Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Archbishopric of Armagh Estate:
Tenants of the Lease: Cath: Cornwall, Widow, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland c1703
241 acres 2 roods 16 perches

Extracts from an Account of the Lands of the Archbishop of Armagh for County Tyrone By Thomas Ashe 1703
Extracted from the enormous Archbishopric of Armagh Estate, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast
Ref PRONI Ref: T848/1
The Archbishop of Armagh owned large tracts of land in Counties Tyrone, Londonderry, Armagh, Monaghan and Louth. With the exception of place names and personal names, spelling in this document has been modernised and punctuation has been inserted where it has been judged useful and relevant. Acreages are in Irish Plantation Measure [IPM]. One Irish acre equals 1.62 statute acres.
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Evelyn Cardwell
Pre-1800 records comprise leases, rentals and surveys and a large collection of maps. Some records are in a fragile state and may be referred to using photocopies of the originals. The call numbers are catalogued DIO/4 passim.
Formatting and additional notes by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


****** An Ebook, The Ash Manuscripts written 1735 by Lieut. Col. Thomas Ash, is also available here ******



Townland Tenants
Drumheriff als Drumheren near the town of Dungannon. To this HENRY MAGRAGH is tenant. There on it a small farm house with a barn, stable and turf. It is arable pasture land, most of it well enclosed with quicksett hedges. There are some meadows, and before his door are some green trees in a hedge row.
Kingarve also Kingarren To this ART O’NEAL, BRYAN O’NOGHER and BRYAN O’MADDEN are tenants. They have each of them a small farm house and barns etc. It is coarse pasture land, some small parks of corn. And on it some under or scrub wood and bog, about 4 or 5 acres of meadow.
Cornemucklagh To this THOMAS ROBINSON and THOMAS MAGRATH are tenants. This is good arable and pasture land, lies as the others do near Dungannon. The said tenants each have a small farm house and besides are on the land some cottiers with cabins etc. There is about ten acres of good meadow on it and a small wood of oak, ash and alder trees, some few of them are timber. This farm is enclosed with dry ditch and some dead hedges and upon it is a Lough called Loghnecrille.
Lismallin also Lismaglin JOHN COLSTON and JAMES HAMILTON are tenants. They have each of them a small farm house with barns etc. It is good arable and pasture land with some meadow and is enclosed with dry ditch etc. There have been great woods but those destroyed many years ago.


These town lands are bounded with Gortmarron south, Kinnemeale west, Mullaghadunn and Curren north, Mullaghateige Gortshalgon and Killeneale east and contains in the whole 241 acres 2 Rood and 16 perches IPM



Drumheriff als Drumheren [Drumharriff] Drumglass
Kingarve also Kingarren Drumglass
Cornemucklagh [Cornamucklagh] Drumglass
Lismallin also Lismaglin [Lisnaclin] Drumglass






The Archbishop



A View or An Account taken

by Thomas Ashe Esq.

In Anno


The Following Pages Containe Only The Notes & Observations of the said Tho. Ashe Made & Taken For the help of his Memory) at the time of his View – To which he has Since Collected (Out of the Surveyor’s Office) and Added The Numbers of Acres contain’d in all the Town Lands belonging to The said ArchBishoprick – An Undertaking not (in the Memory of man) before Attempted by any of the Lord Primats Receivers. And begun & finished at the Charge & Expense of the said Tho. Ashe In Anno 1703


COUNTY OF TYRONE Cath: Cornwall Widdow 241-2-16

Drumheriff als Drumheren near the Towne of Dungannon. To this Henry Magragh is Tennt. There on it a small Farm house with a Barn, Stable and Turff. It is arrable and pasture Land, most of it well inclosed with Quicksett hedges. There are Some meadows, and before his door are some green Trees in a Hedge row.

Kingarve also Kingarren To this Art O’Neal. Bryan O’Nogher and Bryan O’Madden are Tennents. They have each of them a small Farm house and Barns etc. It is course pasture Land, some small Parks of corn. and on it some Under or Schrubb Wood and Bogg about 4 or 5 acres of Meadow.

Cornemucklagh To this Thomas Robinson and Thomas Magrath are Tennts. This is good Arrable and pasture Land, lyes as the others doe near Dungannon. The said Tennts each have a small Farm house and besides are on the Land some Cottiers with Cabbins etc. There is about ten acres of good meadow on it and a small Wood of Oak, Ash and Alder trees, Some Few of ye are Timber. This Farm is inclosed with dry ditch and Some dead hedges and upon it is a Lough called Loghnecrille.

Lismallin also Lismaglin John Coltson and James Hamilton are tennents. They have each of them a Small Farm house with Barns etc. It is good arrable and pasture Land with some meadow and is inclosed with dry ditch etc. There have been great woods but those destroyed many years agoe.

These Towne Lands are bounded with Gortmarron South Kinnemeale West, Mullaghadunn & Curren North, Mullaghateige Gortshalgon and Killeneale East and containe in the whole 241 acres 2 Rood & 16 pearches Irish plantacon measure.