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Aghavea Parish (Brookeborough), County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland Personal Announcements 1825-1890
Items from the Press
Extracted from Personal Announcements Inserted in the Enniskillen Chronicle and Lough Erne Packet & the Londonderry Sentinel
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia
This file of PERSONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS RELATING TO AGHAVEA PARISH, COUNTY FERMANAGH, NORTHERNIRELAND forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIESTYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to COUNTY FERMANAGH on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
Aghavea Parish Church, St. Lasarian’s Church of Ireland, Brookeborough, Co. Fermanagh
Mar 3 1825
CORRY. [Died] On Friday last, at Brookeborough, Mr. John Corry, an inoffensive man, and a good neighbour (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
May 19 1825
THOMPSON. [Died] On Friday night, at Drumgorran, near Brookeborough, Mrs. Thompson, aged 83 (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Aug 11 1825
THOMPSON. [Died] At Drumgorran, near Brookeborough, at a very advanced age, Miss Thompson, formerly of Drogheda (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Jan 19 1826
CARROTHERS. [Died] At his daughter’s house in Maguiresbridge, on Friday last, at the advanced age of 98 years, Mr. Robert Carrothers, formerly of Derrylummon, near Brookeborough (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Feb 21 1828
CONROY. [Died] An affecting instance of sudden death occurred in the neighbourhood of Brookeborough, on Friday last. Lieut. Conroy, on the half-pay of the 11th Regiment of Foot, being on a visit with two of the Civil Engineers, at present engaged in the survey of this county, accompanied them to the above place on Friday morning, when he was suddenly seized with apoplexy, and expired. His remains were interred in the grave yard at Colebrooke church on Sunday (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Apr 10 1828
HARPUR. [Died] At Brookeborough, on the 1st instant, at the advanced age of 94, Mrs. Harpur. She was a woman of active habits, and enjoyed her faculties nearly entire until within a short time of her death. She lived to see her great-great-grandchildren, and was supplied by nature some years ago with an entire new set of teeth (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
May 29 1828
LUCY. [Died] On Friday last, at Doogary, near Brookeborough, aged 77, Mr. Thomas Lucy(Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Feb 25 1830
STEWART & VANDELEUR. [Married] Feb. 23, at St. Thomas’ Church, Dublin, by the Rev. W. Vandeleur, the Rev. Charles Moore Stewart, second son of Alexander Stewart, Esq., of Ards House, Rector of Aghavea, and Killymard parishes, to Alice, second daughter of the late Right Hon. John Ormsby Vandeleur, and of Lady Frances Vandeleur(Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Jun 6 1833
MACARTNEY. [Died] At Skeog, near Brookeborough, on the 25th ult., of decline. William Macartney, Esq., Surgeon, 81st Regiment (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Aug 22 1835
BIRNEY. [Died] On Saturday last, from the rupture of a blood vessel, in the 18th year of her age, Anne, eldest daughter of the Rev. Thomas Birney, Rector of the parish of Aughavea (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 19 1838
MACARTNEY. [Died] At Skeog, near Brookeborough, on the 16th inst., Thomas Macartney, Esq. (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Jul 19 1838
ARMSTRONG. [Died] On Monday the 16th inst., Mrs. Armstrong, wife of Mr. William Armstrong, of Ballyreagh, near Brookeborough (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Jan 2 1841
WILKINS & JOHNSTON. [Married] Dec. 23rd, in Aughavea Church, by the Rev. John Whittaker, Thomas, son of Thomas Wilkins, Esq., of Becho, county of Fermanagh, to Miss Johnston, Brookeborough, daughter of the late Surgeon Johnston, R.N.(Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 31 1842
LITTLE. [Died]On Friday, the 23rd inst., at Tyrenny, near Brookeborough, Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr. James Little, Gortmore, at the advanced age of 96 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 13 1845
IRVINE & ARMSTRONG. [Married] On Friday, the 5th inst., in Aughavea church, by the Rev. Butler Brooke, Alexander Irvine, Esq., merchant, Enniskillen, to Miss Armstrong, eldest daughter of WilliamArmstrong, Esq., Brookeborough (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 17 1848
IRVINE & ARMSTRONG. [Married] At Brookeborough Church, on Wednesday, the 14th inst., JohnIrvine, Esq., Enniskillen, to Miss Armstrong, daughter of James Armstrong, Brookeborough (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 8 1854
WALSHE & CALLWELL. [Married] June 1, in Aghavea Church, by the Rev. J. Callwell, father of the bride, Robert P. Walshe, Esq., M.D., of Brookeborough, to Maria Letitia, eldest daughter of the Rev. Joseph Callwell, Rector of Aghavea, county of Fermanagh (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Nov 30 1854
We deeply regret to announce the death of Sir Arthur B. Brooke, Bart., M.P., which took place on Tuesday morning, the 21st instant, at 2 a.m., at his residence, Colebrooke, near Brookeborough. Sir Arthur, who had recently returned, apparently much improved, from Germany, whither he had been compelled to go for the benefit of his health, was stricken by the disease which has proved so fateful on Friday last, and was so violent was the attack that the medical gentleman –Charles Ovenden, Esq., M.D. - who was speedily in attendance, despaired of the recovery of his patient…..Sir Arthur was born in 1797, succeeded his father in 1834 and married in 1841, the Hon. Julia Henrietta Anson, fifth daughter of Sir George Anson G.C.B., and has left three sons and three daughters……etc., etc. (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
May 8 1856
“Oh! Did you hear what roaring cheer,
Was had at Paddy’s wedding, O,
And how so gay they spent the day,
From Churching unto bedding, O”.
PETERS & FARRELL. On Tuesday were married, at Aghavea Church, by the Rev. Joseph Callwell, Eliza, only daughter of the late Mr. Richard Peters, of Brookeborough, to Mr. Richard Farrell, who is so much respected and has lived so many years with the High Sheriff and Lady Arabella Brooke. Miss Peters is one of the best manufacturers of satin-stitch work or muslin in the North of Ireland, having been instructed by a lady from the Moravian Establishment, at Grace-hill, in the County Antrim. The party were favoured with a car from the High Sheriff, and another from Major Sterne, of Gola Castle, to take them to Church, and for the usual excursion through the country after the wedding (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
May 14 1858
LAW & CALLWELL. [Married]On the 5th inst., in Aghavea Church, by the father of the bride, the Rev. Robert Samuel Law, eldest son of Samuel Law, Esq., Kilbarrack House, county Dublin, to Eleanor, second daughter of the Rev. Robert Callwell, Rector of Aghavea, county Fermanagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 30 1858
ARMSTRONG & BEATTY. [Married] On the 21st inst., in Aughavea Church, by the Rev. William Bredin, uncle to the bride, assisted by the Rev. J. Thornhill, J.M. Armstrong, of Belfast, eldest son of James Armstrong, Esq., coroner of Fermanagh, to Mary Jane, youngest daughter of Lieutenant William Beatty, of Brookeborough (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 21 1863
JOYCE. [Died] August 17th, the wife of Mr. John Joyce, Brookeboro (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Mar 7 1865
MACKEN.[Died] On the 26th February, at Brookeborough, Thomas Macken, Esq., solicitor, aged 72 years, and for 20 years Sessional Crown Prosecutor for county Fermanagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 31 1866
MCGOWAN. [Birth] August 25, the wife of Dr. McGowan, Brookeborough, of a son (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 21 1867
MEEHAN. [Died] On the 10th April, at Paddington, Sydney, Rosanna, wife of Mr. Charles Meehan, formerly of Brookeborough, county Fermanagh, aged 58 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 19 1867
WILSON & HOUSTON. [Married] On the 14th November, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Omagh, by the Rev. J. Mitchell, John Wilson, Esq., M.D., Brookeborough, to Lizzy, eldest daughter of JohnHouston, Esq., Mountjoy, Omagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 27 1870
BELL & MCMILLEN. [Married] January 19, at Aghavea Church, by the Rev. J. Callwell, Mr. James Bell, Belturbet, county Cavan, to Rachel, youngest daughter of Mr. John McMillen, Aughavea House, county Fermanagh (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Mar 20 1890
BETTY & SPRATT. [Married] March 4th, in the Parish Church, Aghavea, by the Rev. W.H. Bradley, GuyBetty, Esq., Coolaness, Irvinestown, to Annie, youngest daughter of John Beatty, Esq., Tresna, Tempo (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
Feb 6 1890
It id our painful duty to record the death of Mr. John Hoey, Derryree House, which event took place at his nephew’s residence in Kesh. About a fortnight ago he went to Kesh to transact some business. He was then in apparent good health but was suddenly taken dangerously ill…..On Friday his mortal remains were brought back to his late home in Derryree and on Monday they were interred in the family burying ground in Aghavea Churchyard ….etc,. etc. (Enniskillen Chronicle & Lough Erne Packet)
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