Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Archbishopric of Armagh Estate:
Tenants of the Lease: Wm. Cunningham, Esq., 1703
Parishes of Tamlaght, Lissan & Ballynascreen, Cos. Tyrone & Londonderry

PRONI Ref: T848/1
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Evelyn Cardwell
Formatted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia



Extracted from the enormous Archbishopric of Armagh Estate, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast

The Archbishop of Armagh owned large tracts of land in Counties Tyrone, Londonderry, Armagh, Monaghan and Louth. With the exception of place names and personal names, spelling in this document has been modernised and punctuation has been inserted where it has been judged useful and relevant. Acreages are in Irish Plantation Measure [IPM]. One Irish acre equals 1.62 statute acres.

Pre-1800 records comprise leases, rentals and surveys and a large collection of maps. Some records are in a fragile state and may be referred to using photocopies of the originals. The call numbers are catalogued DIO/4 passim




Note these 4 Towns in this circumflex are part of the Toberan mountains and in Mr Cunningham’s lease and contains 976 acres 2 roods 0 perches

Sesseogh Brackagh in Sir Robt Staples Lease No 73 and contains 108 acres 2 perches

This last is surrounded by those above: Total 1,085acres



Balledawle alias Ballydully

Two town lands. They lie near Ballinderry. JOHN MACKEE and JOHN LAWSON are tenants. They have each of them a small farm house with barns, stables etc and have under them several cottiers. This is very good arable and pasture land, most under corn and on it is a great deal of good meadow. They are bounded with Drumullin west and south west, Monehaw west, Ballyndrum north, Ballenoe north east, Tamlatt south east and Ballegonne south. They contain 240 acres by estimation.



so called in the lease but not known. It is believed to be part of the Ballydawles above named. The Ballydawles is well enclosed with quicksett hedges into pretty small parks. A good turf bog belonging to it. WILLIAM ROBERT and JAMES HAMILTON also live upon it and have small farm houses but JOHN LAWSON’S is a very good stone farm house with outhouses suitable and very convenient. There is some scrub or underwood on it.



This contains by estimation 100 acres or thereabouts. CAPT WILLIAM BETTIE is tenant. He has upon it a good stone house, part of it lofted overhead with a stable, cow house, barn and oat kiln and a corn mill with lime and stone. It is coarse arable and pasture land.



This contains 84 acres IPM. CAPT WM BETTIE is tenant. This is coarse grazing land with some patches of corn on it. These last two denominations join with land belonging to the Lord Primate and held by SIR ROBERT STAPLES and MR STEWART, touch at ye mountain Slavgullan, but go not over and they are in the Parish of Lissan.


Coruck alias Carick alias Core

Said to be a sessiogh of Ballybriske. This is under MR CUNNINGHAM’S own stock, and lies over, and is part of the mountain Slavgullan. It is a coarse mountain pasture farm, a great scope of land fit for rearing young cattle, great bogs upon it insomuch that I could not get with my horses to see the bounds. It is in the parish of Ballenfisbreen and is well watered contains 90 acres or thereabouts.



CAPT WILLM BETTIE is tenant. This, with the 3 last, are coarse grazing farms fit only for young cattle There are some small parks of corn upon them. They go over the mountain Slavgullan …………………… and they join the Society lands on the north side the mountain There are great bogs etc ut supra This Moyboy, Toberan mountain and Brackagh contain together 1085 acres IPM.profitable land but coarse.



I find to be in SR ROBERT STAPLES Lease but the Toberan mountain is not, nor was it, owned by Sir Robt or MR CUNNINGHAM under that denomination nor is it in either their leases by that name but I found it in a Survey and do believe it is held by CAPT BETTIE either with Moyboy in this lease or to the sessiogh Brackagh in Sir Robt Staples Lease ( No 73) the Toberan mountain called by the above name.



A coarse grazing farm (not mountain). It lies under the mountain of Slafgullan on the south side of it. There is on this farm Lough Feagh with five or six other small loughs but little fish in them except some few pike. There are some small enclosures or patches of corn upon it and it is in the Parish of Lissan and contains 276 acres profitable land IPM. The other two thirds is in MR STEWART’S lease No 75 and contains 185 acres 3 roods 25 perches IPM.……………..I met with a story on some of the five last mentioned towns of a west ( as it was named to me ) called Toberane which was the head of a clan and it appears and mournfully sings sometime before the death of any of that clan. That west (I suppose) signifies a ghost or spirit.





Balledawle alias Ballydully [Ballydawley]


Crosspatrick [part of Ballydawley]




Cleggan [Clagan]


Coruck alias Carick alias Core [Corick]


Moybuy. [Mobuy]




Ballybrisk [Ballybriest]



PRONI Ref: T848/1


The Archbishop



A View or An Account taken

by Thomas Ashe Esq

In Anno


The Following Pages Containe Only The Notes & Observations of the said Tho. Ashe Made & Taken For the help of his Memory) at the time of his View – To which he has Since Collected (Out of the Surveyor’s Office) and Added The Numbers of Acres contain’d in all the Town Lands belonging to The said ArchBishoprick – An Undertaking not (in the Memory of man) before Attempted by any of the Lord Primats Receivers. And begun & finished at the Charge & Expense of the said Tho. Ashe In Anno 1703

Wm Cunningham Esq.

Note these 4 Towns in this circumflex are pt of the Toberan mountains & in Mr Cunningham’s Lease & cont 976ac 2 r 0p

Sesseogh Brackagh in Sir Robt Staples Lease No 73 & cont 108 – 2

This last is surrounded by those above

Tot 1085 0 0

Balledawle als Ballydully. Two Towne Lands They lye near Ballinderry John Mackee and John Lawson are Tennts They have each of them a Small Farme House with Barnes Stables etc and have under them Severall cottiers This is very good Arrable and pasture Land most Under Corne and on it is a great deal of good meadow They are bounded with Drumullin West and South West Monehaw West Ballyndrum North Ballenoe North East Tamlatt South East and Ballegonne South They contain 240 acres by Estimacon.

Crosspatrick. so called in the Lease but not knowne It is believed to be part of the Bally dawles above named sed cf The Ballydawles is well inclosed with quicksett hedges into pretty small Parks A good Turffe Bogg belonging to it William Robert and James Hamilton alsoe live upon it and have small Farme houses but John Lawsons is a very good Stone Farme House with outhouses suitable and very convenient There is Some Schrubb or underwood on it.

Murrush. This Contains by estimacion 100 acres or thereabouts Capt William Bettie is Tennt he has upon it a good Stone house part of it lofted overhead with a Stable Cow House Barne and Oat Kilne and a Corn Mill wth Lyme and Stone It is course arrable and pasture Land.

Cleggan. This Contains 84 Acres Irish Planton Capt Wm Bettie is Tennt This is course grazeing Land with Some patches of Corn on it These last two denominacons Joyne with Land belonging to the Lord Primate and held by Sir Robert Staples and Mr Stewart, Touch att ye Mountain Slavgullan, but goe not over and they are in the Parish of Lissan.

Coruck als Carick als Core. Said to be a Sessiogh of Ballybriske This is under Mr Cunninghams own Stock, and lyes over, and is part of the mountain Slavgullan It is a course mountain pasture Farme a great scope of Land fit for rearing Young cattle, great Boggs upon it insoemuch that I could not gett with my horses to see the Bounds It is the parish of Ballenfisbreen and is well watered Contains 90 acres or thereabouts.

Moybuy. Capt Willm Bettie is Tenant This wth the 3 last are corse grazeing Farmes fitt only for Young cattle There are Some small Parks of Corn upon them They go over the Mountain Slavgullan …………………… and they Joine the Society Lands on the North side the mountain There are great Boggs etc ut supra This Moyboy Toberan Mountain & Brackagh cont’ together 1085 acres Irish Plantacon profitable Land but course Brackagh I find to be in Sr Robert Staples Lease But the Toberan Mountain is not nor was it owned by Sir Robt or Mr Cunningham under that denominacon nor is it in either their Leases by that name but I found it in a Survey and do believe it is held by Capt Bettie either with Moyboy in this Lease or to the Sessiogh Brackagh in Sir Robt Staples Lease ( No 73) the Toberan Mountain called by the above name.

Ballybrisk. a course grazeing Farm (not mountain) It lyes under the mountain of Slafgullan on the South side of it There is on this Farm Logh feagh with five or Six other small Loghs but little Fish in them except Some few Pikes There are Some small inclosures or patches of Corn upon it and it is in the Parish of Lissan & Contains 276 Acres Profitable Land Ir plant Measure The other two thirds is in Mr Stewarts Lease No 75 & Contains 185 acres 3 Roods 25 Ir Plant measure ……………..I met with a story on Some of the Five last menconed Townes of a West ( as it was named to me) called Toberane whch was the head of a clann and it appears and mournefully sings Sometime before the death of any of that clann That West (I suppose) signifies a ghost or Spirit.