This file of MARRIAGES RECORDED IN THE REGISTERS OF KILTEEVOGUE PARISH CHURCH, COUNTY DONEGAL 1845-64, forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to KILTEEVOGUE PARISH on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
Kilteevogue Parish, Co. Donegal Townlands in Co. Donegal ![]()
Kilteevogue Parish Church (St. John’s Church of Ireland), Co. Donegal ***ORIGINAL SPELLING HAS BEEN RETAINED***
No. Date Marriage 1 Aug 5 1845 George Arnold full age bachelor labourer Stranorlar Town. Father: Robert Arnold labourer
Barbara Griffith full age spinster Ballyboneen, Kilreevock. Father: Evans Griffith farmer
Witnesses: Anthony Griffith & Edward Arnold
2 Nov 13 1845 Richard Dermond full age bachelor farmer Kiltiferrigle in Stranorlar. Father: James Dermond farmer
Mary Patton full age spinster Corlecky in Kilteevock. Father: John Patton farmer
Witnesses: Matthew Patton & James Dermond
3 Dec 23 1845 James Spence full age bachelor farmer Clarr in parish of Donegal. Father: Henry Spence farmer
Ann Thompson full age spinster Welchtown in Kilteevock. Father: Robert Thompson farmer
Witnesses: Francis Flood & James McClure
4 Jan 8 1846 James Leeper full age bachelor blacksmith Welchtown in Kilteevock. Father: James Leeper blacksmith
Mary Patton minor spinster Welchtown in Kilteevock. Father: William Patton farmer
Witnesses: William McIlhinney & John Patton
5 Apr 30 1846 Patrick McCreedy full age bachelor labourer Welchtown in Kilteevock. Father: William McCreedy farmer
Isabella Hardy minor spinster Largnalore in Kilteevock. Father: Joseph Hardy farmer
Witnesses: John McIlhinney & John Patton
6 Jul 21 1846 Thomas Patton full age bachelor farmer Corlecky in Kilteevock. Father: Thomas Patton farmer
Margaret Patton full age spinster Corlecky in Kilteevock. Father: William Patton farmer
Witnesses: William Patton & Charles McCreery
7 Aug 4 1846 James McCreery full age bachelor farmer Altnapaste in Kilteevock. Father: Charles McCreery farmer
Eliza Morrow full age spinster Altnapaste in Kilteevock. Father: James Morrow farmer
Witnesses: James Griffith & Charles McCreery
8 Feb 25 1847 Hugh Thompson full age bachelor farmer Welchtown in Kilteevock. Father: Robert Thompson farmer
Esther Thompson full age spinster Welchtown in Kilteevock. Father: James Thompson deceased farmer
Witnesses: James Witter & John Thompson
9 Nov 23 1847 Robert Donaldson full age bachelor farmer Castlecaldwell, Parish of Belleek [Co. Fermanagh]. Father: John Donaldson farmer
Isabella Donaldson minor spinster Welchtown, Parish of Kilteevock. Father: Samuel Donaldson farmer
Witnesses: George Donaldson & William Campbell
10 Nov 23 1847 John Martin full age bachelor farmer Curraghmone, Parish of Stranorlar. Father: Thomas Martin farmer
Hannah Leeper full age spinster Welchtown, Parish of Kilteevock. Father: Francis Leeper farmer
Witnesses: Guy Martin & George Kee
11 Dec 28 1847 Thomas Adair full age widower farmer Drinahaha, Parish of Ardara. Father: William Adair farmer
Eliza Hume, otherwise McCreery full age widow Kiltyferrigle, Parish of Kilteevock. Father: Charles McCreery farmer
Witnesses: John Hanlon & Alexander Hanlon
12 Mar 21 1848 Thomas Patton full age bachelor farmer Corlecky in Kilteevock. Father: William Patton farmer
Isabella Patton full age spinster Meenagrave in Kilteevock. Father: Hugh Patton farmer
Witnesses: James Witter, senior & James Witter, junior
13 Sep 18 1848 Robert Robinson full age bachelor carpenter Carrickmore in Parish of Donoughmore. Father: Hugh Robinson labourer
Mary Kee full age spinster Altnapaste in Kilteevock. Father: Patrick Kee farmer
Witnesses: James Michan & John Kee
14 Jan 23 1849 Charles McCreery full age widower farmer Corlecky in Kilteevock. Father: Charles McCreery (deceased) weaver
Jane Patton full age spinster Corlecky in Kilteevock. Father: James Patton farmer
Witnesses: William Hume & James Patton
15 Sep 11 1849 Andrew Hume full age widower farmer Corlecky in Kilteevock. Father: Gordon Hume (deceased) weaver
Margaret Patton full age spinster Corlecky in Kilteevock. Father: James Patton farmer
Witnesses: William Hume & William Pollock
16 Oct 25 1849 Andrew Leeper full age bachelor farmer Parish of Stranorlar. Father: Andrew Leeper farmer
Catherine Patton full age spinster Corlecky in Kilteevock. Father: John Patton (deceased) farmer
Witnesses: Matthew Patton & John Leeper
17 Feb 5 1850 William Griffith full age bachelor farmer Altnapaste, Kilteevock. Father: Francis Griffith farmer
Barbara Hume full age spinster Tunduff, Kilteevock. Father: Charles Hume farmer
Witnesses: James Griffith & Robert Hume
18 Feb 26 1850 William Patton full age bachelor farmer Corlecky, Kilteevock. Father: James Patton farmer
Mary Chambers full age spinster Corlecky, Kilteevock. Father: Matthew Chambers farmer
Witnesses: James Witter & William Patton
19 Apr 11 1850 Andrew McCreery full age bachelor weaver Corlecky, Kilteevock. Father: John McCreery weaver
Elizabeth Patton full age spinster Corlecky, Kilteevock. Father: William Patton farmer
Witnesses: James Patton & George Hume
20 Nov 19 1850 James Patton full age bachelor farmer Meenagrave, Kilteevock. Father: William Patton farmer
Mary Patton full age spinster Meenagrave, Kilteevock. Father: Hugh Patton farmer
Witnesses: Robert Witter & William Hume
21 Dec 5 1850 William Pollock full age bachelor farmer Ballinatone, Kilteevock. Father: Joseph Pollock farmer
Mary Scanlon full age spinster Largnalore. Kilteevock. Father: Robert Scanlon farmer
Witnesses: John Thompson & Hamilton Hume
22 Dec 19 1850 James Long full age bachelor labourer Meenagoland. Parish of Iniskeel. Father: Matthew Long labourer
Isabella Hanlon full age spinster Meenagoland. Parish of Iniskeel. Father: Alexander Hanlon farmer
Witnesses: Alexander Hanlon & Francis McCool
23 Dec 31 1850 John Patton full age bachelor farmer Corlecky, Kilteevock. Father: Patrick Patton farmer
Eleanor Ralston full age spinster Midcut, Parish of Convoy. Father: Thomas Ralston farmer
Witnesses: William Patton & Hugh Ralston
24 Jan 2 1851 Hamilton Hume father bachelor farmer Welshtown. Father: Hamilton Hume farmer
Jane Pollock full age spinster Ballytone. Father: Joseph Pollock farmer
Witnesses: John Thompson & Patrick Thompson
25 Dec 23 1851 John McGranahan full age bachelor farmer Ballybofey, parish of Stranorlar. Father: James McGranahan farmer
Jane Hume full age spinster Tonduff, parish of Kilteevock. Father: Charles Hume farmer
Witnesses Robert Leeper & William Hume
20 Dec 21 1852 Charles Robinson full age bachelor farmer Murlough, parish of Clonleigh. Father: Thomas Robinson farmer
Mary Griffith full age spinster Altnapaste, parish of Kilteevock. Father: John Griffith farmer
Witnesses James Holmes & James Waller
21-28 no entries 29 Aug 30 1853 Patrick Patton full age bachelor farmer Corlecky, parish of Kilteevock. Father: Patrick Patton farmer
Elizabeth Patton full age spinster Corlecky, parish of Kilteevock. Father: Thomas Patton farmer
Witnesses: James Chambers & William Patton
30 Nov 17 1853 Matthew Chambers full age bachelor farmer Meenagrave, parish of Kilteevock. Father: Moses Chambers farmer
Margaret Kee full age spinster Meenagrave, parish of Kilteevock. Father: Charles Kee farmer
Witnesses: Charles Kee & John Chambers
31 May 17 1855 William Scott full age widower farmer Donaghmore. Father William Scott farmer
Jane Griffith full age spinster Ballyboe, Kilteevock. Father Evans Griffith farmer
Witnesses: James Griffith & Evans Griffith
32 Jun 12 1855 John Leeper full age bachelor blacksmith Welshtown. Father: James Leeper blacksmith
Mary McCreedy full age spinster Altnapaste. Father: William McCreedy farmer
Witnesses Francis Leeper & Thomas McCreedy
33 Nov 15 1855 James Patton full age bachelor farmer Welshtown. Father: John Patton farmer
Martha Crawford minor spinster Welshtown. Father: John Crawford farmer
Witnesses: James Chambers & William Hume
34 Jan 6 1857 John Donaldson full age bachelor farmer Clohore, Parish of Kilbarron. Father John Donaldson farmer
Hannah Donaldson full age spinster Welshtown. Father Samuel Donaldson farmer
Witnesses: James Knox & Samuel Donaldson
35 Sep 7 1857 George Kee full bachelor farmer Meenglass. Father William Kee farmer
Frances Kee full age spinster Meenagrave. Father Thomas Kee farmer
Witnesses: James Kee & Charles Ke
36 Sep 24 1857 Robert McClelland full age bachelor serjeant of police Dungannon, Parish of Drumglass. Father: Robert McClelland farmer
Catherine Donaldson full age spinster Welshtown. Father: Samuel Donaldson farmer
Witnesses: Samuel Wallen & Samuel Donaldson
37 Nov 3 1857 Alexander McCormick full age bachelor farmer Blairstown, Donoughmore. Father William McCormick farmer
Eliza Jane Kee minor spinster Meenagrave, Kilteevoge. Father John Kee farmer
Witnesses: James Kee & Edward Graham Cotter
38 Dec 1 1857 John Blackburn full age bachelor farmer Kiltiferrigle. Father: Robert Blackburn farmer
Mary Ferguson full age spinster Corlecky. Father: Joseph Ferguson farmer
Witnesses: David Blackburn & Richard Witter
39 Jun 8 1858 Robert Scanlon minor bachelor farmer Largnalore. Father: Robert Scanlon farmer
Barbara Thompson full age widow Largnalore. Father: Andrew Stinson farmer
Witnesses: James Hardy & Thomas McCleery
40 Sep 9 1858 William Patton full age bachelor Meenagrave, Father: George Patton farmer
Ann Patton full age spinster Meenagrave, Father: Andrew Patton farmer
Witnesses: Robert Cunningham & Thomas McCleery
41 Nov 30 1858 James Black full age bachelor farmer Ballyshannon. Father: William Black farmer
Esther Blackburn full age spinster Ballybotemple. Father: James Blackburn farmer
Witnesses: Hamilton Black & David Blackburn
42 Dec 7 1858 William Glen minor bachelor labourer Curraghamongan (Stranorlar). Father: John Glen farmer
Sarah Ann Hardy minor spinster Ballinatone (Kilteevoge). Father: James Hardy farmer
Witnesses: Isaac McCauley & James Hardy
43 Apr 19 1859 James Hume full age bachelor labourer Welshtown. Father: Andrew Hume farmer
Matilda Thompson full age spinster Welshtown. Father: Robert Thompson farmer
Witnesses: Matthew Hanlin & John Thompson
44 Jun 7 1859 William Patton full age bachelor farmer Corlecky. Father: James Patton farmer
Ann Scanlon full age spinster Largynalore. Father: Robert Scanlon farmer
Witnesses: James Arnold & Thomas McCreery
45 Jul 26 1859 Patrick Thompson full age bachelor farmer Welshtown. Father: Robert Thompson farmer
Catherine Patton full age spinster Meenagrave. Father: Andrew Patton farmer
Witnesses: Thomas McElhinney & Robert Cunningham
46 Aug 30 1859 James Hume full age bachelor farmer Corlecky. Father: James Hume farmer
Ann McCreery full age spinster Corlecky. Father: James McCreery farmer
Witnesses: John Hume & Margaret Hume
47 May 15 1860 Andrew Patton full age bachelor farmer Meenagrave. Father: Andrew Patton farmer
Ann Cunningham full age spinster Bindoo. Father: William Cunningham (deceased) farmer
Witnesses: Robert Cunningham & Michel Bonar
48 Jun 21 1860 James Hardy full age bachelor farmer Largnalore. Father: James Hardy farmer
Mary Cunningham minor spinster Bindoo. Father: William Cunningham (deceased) farmer
Witnesses: Robert Cunningham & Thomas McCreery
49 Dec 7 1860 Thomas Griffith full age widower farmer Meenagrav. Father: Thomas Griffith farmer
Jane Leeper full age spinster Altnapaste. Father: James Leeper farmer
Witnesses: William Hume & Robert Ewing
50 Apr 16 1861 James Griffith full age bachelor farmer Ballybobanen. Father: James Griffith farmer
Jane Griffith full age spinster Altnapaste. Father: Elias Griffith farmer
Witnesses: John Griffith & William Kee
51 Aug 13 1861 William Graham full age bachelor farmer Tully Earl, Parish of Laghey. Father: John Graham farmer
Catherine Patton full age spinster Meenagrauv, Parish of Kilteevogue. Father: Hugh Patton farmer
Witnesses: James McCleery & John Gregory
52 Nov 19 1861 James Thompson – bachelor farmer Welshtown. Father: James Thompson farmer
Eliza Humes – spinster Welshtown. Father: Andrew Humes farmer
Witnesses: James Witter & Robert McElhinney
53 Dec 3 1861 Charles Arnold full age bachelor farmer Kiltyfergal. Father: James Arnold farmer
Margaret Griffith full age s Altnapaste. Father: Elias Griffith farmer
Witnesses: John Griffith & William Kee
54 Dec 3 1861 James Chambers full age bachelor farmer Corlacky. Father: Matthew Chambers farmer
Martha Chambers full age spinster Meenagrauv. Father Moses Chambers farmer
Witnesses: Charles Chambers & John Griffith
55 Dec 24 1861 Robert Cunningham full age bachelor farmer Bindoo. Father: William Cunningham farmer
Elizabeth Griffith full age spinster Ballybobaneen. Father: Thomas Griffith farmer
Witnesses: John Griffith & James Cunningham
56 Jan 28 1862 James McCreery full age bachelor farmer Corlacky. Father: William McCreery farmer
Jane McCreery full age spinster Meenahorna. Father: George McCreery farmer
Witnesses: George McCreedy & James McCreedy
Comment in register: McCreery & McCreedy are synonymous in the neighbourhood
57 Jun 10 1862 James Leeper full age bachelor farmer Altnapaste. Father: James Leeper farmer
Rebecca Kee minor spinster Meenagrauv. Father: George Kee farmer
Witnesses: Robert W. Stewart & William Kee
58 Jul 28 1862 Charles Kee full age bachelor farmer Meenagrauv. Father: Charles Kee farmer
Rebecca Kee minor spinster Meenagrauv. Father: John Kee farmer
Witnesses: John Kee & Charles Kee
59 Dec 16 1862 John Patton full age bachelor farmer Corlacky. Father: John Patton farmer
Margaret Patton full age spinster Meenagrauv. Father: George Patton farmer
Witnesses: Robert Patton & William Patton
60 Jul 6 1863 Robert Ewing full age bachelor schoolmaster Kiltyfergal. Father: John Ewing farmer
Elizabeth Blackburn full age spinster Kiltyfergal. Father: David Blackburn farmer
Witnesses: James Blackburn & William Hume
61 Dec 22 1863 James Ferguson full age bachelor farmer Corlacky. Father: Joseph Ferguson farmer
Jane Martin full age spinster Ballynatone. Father: Guy Martin farmer
Witnesses Andrew Witter & Robert W. Stewart
62 Dec 6 1864 James Kee full age bachelor schoolmaster Meenagrauve. Father: James Kee farmer
Esther Griffith minor spinster Altnapaste. Father: William Griffith farmer
Witnesses George Kee & John Griffith
Further records for KILTEEVOGUE PARISH can be found at:
Kilteevogue Parish Records, County Donegal, Ireland
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