Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research
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Killygarvan Parish (Rathmullan), Co. Donegal, Ireland Death Announcements 1787-1870
Items from the Press
Extracted from personal notices inserted in the Dublin Evening Post, Londonderry Standard & Londonderry Sentinel
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia
Old Killygarvan Graveyard, Glebe, near Rathmullan
Jul 3 1787
DEATH – At Rathmullen, on Thursday se’nnight, after a few hours illness, George Knox, Esq., of Prehen [Co. Londonderry]. His remains were interred on Saturday in the family vault, attended by a considerable number of gentlemen, and a vast concourse of his tenantry. The dejection and regret which prevailed for the loss of so respectable a citizen, were universal – the sufferings of his nearer relations can only be conceived. A most affectionate and tender wife deplores his life with anguish; whilst his children who had ever experienced from him the most tender endearments of affection, mingle the furrow with her’s. As a landlord, he was humane – as a father indulgent – as a friend, sincere – and as a husband affectionate (Dublin Evening Post)
Sep 21 1833
At Ramullan, on Monday the 16th inst., Mrs George McGowan, Sen., aged 83 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 26 1834
At Rathmullen, on the 15th inst., Mr George McGowan, Sen., aged 87 (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 9 1836
At Killygarven, near Rathmullan, on the 1st inst., Mr William Lockhart, aged 64 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 18 1836
On Friday, the 3rd inst., at Rathmullan, the Rev. Francis Armstrong, Wesleyan Minister in Rathmullan for some 12 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 13 1836
22nd July, aged 68 years, Hannah, beloved wife of William Henderson, Esq., of Rathmullan (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 2 1837
On Sunday 20th inst., at his residence at Rathmullen, county Donegal, Thomas Smith, Esq., aged 83 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 23 1837
Dec. 8th, at Killygarvan, Hannah, the beloved wife of the Rev. Alexander Scott, aged 65 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 7 1838
On the 29th ult., at Rathmullan, Mr William Aitkin, aged 35 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 2 1839
On the 26th ult. at Hollymount, near Rathmullen, the residence of her son, Captain John McGhee, Elizabeth, relict of Mr Andrew McGhee, of Killybegs, aged 94 (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 1 1839
On the 27th May, at Hollymount, near Rathmullan, Andrew, eldest son of John McGhee, Esq., formerly Commander of his Majesty's Revenue cruiser, Minerva, in his 18th year (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 27 1839
At Ramelton, on Tuesday the 16th inst., after a protracted illness, Mrs Thompson Love, aged 27 years, interred at Rathmullan burial Ground (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 4 1841
At Rathmullan, on the 26th ult., at the advanced age of 91, the Rev. Alexander Scott, late curate in the diocese of Raphoe (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 12 1841
On the 13th inst., at Rathmullan, James Hogg, Esq., aged 75 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Oct 15 1842
Suddenly, on the 5th inst., at her aunt's, Rathmullan, Isabella, second daughter of James C. Ball, Esq., of Shannon, in the 15th year of her age (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 5 1842
At Rathmullan, county Donegal, on Thursday, the 31st inst., Thomas P. Kennedy, Esq., late an Alderman of this City (Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 11 1843
At Portrush, on the 7th inst., Lieut. John Holland, R. N., many years Chief Officer of Coast Guard at Rathmullan (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 1 1843
On the 24th ult., at Hollymount, near Rathmullan, in the 65th year of his age, John McGhee, Esq., for many years commander of H. M's Revenue Cruiser "Minerva" (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 15 1847
At Benares, on the 15th March, Ensign James Houston McGhee, 9th Regiment, B. N. I., youngest son of the late Captain John McGhee, Hollymount, Rathmullan (Londonderry Sentinel)
Oct 16 1847
On the 5th inst., Esther, wife of Mr John Mitchell, Inspecting Officer of Coast Guards, Rathmullan, aged 55 years. She lived respected and died sincerely regretted (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 4 1847
On the 23rd ult., at Clara, near Ramelton, Eliza Hannah, the beloved wife of the Rev. HenryCochran, of Killygarvan, in the 39th year of her age (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 24 1849
On the 16th inst., from an attack of measles, aged 17 years, Isabella Jane, the eldest daughter of the Rev. Robert Anderson, of Rathmullan, county Donegal (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 28 1850
At Rathmullan, this morning, Friday, the 28th inst., Mr Robert Kerr, after a short illness (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 31 1851
On the 23rd inst., at Ramullan, William Henderson, Esq., aged 83 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 14 1851
At Rathmullen, on the 11th inst., William John, son of Mr Maguire, aged 18 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 4 1851
On the 26th ult., at Rathmullen, in the 23rd year of her age, after a long illness, Mary, eldest daughter of Mr William Hyder (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 18 1851
At Mavien, State of Alabama, U. S., Mrs Margaret Henderson Lockhart, the beloved wife of Mr James S. Lockhart, formerly of Rathmullen, leaving an affectionate husband and two infant children, to deplore her loss (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 9 1853
On Friday, the 2nd inst., at the residence of his father, Rathmullan, county Donegal, Mr John Haire, late clerk at the Londonderry and Enniskillen Railway Offices, Derry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 17 1854
At Rathmullan, on Tuesday, the 14th inst., of consumption, in the 27th year of her age, Anne, the beloved wife of Mr John Tolin, late of New York, and only daughter of Sergeant Haire, Constabulary, Rathmullan, county Donegal (Londonderry Sentinel)
Oct 20 1854
At Rathmullen House, the seat of her brother in law, Thomas Batt, Esq., on Saturday, the 7th inst., Ellen, the eldest daughter of the late Samuel Lyle, Esq., The Lodge, Londonderry, aged 64 (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 24 1855
At Rathmullan, on the 18th July, Robert Williams, Esq., surgeon, R. N., aged 84 years, sixty of which were in the service of his Country (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov16 1855
On Sunday night last, on Lough Swilly near Carr's Bay, a boat returning to Rathmullan after piloting, was overturned in a squall and three of the crew of six were lost. One of those lost was JohnHilley (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 16 1855
On Sunday night last, on Lough Swilly near Carr's Bay, a boat returning to Rathmullan after piloting, was overturned in a squall and three of the crew of six were lost. One of those lost was JohnMontgomery, a married man who leaves a wife and three children (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 16 1855
On Sunday night last, on Lough Swilly near Carr's Bay, a boat returning to Rathmullan after piloting, was overturned in a squall and three of the crew of six were lost. One of those lost was JohnQuigley, a married man who leaves a wife and three children (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sept 19 1856
On Monday, the 15th inst., Martha, the beloved wife of Mr Robert Lockhart, of Rathmullan, in her 79th year (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 20 1857
On the 16th inst., at her residence, Killygarven, near Rathmullan, in the 96 year of her age, Catherine, relict of the late Mr Thomas Smith (Londonderry Sentinel)
Oct 16 1857
At Rathmullan House, county Donegal, on the 12th inst., Thomas Batt, Esq., aged 82 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 15 1858
At Rathmullan, on the 9th inst., Mr Robert Lockhart, aged 89 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 12 1858
On the 5th inst., at Fort Royal, Rathmullan, the infant daughter of Smith Bryan, Esq., aged 3 days (Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 19 1858
At Iquique, Peru, on Christmas Day, in the 29th year of her age, Anna Maria De Zavala, wife of Thomas Alexander McGhee, formerly of Rathmullan, county Donegal, and Greenock, N. B. (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 26 1858
At Rathmullan, on the 20th inst., Robert, second son of Mr Samuel Henderson, postmaster, aged 9 years and 7 months (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 1 1860
May 10, at Portrush, the residence of Mrs Richardson, Charlotte Mary, the infant daughter of SmithBryan, Esq., of Fort Royal, Rathmullen, aged 7 months (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 22 1860
June 12, at 14, Richmond Place, Mountjoy Square, Dublin, Philip Charles James, son of Dr. MacLoghlin, of Rathmullan, county Donegal, in his 15th year (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 1 1861
January 28, at her son's residence, Rathmullan, Mary Ann, relict of the late Mr John Henderson (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 10 1861
May 1, at Rathmullan, the Right Rev. Patrick McGettigan, D. D., titular Bishop of the Diocese of Raphoe (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 26 1861
July 23, at Rathmullan, county Donegal, Edward J. MacLoghlin, Esq., M. D., formerly of Collon, county Louth, aged 50 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 21 1862
November 8, at Clooney Terrace, Waterside, Eliza, the beloved wife of the Rev. Robert Anderson, Ramullan, aged 64 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 21 1862
November 16, at Rathmullan, county Donegal, Elizabeth Catherine, wife of the Rev. EdmundMaturin, A. M., and daughter of the late Dominick Persse, Esq., Ramelton (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 21 1862
November 18, at Rathmullan, county Donegal, Walter De Burgh, M. D., son of the Rev. William DeBurgh, D. D., aged 28 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 26 1863
June 5, at New York, Mr Robert Brown, formerly of Rathmullan, county of Donegal, aged 68 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 14 1863
On the 15th August, at Captain Skipton’s Rathmullan, Fanny Leonard, aged 62 years, relict of the late Mr George Leonard, Drumskellan (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 17 1863
November 6, at Rathmullan, Richard Edwin Gallaugher, second son of Mr Charles Gallaugher, of inflammation of the lungs (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 5 1864
On the 30th July, at Killygarvan, Rathmullan, Mr Moses Dill, aged 82 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 13 1864
December 8, at Rathmullan, after a few days illness, Hannah Armstrong, daughter of Mr WilliamCornyn, aged three years and four months (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 13 1865
On the 21st December 1864 at South Brooklyn, New York, Mr Francis Henderson, aged 62 years, formerly a native of Rathmullan, county Donegal (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 12 1865
May 6, at Seaview, Rathmullan, Sibella, only daughter of Captain Connolly Skipton, aged 20 days (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sept 5 1865
August 26, aged 2 years, Samuel, beloved son of Mr Samuel C. Henderson, Rathmullan (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 19 1866
At Caradoan, near Rathmullan, Mr William Crawford, National Teacher (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 27 1866
April 20, at the residence of his son, the Rev. Dr. Monahan, Hilton, Rathmullan, John Monahan, Esq., late of Newtownstewart [Co. Tyrone], in the 94th year of his age (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 31 1866
On Thursday, the 19th inst., an inquest was held at Dunfanaghy, before F. G. Long, Esq., Coroner on the body of a man named Joseph McLaughlin, a shoemaker, aged 38 years, a native of Rathmullan, who had been residing in Dunfanaghy for the past nine months. It appears that deceased had retired to rest at an early hour on the previous evening, apparently in good health, and was found dead the following morning. Francis Clarke, Esq., M. D., of Dunfanaghy, who examined the body immediately after death, stated that the cause of death was the internal rupture of an internal blood vessel (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 28 1866
September 20, at Rathmullan, Alexander, eldest son of Mr John Beattie, of Bunbeg, aged 25 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 19 1867
On Wednesday last an inquest was held by Minchin Lloyd, Esq., Coroner, on the body of WilliamDennison, aged about 15 years, and who was in the service of Captain Hamilton, Castleforward. On the 23rd ult., the deceased accompanied by some others had come from Rathmullan by boat to Inch Island. Whilst visiting the Battery deceased disappeared, following a search he was found by Thomas Ennet, one of the Artillery men, in the ditch of the Fort. He was conveyed to the County Infirmary where, according to the evidence of Dr Maturin, he died on Tuesday last from a fracture of the spine, as a result of falling some fourteen feet. A verdict was returned in accordance with the facts and no blame was to be attached to anyone (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 20 1867
On Saturday evening last, Mr Robert Hunter, a brother of Mr William Hunter, who lately resided at Ray House, committed suicide by jumping into the water at Carraleena Point, near Rathmullan, county Donegal (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 22 1867
November 14, Richard, aged 8 years, youngest son of Mr James William Stewart, Aughavenen, Rathmullan (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 21 1868
On Easter Sunday, at Killygarvan Glebe, Rathmullan, the Rev. H. S. Cochrane, aged 36 years, after a lingering illness (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 31 1868
July 26, at Rathmullan, Florence Mary, the only daughter of Lieut. Williamson, R.N., Inspecting Officer of the Coast Guard, aged 5 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 15 1868
September 3, at Bangor, Catherine Martha, daughter of the Rev. R. Anderson, Rathmullan (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 1 1868
At his residence, Rathmullan, Samuel, the beloved son of Samuel C. Henderson, aged 3 years and 6 months (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 3 1869
July 27, at Rathmullan, Mr George Yates, H. M. S. Trafalgar, aged 24 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 21 1870
We learn that two able-bodied seamen amongst the crew of H. M. S. Captain were natives of Rathmullan, named, Daniel McCallum and Edward Diver, and it is feared that they were amongst those who perished. The former is remembered about his native shore as a skilful waterman, who was often instrumental in saving human life (Londonderry Standard)
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