Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Archbishopric of Armagh Estate: Tenant of the Lease: James Richardson, Gent, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland

Extracts from an Account of the Lands of the Archbishop of Armagh for Co. Tyrone, by Thomas Ashe 1703
PRONI Ref: T848/1 - Extracted from the Ash Manuscripts
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by Evelyn Cardwell
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


Extracted from the enormous Archbishopric of Armagh Estate, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast

The Archbishop of Armagh owned large tracts of land in Counties Tyrone, Londonderry, Armagh, Monaghan and Louth. With the exception of place names and personal names, spelling in this document has been modernised and punctuation has been inserted where it has been judged useful and relevant. Acreages are in Irish Plantation Measure [IPM]. One Irish acre equals 1.62 statute acres.

Pre1800 records comprise leases, rentals and surveys and a large collection of maps. Some records are in a fragile state and may be referred to using photocopies of the originals. The call numbers are catalogued DIO/4 passim



James Richardson Gent:




This lies in the Parish of Ardbo and contains 69 acres and 32 perches IPM. Richard Rinkin and John McGaw are tenants and have each a small farm house with barns, stables, cow houses and gardens. It is good arable and pasture land, has some meadows belonging to it.


It is bounded with Tirkvallen west and south Killegonalan south east and Mullaghotra north west.



This contains 471 acres and 2 perches IPM. The Widow Burnet is tenant. It is coarse grazing land and goes over the mountain Slavegullan. It is fit for young black cattle and is now so stocked, and there are on the sides of the hill some enclosed parks under oats etc. It bounds with Knockadoe south and goes over the mountain Slavegullan and joins Mr Cary’s land on the north and Lord Primate’s land east and west. There is no house upon it except some cabins for the cowboys. The tenant’s house is upon it. There has been much timber upon this land but it’s all gone except the old stumps.


The Widow Burnet tenant. She has a good farm house with barn, stable, cow house and gardens. It contains 277 acres and 3 perches IPM. It is the same land with that above and goes over the mountain and joins Mr Cary’s land north and Lord Primate’s land lies east, west and south of it etc. and as above.



This contains 362 acres IPM. This town is divided into two half townlands, one half whereof is held by Capt George Stuart under Capt Dawson in Number 19 and the other half by the said Stuart under this lessee so that the whole held by this lease is no more than 181 acres IPM. Note - on this Capt Stuart has at his own expense built a good stone farm house which has in it good rooms above and below stairs, together with a good stable, barn and cow house and has enclosed a large piece of ground for a garden and made other Improvements by ditches and drains and under him Mr James Forbe is tenant.


This contains 190 acres IPM. Capt Stuart and under him Patrick McCalve who has a small tenement. And on this town is a corn mill built with lime and stone. These 2 last towns lie in the mountains of Tirmonmaguirk and are coarse grazing farms fit only for young stock and are bounded round with Lord Primate’s land.


Cloncon and Moyross

These 2 join together and are undistinguishable. Moyross is not in the lease named but I found them together in the Survey and they contain together 184 acres IPM. John Watson is tenant and has on it a stone farm house with a barn etc. It is arable and pasture land and has belonging to it some meadow. Some part of the land is covered with underwood.


This contains 280 acres IPM. It is such like land as that next above. There is a small lough upon it. William Watson in tenant and has a small farm house etc. as above.

Stoughan Begg

This contains 60 acres by estimation or thereabouts. James Callender is tenant and has a small farm house etc. and the land is like to that above.

Stoughan Moore

This is divided into 2 holdings one of which is called ChurchTown. The foundation of an old Church there appears. They contain together 100 acres or thereabouts. Hugh Watson and Mich: Farlow who have each a small stone farm house with barns and are tenants. This is not so good land as the other.


These 5 last denominations inclusive of Churchtown lie all together and are bounded with Manor Row north west, Mr Stuart of Killemoon’s own freehold north east, Mr Stuart of Eiery’s own freehold south east and Carland Lord Primate’s land west. They lie near New Mills or Tullenesken which is near Dungannon





Ballemurphy [Ballymurphy]


Litterane [Letteran]

Lissan, County Londonderry

Derreganard [Derryganard]

Lissan, County Londonderry

Aghanree {Athenree}


Tirroone [Tiroony}


Cloncon and Moyross [Glencon]




Stoughan Begg [Stughan]


Stoughan Moore [Bloomhill and Stughan]





The Archbishop



A View or An Account taken

by Thomas Ashe Esq

In Anno



The Following Pages Containe Only The Notes & Observations of the said Tho. Ashe Made & Taken For the help of his Memory) at the time of his View – To which he has Since Collected (Out of the Surveyor’s Office) and Added The Numbers of Acres contain’d in all the Town Lands belonging to The said ArchBishoprick – An Undertaking not (in the Memory of man) before Attempted by any of the Lord Primats Receivers. And begun & finished at the Charge & Expense of the said Tho. Ashe In Anno 1703

TENANT: James Richardson Gent

069- - 32 Ballemurphy This lyes in the Parish of Ardbo and Contains 69 acres & 32 perches Irish Plantacon Measure Richard Rinkin & John McGaw are Tenants & have each a small Farme House with Barnes Stables Cow Houses & Gardens It is good Arrable and Pasture Land has some Meadows belonging to it. It is bounded with Tirkvallen West & South Killegonalan South East & Mullaghotra North West

471- -2 Litterane This Contains 471 Acres & 2 Perches Irish Plantacon Measure the Widdow Burnet is Tenant It is corse Graysing Land & goes over the Mountain Slave gullan It is fitt for Young Black Cattle & is now so Stock’t And there are on the sides of the hill som Inclos’d Parks under Oates etc It bounds with Knockadoe South & goes over the Mountain Slavegullan & Joynes Mr Cary’s Land on the North & Lord Primat’s Land East & West There is no House upon it except some Cabbins for the CowBoyes The Tenant’s house is upon There has been much Tymber upon this Land but it’s all gone except the Old Stump’s

277- 3 Derreganard The Widdow Burnet Tenant She has a good Farme House with Barne Stable Cow House & Gardens It Contains 277 Acres & 3 Perches Ireish Plantacon Measure It is the same Land with that above & goes over the Mountain and joynes McCary’s Land North & Lord Primats Land Lyes East West & South of it Etc & ut supa

181 - - Aghanree This Contains 362 Acres Irish Plantacon Measure This Towne is devided into two half Towne Lands one halfe whereof Is held by Capt George Stuart under Capt Dawson in Nr 19 & the other halfe by the said Stuart under this Lessee so that the whole held by this Lease is no more than 181 acres Ireish Plant Measure – Note on this Capt Stuart has at his own Expence built a good Stone Farme House which has in it good Roomes above & below Staires together with a good Stable Barne & Cow house & has Inclos’d a Large peice of ground For a Garden and made other Improvements by Ditches & Draynes & under him Mr James Forbe is Tenant.

190 - - Tirroone This Contains 190 Acres Ireish Plantacon Measure Capt Stuart & under him Patrick McCalve who has a small Tenement & on this Town is a Corne Mill built with Lyme & Stone These 2 last Townes Lye in the Mountains of Tirmonmaguirk & and are corse Greasing Farms fitt only for Young Stock & are bounded round with Lord Primats Land

184 - - Cloncon & Moyross These 2 joine & Undistinguishable Moyross is not in the Lease Named but I found them together in the Survey & they contain together 184 Acres Ireish Plant Measure. John Watson is Tenant & has on it a stone Farme House with a Barne etc It is Arrable & Pasture Land & has belonging to it some Meadow Some part of the Land is cover’d with Under Wood.

280- - Dromard This contains 280 Acres Ireish Plantacon Measure It is such like Land as that next above There is a small Lough upon it William Watson in Tenant & has a small Farme House etc ut supa

060 - - Stoughan Begg This Contains 60 Acres by Estimacon or thereabouts James Callender is Tenant & has a small Farme House etc & the Land is like to that above

100- - Stoughan Moore This is Divided into 2 holdings one of which is called ChurchTown the Foundation of an old Church there appears They contain together 100 acres or thereabouts Hugh Watson & Mich: Farlow who have each a small Stone Farme House with Barnes & are Tenants This is not so good Land as the other

These 5 last Denominations Inclusive of Churchtown Lye all together and are bounded with Manor Row North West Mr Stuart of Killemoon’s own Freehold North Eat Mr Stuart of Eiery’s own Freehold South East & Carlands Lord Primats Land West They lye near New Mills or Tullenesken which is near Dongannon.