell are Tenants and have each a small Farme House etc This is good Arrable and Pasture Land & there are some good Meadows.

Lisboy This Contains 49 acres & 32 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure James & John Len…. are tenants & each have a small House ut Supa.

Teevena als Tullenamy This Contains 67 Acres 2 Roods & 16 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Robert Harris is Tenant & has upon it a good Farme House a Barne Stable Cow House & Garden And about the last Grows Severall Ash Trees & Salley Quicks. There is on this Farme a Freestone Quarre It is good Arrable Meadow & Pasture Land.

Tulle Eve als Artra This Contains 73 acres 2 roods & 16 perches Ireish Plantacon Measure John & James Fargeson the Widdow Fargeson & Hugh Gardener are Tenants They all live in the Towne of Artra & have each a good House with a Garden etc It is good Arrable Meadows & Pasture Land.

Tulleran als Tullira This contains 44 Acres 1 Rood & 24 Perches Profitable Land Ireish Plantacon 021 – 2 -16 Measure and 21 Acres 2Roods & 16 Perches Moss Ground like Measure Thomas Foster, The Widdow Kinnebrow are Tenants And have a House in the said Towne of Artra etc ut supa Note Mr Walkinton is likewise Tenant & has a House etc ut supa The Land is ut supa.

Tulleverrin This Contains 47 acres 1 Rood 32 Perches Ireish Plantacon Measure Mr Walkinton in Right Of his Brother the late Bishop of Down deceas’d is tenant The late Bishop has made very good Improvements upon this Farme The House he made very Convenient There were many Preety and convenient Appartments in it As I’me tould it was the Preetyest Box of a house thereabouts nothing like it. The Bishop was here Minister There were good Out Houses & particularly a Stable which would hold 16-18 horses with good Racks & Mangers A small Orchard & a Garden All these Improvements are now destroy’d Little remains except the Shell or Walls I spoak Of this to Mr Stewart and he complains of the Present Tenant Mr Walkinton & one Robt Stewart who likewise pretends to have some Interest in it And says they are Poor & he can Neither gett Rent from them nor gett them to Sitt the Concerne.

Clogh Land This was not shown to me when in the Countrey After my return to Dublin serching the Sureyor’s Office I found in the Record This Denomination & do believe it is the small Parks about the Town of Artra It Contains 21 acres & 32 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure Havieng not Viewed it I can give no further Account therefore Quer All the above Denominacons together with the last 3 in page 41 are bounded with the Mannor Lindsey South & West Castle Stewart East and Crattale South

Kenrush this Contains 140 Acres by Estimation or thereabouts Neile ODevlin is Tenant and has upon it a good Farme House with a Barne Stable Cow House & Garden It is good Arrable & Pasture Land most part of it and Bear’s very good Corne and there is good Meadows belonging to it.

KillinasKolle This contains 180 Acres by Estimacon or thereabouts It has some Under Wood as Aulder Hasle etc growing upon it and there is some Bogg & Unprofitable Land but the Greater part is good Arrable & Pasture Land It bear’s good Corne of all sorts & has a great deal of Meadow belonging to it Capt Art OHagan is Tenant and has upon it a good Farme House with a Barne Stable Cow House & Garden etc.

Killegonnalen This Contains by Estimacon 130 Acres or thereabout Mr Thomas Ritchison & Under him Mr William Clanston is Tenant & has a very good Farme House with a Barne Stable Cow House & Garden This is very good Land bear’s very good Corne of all sorts And has good Meadows belonging to it. Note These 3 Town Lands are part of the Kilteogh’s or the Woods of Montrevelin On these Towns there have been great Woods of which nothing of Value now remains A particular account of it is given in Nr 75 & page 41. Therefore I say nothing more of them here These are bounded on one side with Loghnea & Mr Cuninham’s & Mr Blacker’s Proportions of the Society Land & Lord Primat’s Land bound the rest.

Annaghmore This is called 3 Sesseoghs and Contains 160 Acres or thereabouts And to 2 of the Sessioghs Nicholas OCassady is Tenant They are corce Arrable & Pasture Land It may Properly anough be called an Iland for they are incompass’d with Boggs and Watery Marshes To the other Sesseogh John Wilkison is Tenant And has upon it a small Farme House etc This is good Arrable & Pasture Land & bear’s good Corne of all Sorts & there are Some Meadows belonging to it

Clonto This Contains 100 Acres or thereabouts John Wilkison is Tenant There is good Arrable & Pasture Land bear’s good Wheat & Bare & there are Some Meadows belonging to it together with a small House etc.

Drumman These are called 2 small Towns They contain together 127 Acres 2 Roods 16 Perches Ireish Plantacion Measure John Cuninham & Willm Stewart who have each a good Farme House etc are Tenants The Land is like to that above most of it now under Corne and Lord Primat’s Land Lyes Round These 3 last Farmes These are also in the Woods of Montrevelin & had good Timber upon them but it’s Now all destroy’d Of which see an account given in Nr 75 & page 41 ut supa.