Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

Official Website of the Mailing List


Taughboyne Parish (including St. Johnston), Co. Donegal, Ireland Death Announcements 1773-1870

Extracted from personal notices inserted in the Londonderry Journal, Strabane Morning Post, Dublin Weekly Register, Londonderry Sentinel & Londonderry Standard
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia



Date Death
December 31 1773 Died at Clashagowan, near St. Johnston, Mrs Mgt., wife of Alexander Cochran, jr. (Londonderry Journal)
September 11 1778 Died a few days ago near St. Johnston, Anthony Thompson (Londonderry Journal)
August 3 1779 [Advertisement] Mrs Jane Thompson, widow, of Summer Hill near St. Johnston, stock, crops and furniture to sell (Londonderry Journal)
November 3 1780 Died near St. Johnston, Mrs Cary (Londonderry Journal)
June 25 1782 Died near St. Johnston, James Woods, Captain of the Taughboyne Volunteers (Londonderry Journal)
January 2 1783 Died at St. Johnston, Mrs Bond wife of Rev Thomas Bond (Londonderry Journal)
November 16 1784 Died at St. Johnston, Mr. Alex. Cochran, sr. (Londonderry Journal)
August 31 1789 Near St. Johnstown, Mrs Hamilton, wife of Mr. Andrew Hamilton, of Tullyowen (Saunders’ News Letter)
June 11 1822 On the evening of Saturday last, by a fall from his horse, on his return from Letterkenny, Mr. William McClarin, of Clashegowan. His loss will be much regretted by a large circle of acquaintance, he being most deservedly respected as a good neighbour, a warm, kind-hearted friend; and it may be well said of him, that he was a truly honest man. He has left a wife and numerous family to deplore his loss. (Strabane Morning Post)
June 15 1822 On Saturday last, as Mr William McLearn, of the neighbourhood of St. Johnston, was returning homewards by the Port-road from Letterkenny, at the old town of which he had that been attending a fair, when, about 1½ mile from town, his horse took fright and started, owing to which, he was thrown with great violence to the ground, and being very corpulent, and his head having struck a stone, he was so dreadfully injured, that almost immediate death ensued - Derry Journal. (Dublin Weekly Register)
August 26 1823 At Pheddyglass, on Friday, the 21st inst. Mr Robert Orr (Strabane Morning Post)
April 19 1825 On Thursday last, Mr. John Alexander, of Drumenan near St. Johnston. He was a young man universally respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and died lamented by a numerous circle, leaving a wife and six helpless children to lament his loss (Strabane Morning Post)
January 17 1826 At Ballyholly, near Raphoe, on Saturday last, Mr Moore (Strabane Morning Post)
October 10 1826 On Friday last, at Carrickmore, near St. Johnston, Mr Robert Wilson (Strabane Morning Post)
November 14 1826 At Pheddyglass, very suddenly, on Saturday last, Mr Isaac Orr long respected merchant of this town, and most deservedly regretted by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance (Strabane Morning Post)
January 30 1827 At his residence at Killea, near St. Johnston, the Rev. Samuel Law, universally regretted (Strabane Morning Post)
November 7 1829 On Wednesday morning, the 4th inst, in Ferryquay Street, Mrs Martha Alexander, relict of the late Mr Samuel Alexander, of this City, aged 60 years. At her end, she had suffered a most acute illness. Her remains were conveyed to Taughboyne Churchyard, on Friday (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 25 1830 On Friday last, a young man named Gourley, the son of a farmer of Listanagh, in the Parish of Taughboyne, while driving a horse and cart along the road; the horse took fright at some sheep which were on the road, and the young man was thrown into the ditch, by the shaft of the cart striking him violently on the back, opposite the heart. He was taken up lifeless (Strabane Morning Post)
June 5 1830 On the 23rd ult, Mr John Montieth, of Crachadoos, parish of Taughboyne, in the 25th year of his age. His death was occasioned by a fracture on the leg, six weeks prior, which was the cause of gangrene (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 26 1831 At Trentaugh, on the 19th inst, aged 62, Mary, relict of the late Mathew Hamilton, Esq (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 30 1832 On Monday, the 25th inst, at the Churchtown of Taughboyne, aged 66, Alicia, wife of Mr H. Patterson (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 17 1832 On Sunday last, Mr Samuel Hanna, of Whitehouse, near St. Johnston, aged 61 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 5 1833 On Friday, the 25th inst. at Cloghogal, in the Parish of Donagheady [Co. Tyrone], in his 88th year, the Rev. Richard Nesbitt, formerly Curate of Taughboyne, County of Donegal (Strabane Morning Post)
June 28 1834 After a short illness, on the 25th inst, the Rev John Rankin, in the 23rd year of his age. He had been chosen as Pastor of the newly erected Congregation of Ballylennon, and his ordination had been appointed for the month of July (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 22 1834 At Whitehill, in the parish of Taughboyne, on Tuesday last, Mr Thomas Patton (Strabane Morning Post)
March 10 1835 After a lingering illness, on Wednesday morning, the 25th February last, at his residence in Dromochlagh, parish of Taughboyne, county Donegal, Mr Nathan Martin, aged 52 years, deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances. He was for many years the principle acting County Overseer for the said parish of Taughboyne, under the most noble the Marquis of Abercorn, and always acted faithfully in every public and private situation in which he was engaged (Strabane Morning Post)
January 30 1836 On Wednesday, at Brady ]Braade], in the parish of Taughboyne, after a few hours sickness, Mr James Osborne, aged 72 years, regretted by a large circle of friends and neighbours (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 1 1836 At the Churchtown of Taughboyne, on the 22d Jan. Mr Hamilton Patterson, deeply and deservedly lamented. Singular integrity characterized his life, and Christian hope his death (Strabane Morning Post)
February 13 1836 On Tuesday, the 9th inst, at Carrickmore, James Culbert, Esq., aged 77, brother of the much late lamented Dr William Culbert, of Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 27 1836 At the Churchtown of Taughboyne, on the 22nd inst, Mr Hamilton Patterson (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 23 1836 At Castletown, on the 16th inst, aged 82 years, the Rev William Cunningham, senior Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation of St. Johnston, which he served for 52 years. As a father and a friend his loss is irreparable (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 20 1836 At his residence, in Moyle, in the county of Donegal, on the 6th inst, after a protracted illness, Mr James Hood, aged 79 years. His remains were followed to the burying ground at Taughboyne by a vast concourse of friends and acquaintances (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 15 1837 At Dromore, near Raphoe, on Sunday last, at an advanced age of 96 years, Mr John Steen, a respectable farmer (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 13 1837 On Friday 5th inst, at Craghadoes, county Donegal, Mr George Monteith, aged 78 (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 26 1837 At Castletown, near St. Johnston, on Friday, 11th inst, of typhus fever, Matilda, eldest daughter of Samuel Porter, of that Place, aged 19 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 26 1837 At Castletown, near St. Johnston, on Friday, the 11th ult, of typhus fever, Matilda, eldest daughter of Samuel Porter, of that Place, aged 19 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 2 1837 At St. Johnston, on the 23rd ult, Mrs Rebecca Forrest, aged 82 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 16 1837 At his residence, Kinnycally, St. Johnston, Mr James Alexander, aged 55 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 3 1838 On Friday, the 26th ult, at Kinnycally, at the house of his paternal uncle, Mr Richard Alexander, son to the late Doctor Alexander, of this City, aged 17 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 24 1838 On Wednesday, the 21st inst, at Kinneycally, near St. Johnston, Sarah, relict of the late Mr Abraham McCrabb, of said Place, aged 75 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 5 1839 On Wednesday the 11th ult, at the residence of Mr John Holmes, of Carnone, Catherine, eldest daughter of Mr Andrew Alexander, of Kinically, aged 15 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 16 1839 At Cincinnati, U.S. in the 28th year of his age, William M.C. Heron, son of the Rev. M. Heron, of Monreagh, county Donegal (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 14 1839 On the 29th ult, at his father’s residence, Whitehill, near St. Johnston, Mr James Smyth, aged 22 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 6 1841 At Fiddyglass, near Raphoe, at the advanced age of 96 years, Andrew Lowry Esq., Mr Lowry was First Lieutenant of the Taughboyne Rangers, one of the corps of the Irish Volunteers in 1778 (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 13 1841 On Wednesday, the 10th inst, at his residence, Ruskey, Taughboyne, Mr John McCrabb, in the 28th year of his age (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 10 1841 At Clashagowan, on Saturday, the 3rd inst, Mr Andrew Alexander, aged 34 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 10 1841 At Kinnecally, on Tuesday, 6th April, Jane, wife of Mr Andrew Alexander, aged 40 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 8 1841 On the 16th ult, at his residence, Carnshannagh, Mr Moses Wallace, in the 83rd year of his age. He discharged the relative duties of husband and parent (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 3 1841 In Bishop Street, [Londonderry], on Wednesday morning last, the 30th ult., Esther, the wife of Mr James Jones. Her remains were conveyed to the burying place at St. Johnston (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 14 1842 At Monreagh, on the 4th inst, Mrs Margaret McClearn, relict of the late Mr William McClearn (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 10 1842 At Lusticle [Listicall], near St. Johnston, on the 5th inst, Mr John Rankin, aged 51 years, after a protracted illness (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 11 1843 At Dromore, near Raphoe, county Donegal, in the 82nd year of her age, Mrs Dudgeon (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 9 1844 On the 21st ult, after a short illness of seven days, aged 24 years, Mr Robert Gilfillan, youngest son of Mr John Gilfillan, of Woodlands, near Raphoe (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 19 1844 At Pheddyglass on the 11th inst., Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr. James Orr, Pheddyglass (Londonderry Standard)
January 11 1845 At St. John’s, New Brunswick, on the 7th ult, after a long and painful illness, Mr William Wilson, in the 82nd year of his age. He was a native of St. Johnston, county Donegal, Ireland (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 17 1845 On the 9th inst. in the 58th year of her age, Mrs Lowry, relict of the late John Lowry, Esq., Drumcrow. She was a kind and considerate parent. Her loss is felt to be irrepairable and deeply deplored by her surviving family. But as she looked for salvation only through faith in the merits of Christ on whom she relied with calm satisfaction, they are consoled in their loss by the hope that their loss was her unspeakable gain (Londonderry Standard)
April 6 1846 At his residence, Ballougry, on the 26th ult, the Rev Matthew Heron, senior Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation of Monreagh, aged 74 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 18 1846 At Ballyougry, on the 10th inst., of liver complaint, Ellen, eldest daughter of the late Rev Heron (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 28 1846 On the 7th inst, at his residence, Durnakelly, Mr James McAdoo, aged 77 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 8 1847 On the 25th ult, Mr Harvey Galbraith, of Craighadoes, St. Johnston, in the 87th year of his age. Previous to his demise he was a member of the family consisting of four generations (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 31 1847 At Tyroddy, on the 22nd inst., Mr David Gilliland, in the 55th year of his age (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 6 1847 On Friday, 29th ult, of fever, Mr Thomas Roulston, of St. Johnston, aged 56 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 29 1848 On the 24th inst., at Kinnecally, Mr Andrew Alexander, aged 56 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 11 1848 At his father’s residence, on the 1st inst, of fever in his 12th year, George Francis eldest son of George D. Oakley, Esq., Excise Officer, Dundee Cottage, St. Johnston (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 12 1848 At Kinecally, on the 2nd inst, Esther Ann, youngest daughter of the late Andrew Alexander, aged 12 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 25 1848 At Craigadoes, on the 14th inst, of croup, Harvey Galbraith Taylor, aged 3 years and 7 months (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 16 1848 At St. Johnston, at the advanced age of 78 years, Miss Hanna Magill (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 6 1849 At Kinnecally, on the 26th ult, Mr James Alexander, son of the late Andrew Alexander (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 20 1849 At Lettergull, at the house of his son, Mr Robert Hastings, on Tuesday, the 9th inst, Mr John Hastings, at the advanced age of 88 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 27 1849 At St. Johnston, on the 16th inst, Miss Magill, in the 81st year of her age (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 21 1849 On the 11th inst, at his residence, Legnathraw, county Donegal, Hugh Stevenson, Esq., aged 79 (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 7 1849 In this City [Londonderry], on the 2nd inst, at his mother's residence, Fountain Place , Mr John Heron, third son of the late Rev Matthew Heron, Presbyterian Minister of Monreagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 14 1849 On Wednesday morning, the 12th inst, at Monreagh, county Donegal, Mr David McClearn (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 4 1850 On Saturday, the 29th ult, at Altaghaderry, Mr John Osborne, aged 88 years, a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church of Monreagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 25 1850 On the 21st inst, aged 79 years, Mr John Smiley, of Rushbrook, near St. Johnston (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 14 1850 At Carnshanna, near Raphoe, on Monday, the 3rd inst, Anne, the beloved wife of Mr James Gourley, aged 26 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 4 1850 In Bishop Street [Londonderry], after a lingering illness, Mrs Francis Heron, second daughter of the late Rev. M. Heron, Monreagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 18 1850 On the 14th inst, at Rock House, Jane Heron, relict of the late Rev Mr Heron, Presbyterian Minister of the Congregation of Monreagh, after a lingering illness (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 29 1850 On Thursday the 21st inst, Elizabeth, wife of Mr Alexander Monteith, of Carnshanaugh, near Raphoe, aged 86 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 31 1851 At Carnshanagh, near Raphoe, on the 22nd inst, Mr Alexander Monteith, aged 86 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 12 1851 On the 27th ult., aged 84 years, Mr. Robert Smith, Whitehill, near St. Johnston. Mr Smith, during a long life, was much esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. His end was peace (Londonderry Journal)
May 23 1851 On the 17th inst, aged seven months, Joseph, son of Mr Harvey Taylor, Craighadoes (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 22 1851 On the 4th inst, at the residence of her nephew, Mr James C. Risk, Tubber, near St. Johnston, Miss Mary Motherwell, in the 61st year of her age (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 2 1852 At Legnathra, on Tuesday, the 16th December, Miss Martha Stephenson, aged 48 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 9 1852 At Quiney, in the State of Illinois, America, on the 26th of September last, Mr William Smyth, formerly of Carrickmore, near St. Johnston, county Donegal, in the 80th year of his age (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 23 1852 On the 18th inst, at the residence of his brother, Greenhill, (near St. Johnston,) in the 25th year of his age, Mr James Roulston, brother of Mr Alex Roulston, of this City, merchant (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 30 1852 On Thursday, the 22nd inst., at Castletown, St. Johnston, county Donegal, Jane, infant daughter of Mr Alexander Cunningham, aged 13 months (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 30 1852 On the 19th inst, at her residence in Bready, parish of Taughboyne, Jane, the beloved wife of Mr William Latta, in the 57th year of her age (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 18 1853 On the 12th inst, at Woodland, near Raphoe, after a short illness, Mr Robert McCausland, aged thirty eight years, leaving a wife and five helpless children to deplore his loss (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 8 1853 On Wednesday last, at Cloughfin, near Carrigans, aged 73 years, Mr John Taylor (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 19 1854 On Tuesday, the 16th inst, at his residence, Bready, Parish of Taughboyne, Mr William Latta, aged 86 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 9 1854 On Thursday, June 1st, at his residence in Taughboyne, the Rev. Samuel Craig, for 49 years Presbyterian Minister of Crossroads, aged 76 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 8 1854 On the 1st inst., of consumption, at the residence of Mrs Walker, Bishop Street, in this City [Londonderry], where he had returned but five weeks from Australia, Mr John Alexander, youngest son of the late Andrew Alexander, Esq., of Kinnycally, near St. Johnston, county Donegal (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 27 1855 On the evening of the 23rd inst., at Dernakelly, Mr. Robert McAdoo, aged 77 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 14 1855 September 6, at Trentamucklagh, Rebecca, relict of the late Mr Joseph Roulston, aged 93 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 25 1856 On the 24th inst, at Trentaghmucklaugh, near St. Johnston, Mr Alexander McClintock, aged 26 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 30 1856 On the 19th inst, at Woodland, near Raphoe, after a protracted illness, Jean, the beloved wife of Mr William Gordon, in the 57th year of her age (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 29 1856 On the 23rd inst, at Trensallagh, Parish of Taughboyne, Martha, wife of Mr James McClintock, aged 81 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 12 1856 At Lettergull, near Raphoe, on Monday, the 8th inst, Mr Robert Hastings, aged 58 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 16 1857 At her father's residence, Dernakelly, on the 14th inst, Mary Rankin, aged 21 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 30 1857 At Tullyowen, near St. Johnston, on Saturday last, Mr R. Campbell (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 27 1857 On the 23rd inst., at Cross, St. Johnston, in the 22nd year of his age, Mr Samuel Chambers (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 24 1857 At St. Johnston, on the 21st inst, James Stewart Donaghy, aged four months (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 1 1857 At Clashegowan, near St. Johnston, on Saturday last, Catherine, wife of Mr. Alexander White, of said place (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 15 1857 At Baltimore, United States, on Sunday, the 22nd March, Eleanor, relict of the late Mr George Hamilton, of Castletown, near St. Johnston, at the advanced age of 90 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 5 1857 At Legnathraw, on the 22nd ult, Hannah, relict of the late Joseph Porter, Esq., of Ballymoney, Burt, aged 56 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 10 1857 On the 7th inst, at Carnshanagh, county Donegal, aged 5 years, Catherine Sinclair, eldest daughter of John G. Thompson, Esq (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 18 1857 At Hobart Town, N.S.W. [Tasmania, Australia], to which she had been removed to be contiguous to her medical advisers, on the 20th May, Mrs Jane Gault Hamilton, the beloved wife of Mr Samuel Hamilton, formerly of Tullyowen, in the county Donegal, Ireland (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 25 1857 At Clashegowan, near St. Johnston, on the 22nd inst., Mr William Callon, aged 76 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 23 1857 Suddenly, of disease of the heart, at Strabane, on the 20th inst, Dr Baird, Cloughfin, Carrigans, county Donegal (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 16 1858 On the 13th inst, at his residence, Monreagh, Mr John Osborne, in the 52nd year of his age (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 8 1858 On the 3rd inst., at her residence in Churchtown, Taughboyne, Anne, the beloved wife of Mr. William Rankin, in the 56th year of her age (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 12 1858 On the 8th inst, at Castletown, Elizabeth, daughter of the late Rev William Cunningham, P.M., of St. Johnston, aged 64 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 10 1858 On the 4th inst, at his residence, Lustikill [Listicall], St. Johnston, Mr Samuel Rankin, aged 67 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 15 1859 On Sunday, the 10th inst, John, second son of the late Mr Alexander Cunningham, of Castletown, near St. Johnston (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 20 1859 At Ardagh, near St. Johnston, on Monday last, Mr John Wright, after a short illness, aged 52 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 2 1859 August 17, at New York, after a long illness, Elizabeth, widow of the late Robert Spears, formerly of St. Johnston, aged 60 years and five months (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 9 1859 At her father's residence, Dernakally, on the 4th inst, Hannah Rankin, aged 2 ¼years (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 21 1859 At Dromore, near Raphoe, on Wednesday last, Mr James Lowry aged 71 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 21 1859 On Monday last, at Carrickmore, of whooping cough, Miss Rebecca Anne Wilson, aged nine months (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 28 1859 On the 24th inst, at Legnathraw, near St. Johnston, Margaret, widow of the late Mr David Smith, aged 77 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 11 1859 At Pheddyglas, near Lifford, on Wednesday last, Miss Mary Orr (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 6 1860 December 31, at Listanagh, near Lifford, Mr Adam Gourly (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 20 1860 On the 3rd inst, Annie, daughter of Alexander White, Esq., Clashygowan, St. Johnston, aged 6 years and 10 months (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 24 1860 February 20, at his residence, the Cross, Taughboyne, Mr John Devenny, aged 68 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 9 1860 At Ballylennon, Parish of Taughboyne, on the 24th ult, of consumption, Mary Jane Gordon (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 18 1860 May 15, at his father's residence, Lusticle [Listicall], Robert, second son of Mr Alexander Scott, aged 12 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 3 1860 August 1, at Castlethird, Matthew, son of Mr Robert Parker, aged 10 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 7 1860 December 1, at Carrickmore, St. Johnston, at the advanced age of 85, Margaret, relict of the late Mr Alexander McMillen (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 4 1861 December 31, at his residence, Castlethird, Mr Thomas Grier, aged 36 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 4 1861 January 1, at St. Johnston, Mr Matthew Park, aged 66 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 4 1861 December 28, at Carrickmore, county Donegal, in the 40th year of his age, William Wilson, Esq (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 25 1861 January 10, at St. Johnston, Mary, daughter of Mr George Pinkerton, aged 18 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 1 1861 January 18, at his father's residence, Cross, Mr Robert John Devenny, aged 33 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 11 1862 April 9, at his residence, Trentamucklagh, Mr William Roulston, aged 17 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 25 1862 April 12, at his residence, Trentamucklagh, John Gillespie, aged 94 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 25 1862 April 11, Alexander, infant child of Mr Alexander Latta, of Bready, St. Johnston (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 25 1862 April 20, at her residence, Derrymore, Catherine Campbell, aged 44 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 9 1862 On the 8th May, at Gartan Lodge, Church Hill, county Donegal, Samuel Marshall, Esq. His remains will be removed for interment in the burying-ground of Taughboyne, on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 6 1862 June 5, at St. Johnston, Mr John White, Jun., aged 21 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 13 1862 June 12, at Clarendon Street, Derry, suddenly, of inflammation, Mr William Rankin, aged 31 years. His remains will be removed for interment in Taughboyne Burying-ground, on Monday morning at ten o'clock (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 4 1862 July 3, at Castlethird, county Donegal, Mrs Mary Roulston, aged 87 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 15 1862 August 7, at Classeygowan, Mr David White, Jun., in the 20th year of his age (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 26 1862 September 5, at Lettergull, near Raphoe, Alexander, eldest son of Mr John Gilfillan, aged 22 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 26 1862 September 21st, at Lettergull, near Raphoe, Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr John Gilfillan, in her 24th year (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 3 1862 September 12, Elizabeth, wife of Mr David Rankin, of Derrymore, in her 72nd year (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 7 1862 November 5, at Classeygowan, near St. Johnston, Mr. David White, aged 88 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 6 1863 January 23, at Clasheygowan, Isabella, relict of the late Mr Joseph Clendinan, aged 85 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 20 1863 February 14, at his residence, Trentamucklagh, William Roulstone, aged 74 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 6 1863 On the 1st March, at Maymore, Parish of Taughboyne, Mrs Rebecca McGee (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 13 1863 March 11, at Trensallagh, near St. Johnston, Mr Thomas Shaw (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 27 1863 March 17, at Kildrum, near St. Johnston, Mr John O’Donnell (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 14 1863 August 13, at Drumenan, Martha Robinson, aged 23 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 18 1863 August 11, at St. Johnston, Mrs Elizabeth Rankin, aged 80 (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 25 1863 August 24, at his residence, Stedevage, near St. Johnston, Mr Joseph Harrigan, aged 64 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 11 1863 September 7, at her father’s residence, Monreagh, Anne Neely, aged 16 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 11 1863 September 8, at Kildrum, Jane, daughter of Mr Thomas Gilfillan, aged 4 years and 6 months (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 25 1863 September 24, at Kildrum, Sarah Ann, daughter of Mr Thomas Gilfillan, aged 2 years and 9 months (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 24 1863 November 19, at his residence, Derrymore, Mr David Rankin, aged 78 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 11 1863 December 9, at Drumenon, St. Johnston, Elizabeth, relict of the late, Mr John Alexander, aged 73 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 24 1863 December 22, Mrs Fulton, relict of the late James Fulton, Esq., of Gortinleave, aged 76 years. Her remains will be removed for interment in the burying ground of Taughboyne, on this, Thursday morning, at ten o'clock (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 1 1864 February 25, at Legnathraw, Margaret Mills, aged 94 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 9 1864 On the 7th September, at his residence, 19 Clarendon Street, Derry, John Little Esq., of the firm Messrs. Little & Long, Ironmongers. His remains will be removed for interment in Taughboyne burying ground on Saturday morning, the 10th inst., at the hour of ten o'clock (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 20 1864 September 18, at Legnathraw, Mr David Smyth, aged 48 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 4 1864 October 29, at St. Johnston, Esther Pinkerton, aged 50 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 30 1865 At Moville, on Sunday, the 28th inst, Mr Andrew Colhoun. His remains will be removed from his late residence, Pump Street, Londonderry, for interment in Taughboyne burying ground, on Wednesday morning, the 31st inst., at half-past ten o'clock (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 13 1865 June 11, at Dromore, near Raphoe, William, second son of Mr William Graham, aged 21 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 18 1865 August 14, at his residence, Burnthaw, Mr James McConnell, aged 66 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 18 1865 August 12, at his father's residence, Trentamucklagh, Mr William Roulstone, aged 28 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 29 1865 December 28, Mr John Rankin, Jun., merchant, of this City, aged 32 years. His remains will be removed from his residence at Carrigans, for interment at Taughboyne burying ground (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 12 1866 January 7, at his residence, Castletown, St. Johnston, Andrew McConnell, aged 98 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 23 1866 February 13, at Cloughfin, Mr David Alexander, aged 85 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 17 1866 April 12, at his residence, Clasheygowan, Mr Robert Parker, Sen., aged 82 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 5 1866 May 31, at his residence, Kinneykally, Mr Joseph Wilson, aged 82 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 10 1866 July 9, at his residence, Swilly, Mr Samuel Devenny, aged 78 years. His remains will be removed for interment in the Burying Ground of Taughboyne, on Wednesday morning, the 11th inst, at 10 o'clock, a.m. (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 17 1866 July 27, after a short illness, at her son’s residence, Lakeville, New Loch Lomond Road, Ann, widow of the late Francis Wallace, of St. Johnston, county Donegal, aged 72 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 25 1866 September 21, at his residence, Monreagh, Mr William Joseph McClearn, aged 52 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 4 1866 November 27, at her residence, Brockagh, Elizabeth Chambers, aged 66 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 5 1867 February 3, at Castletown, St. Johnston, James, youngest son of the late Alexander Hamilton, Esq (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 1 1867 February 24, at his residence, Mongavlin, Cairns Alexander, aged 65 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 5 1867 March 4, at Carrigans, Mrs Elizabeth Rankin, aged 70 years. Her remains will be removed for interment in Taughboyne Burying Ground, on Wednesday morning next, at ten o'clock (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 16 1867 April 13, at Dromore, near Raphoe, Mr Thompson McConnell, aged 67 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 30 1867 April 29, at her father’s residence, Monreagh, of inflammation of the brain, Eliza Mitchell, daughter of the Rev Andrew Long, aged 11 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 10 1867 May 1, at Castletown, near St. Johnston, Mr William Kilday, aged 88 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 31 1867 May 28, at Drumenon, St. Johnston, James F. Alexander, Esq., Manager, Provincial Bank, Omagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 14 1867 June 6, at Craghadoes, Mr Robert Dunn, aged 90 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 14 1867 June 10, at his residence, Listanna, county Donegal, John Gourley, Esq., aged 43 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 9 1867 On the 1st July, at Drumearn, near St. Johnston, James Hill, Esq., aged 84 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 13 1867 August 8, at Tullyowen, Mrs Elizabeth Allen, aged 83 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 3 1867 On the 25th August, at Craighadoose, Mr Joseph Galbraith, Sen., aged 93 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 24 1867 September 18, at Carnshanna, county Donegal, Ellen, wife of James Gourley, Esq., aged 40 (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 7 1868 December 30, at her residence, Dernakally, Miss Letitia Wark, aged 74 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 10 1868 At Milltown, Clashagowan, Jane Miller, aged 29 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 17 1868 On January 15, at Dernakelly, Mr James McElhinney, aged 87 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 21 1868 January 16, at her residence, Carrickmore, Ellen Wilson, daughter of the late William Wilson, aged 19 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 24 1868 January 23, at Mongavelin, St. Johnstone, Anne McLaughlin, aged 28 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 17 1868 On the 13th April, at his residence, Cross, William Chambers, aged 71 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 24 1868 April 18, at Creatland, Mr Robert Alexander, aged 75 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 1 1868 April 29, at Legnathraw, Mr Robert Smith, aged 60 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 26 1868 On the 24th May, at Brickfield Lodge, Rebecca Lavens, aged 85 years. Her remains will be removed for interment in Taughboyne burying ground, on Thursday morning, the 28th inst, at eleven o'clock (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 9 1868 June 3, at his residence, St. Johnston, Mr. Thomas McGirr, aged 62 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 9 1868 June 7 at Castletown, St. Johnston, of whooping cough, Mary, youngest child of Mr John Hall, aged one year and two months (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 8 1868 September 6, at Classeygowan, St. Johnston, Oliver, son of Mr. Alexander White, aged 18 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 6 1868 November 1, at his residence, St. Johnston, Mr Matthew Campbell, aged 90 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 4 1868 November 21, at Swilly, Rebecca, relict of the late Mr Samuel Devenny, aged 64 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 5 1869 December 24, at her residence, Cross, Sarah Devenny, aged 69 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 19 1869 February 12, at her residence, Ballyboe, Fanny Jordan, aged 90 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 23 1869 February 21, at her residence, Legnathraw, Mrs Abigail Gourley, aged 70 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 2 1869 February 25, at his late residence, St. Johnston, Mr Robert Brown, aged 29 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 5 1869 Feb 27, at Carnshanagh, near Raphoe, Mr Andrew McConnell, aged 84 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 9 1869 April 5, at his residence, Trensalaugh, James Chambers, aged 25 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 14 1869 May 10, at Cloughfin, Mr James Moore (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 4 1869 June 2, at St. Johnston, Mr. William McGirr, aged 58 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 6 1869 July 2, at her father's residence, Carnshanagh, after a short illness, Rebecca, second daughter of Mr James Gourley, aged 24 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 20 1869 July 16, at Lusticle [Listicall], George, second son of Mr Samuel Rankin, aged 6 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 8 1869 October 2, at his residence, Cross, Mr William Latta, aged 68 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 21 1869 December 17, at her residence, Trensallagh, Eliza McClintock, aged 59 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 16 1870 March 13, at his residence, Ardagh, Andrew Roulston, aged 83 years (Londonderry Standard)
April 13 1870 April 9, at Drumatoland, near St. Johnston, Mr. Samuel Moody, farmer, aged 87 years (Londonderry Standard)
April 23 1870 April 22, at her residence, Carnshanagh, Jane Wallace, aged 68 years. [Her remains will be removed for interment in the Burial-ground of Fahan, on Monday morning, the 25th instant, at Eleven o’clock] (Londonderry Standard)
May 10 1870 May 4, at his residence, Legnathraw, Alexander Mills, ages 62 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 21 1870 May 20, at her residence, Tyroddy, Jane, wife of Mr. A. Gilliland, aged 28 years (Londonderry Standard)
May 25 1870 May 21, at his residence, Monreagh, the Rev. Andrew Long, in his 54th year. [His remains will be removed for interment in Monreagh Burying-ground on tomorrow (Thursday) morning, the 26th instant, at Eleven o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation] (Londonderry Standard)
June 18 1870 June 15, at her residence, Drummern, St. Johnston, in her 85th year, Ellen, relict of the late Mr Robert Wilson, and daughter of the late Mr James Allen, Lizardowling, county Longford (Londonderry Standard)
June 29 1870 June 23, at Maymore, Philip Lynch, aged 50 years (Londonderry Standard)
August 3 1870 July 29, at her residence, Dundee, St. Johnston, Catherine McCain, aged 62 years (Londonderry Standard)
August 24 1870 August 23, at his father’s residence, Tyroddy, John, child of Mr. A. A. Gilliland, aged 15 months (Londonderry Standard)
September 17 1870 September 14, at the residence of her son-in-law, George Thompson, Bonemaine, Matilda McClintock, Creatland, aged 95 years (Londonderry Standard)
October 26 1870 Oct. 24, at 11, Princess-street, Derry, Mrs Margaret King, aged 74 years. [Her remains will be removed for interment in the Taughboyne Burying-ground, on this (Wednesday) morning, at half-past ten o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation] (Londonderry Standard)


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